Fighting two fronts at once is never an easy thing to do, it's even harder when one enemy the enemies are different heights.
A shield wall was formed to deal with the breedlings, however a shield wall doesn't work well against dwarves, sure you can protect your chest, but you're legs are wide open for a swing, duck down to their level and more often than not you have an angery dwarf climbing your shield, so instead they just started abusing the dwarves one weakness, tiny arms.
Soldiers with spears were rotated towards the rear flank to deal with dwarves, soldiers with anything else moved towards the front flank to deal with breedling soldiers, but things still seemed helpless.
"Great, i go from killing children women and eldery to killing midgets, i'm going to need a cold one tonight." sighed torag as he popped another dwarf with his meteor hammer.
"Torag man, stop acting like a priest and act like a warrior!" shouted guthan as he rammed his spear through yet another dwarf.
Dharok swung his axe in a vortex like fashion, which annilated the first wave of breedlings. "HAHAHAHA that's how you do it!" one of the only times dharok had a smile as he fought.
"Next wave approaching, it's alot bigger..." clare said, with a voice filled with terror.
Ahrim felt bad for her, she was powerful, but she wasn't used to combat, he placed his hand on her shoulder and said "Don't panic, don't show mercy, and you'll do fine."
She nodded, though by the expression on her face, she was obviously uncertain.
"TORAG we need a meat shield, get up here!" shouted down ahrim as torag pushed his way through the crowd and he stood by ahrim, ahrim pushed him infront of everyone else and they waited as the breedling wave 2 was on it's way.
28-Aug-2008 03:19:51