

Quick find code: 49-50-387-60195456



Posts: 2,868 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello and welcome to my cute little story thread. I am Reegena.
So, you've clicked on this link for one of several reasons: 1. You love my writing and want to read my newest story. 2. You hate my writing and want to laugh at my newest story. 3. You don't know my writing in a bit and just liked the title. or 4. You're in the middle of reading this story and have checked in to read the newest chapter. (Why are you reading this post?)
Whatever your purpose may be, welcome once again to this, my current story. Much to your dismay, I can't give you any summary of the plot. That's, really, what the prologue is for. You should read it.
Spread out through the story are random posts by me. They're seperated from the regular story by ~~~ symbols. If you want to know more about me or have a good laugh, put on your spam-walking sneakers and get to looking!
Rules: Few stories have them, all need them.
Rule 1: NO SPAMMING!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Rule 3: Don't flame me, it hurts my feelings. :( Rule 4: There is no Rule 4, and if you're one of my fans, you'd know that there never was.
Rule 5: Bios are open! Scroll down to the end of this page and read all about it in the last post.
Rule 6: Read the Prologue.
Rule 7: If you're going to wage war and you choose to use my thread as a battlefield, keep it to bumps only. Once every few days or when my story gets kicked to the third page or lower.
Rule 8: If you explode from lack of story, you must clean yourself up. I have superglue in back. Feel free to use it.
Rule 9: This isn't really a rule, but I have cookies here for you to eat and some nice baskets full of great soap you can smell. If you're my reader, I'm eternally greatful. ^_^ Rule 10: Read the Prologue.
Rule 11: Keep an eye on your children. Unattended children will be given and espresso and a free puppy.
Rule 12: My story is MY story. Any recreation without my permission will not be tolerated. :@


10-Jan-2010 03:36:33 - Last edited on 06-Sep-2010 02:31:55 by [#BPN2TQMFI]



Posts: 2,868 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The dining hall was filled to the brim with people - mostly drunken men of high status. The king was hosting a feast to welcome the beginning of spring, and after the harshest winter on record, it was a joyful sight, seeing the tulips in bloom.
Upstairs, though, wasn't such a happy place. A new captain had recently been promoted into the order of the White Knights of Falador, and he was receiving his duties.
The head of the whole operation leaned back in his chair, stroking the skin atop his head where hair had once been. He had managed to keep some of it: whispy, pathetic strangs of hair just as shining and white as the platebody he wore.
In front of him stood a man. A younger, leaner man whom still had hair and hadn't had the time to develop worry wrinkles or frown lines. Frowning, though, was something this young man loved to do. He hadn't been promoted to captian through good will and charity, the old man knew that for sure.
"We've lost six captains in the last five years," the old man said. "It'd look bad on our record to lose another."
The young captain nodded. "I plan on doing all I can to catch this criminal...Vansetti."
The old man stroked his chin. It's a shame, what age does to a man. Once a vigorous youth, the general found it harder and harder to keep up with the crime. With his hair migrating South, he'd been looking for a replacement, and this young captain that stood before him seemed much too stubborn to do the job.
The general had a five o'clock shadow. In his wisdom, he'd noticed that the more hair he lost atop his head, the faster it grew from his ears, nose and chin. Maybe he'd grow a beard and add a little mystique to his already impressive appearance.
"And what do you plan to do differently, Captain Wood?" The old general's voice was gruff after years of fulfilling his fancy to smith. The furnace smoke can do work on one's lungs.

10-Jan-2010 03:37:56 - Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 16:55:42 by [#BPN2TQMFI]



Posts: 2,868 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Captain Wood sneered. The old man must have been senile. Had he really just asked what would be done differently? The young captain had to refrain from laughing in front of his superior. "Well, sir, I shall review the records and stretch into places untapped by the past operations. I plan on doing right what they had done wrong."
The general stroked his chin. Yes, a beard would have been helpful right about then. "And by doing right what they'd wronged, you mean you plan on living?"
Captain Wood was taken aback by that statement. The old man was definitly senile and unfit for his post. Of course Wood planned on living. "Sir?"
"Certainly you didn't beleive those past captains resigned, did you?" The general found himself laughing at the incompetance of his future replacement. "When I said we lost six, I truely meant it." His chortles turned to anger, and he jumped to his feet, waving a boney finger. "Six loyal men: dead! Six honorable men with families, children, wives, and mothers who didn't live long enough to enjoy the position they'd worked for since they learned to toddle and carry a sword!"
Wood readjusted his grip on the white helment he carried at his side. "That makes Vansetti a murderer too, now. Doesn't it?"
This young man was getting under his skin, and the old general had to remind himself that he was, indeed, still in charge. Wood was merely a stubborn boy biting off more than he could chew. "Vansetti is the most prominent assassin of this Age."
"Then, sir," Wood said with a sneer. "How come you haven't managed to catch him?"
The general set his jaw and sank back into his chair. He'd rather all his hair move from his head to his ears before this boy took his place. "You underestimate the criminal, not good qualities for the head of this brigade."
"My apologies, sir."
"Vansetti is the most intellegent criminal you will ever face," the general's eyes narrowed. "You do understand that, right?"

10-Jan-2010 03:37:57 - Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 16:56:00 by [#BPN2TQMFI]



Posts: 2,868 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Captain Wood straightened his back. "I plan on doing all I can to avoid being outsmarted by him, sir. No matter what demon-ridden hell he crawled out of."
"That's another reason they shouldn't have promoted you, Captain. You must know the criminal to solve the crime."
"I don't?"
"Certainly not!" The general laughed in the same gruff tone he spoke. "Vansetti is the assassin's last name; Cyan is the first."
"Yes. It's a shade of blue."
Wood frowned. That certainly couldn't be true. The general definitly passed the line of sane mind for retirement. "What an odd name for a man, sir."
"That's just it: Vansetti isn't a man. She's a female."
"A woman?"
"A woman."

10-Jan-2010 03:38:16 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2010 17:24:39 by [#BPN2TQMFI]



Posts: 2,868 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Table of Contents:
I'm not one for reserves. I have no idea how long this story is going to be, so I've created this handy, dandy table of contents so you can jump to the newest add or manage to find the part you left off at without having to wade through knee-deep spam! (I suggest bringing your weighters anyway. ;) )
Prologue - Page One (all; 3 posts) (Did I mention you should READ IT?)
Chapter 1 - Page Two (all; 4 posts)
Chapter 2 - Page Three (all; 5 posts)
Chapter 3 - Page Six (all; 2 posts)
Chapter 4 - Page Six (all; 4 posts)
Chapter 5 - Page Eight (all; 3 posts)
Chapter 6 - Page Nine (all; 3 posts)
Chapter 7 - Page Thirteen (all; 3 posts)
Chapter 8 - Page Fourteen (all; 2 posts)
Chapter 9 - Page Fifteen (2 posts) & Page Sixteen (4 posts) (6 total)
Chapter 10 - Page Nineteen (all; 3 posts)
Chapter 11 - Page Twenty (all; 3 posts)
Chapter 12 - Page Twenty (all; 2 posts [broken])
Chapter 13 - Page Twenty-One (2 posts [broken]) & Page Twenty-Two (1 post) (3 total)
Chapter 14 - Page Twenty-Two (1 post) & Page Twenty-Three (1 post) (2 total)
Chapter 15 - Page Twenty-Five (2 posts) & Page Twenty-Six (2 posts) (4 total)
Chapter 16 - Page Twenty-Seven (all; 2 posts)
Fifty-Four Posts Total

10-Jan-2010 03:38:17 - Last edited on 18-Feb-2011 17:36:50 by [#BPN2TQMFI]



Posts: 2,444 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sweet, new story. Looking good so far! Maybe the assasin bio's will actually be useful here, instead of just well-intentioned spam... except for cats...I'll keep those for now.
*Hides 2000 pages of papers with drawings of cats on them*

10-Jan-2010 04:06:46



Posts: 2,868 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm picky picky picky with bios, sorry, but that's only because my first story was overrun with bios, and I never got to use them.
I'm in need of two types of characters: pointless and main.
Pointless Character: These aren't really pointless, but their only purpose is to be killed off by Cyan Vansetti. Yeah. I'm asking for someone to assassinate. If you submit a pointless character bio, I can almost guarntee they'll be used in the story.
Gender & Age:
Reason Someone Wants Them Dead:

Main Character: Okay, I wasn't originally going to need main characters, but I guess I could use a few. I need you to prove that you've both READ THE PROLOGUE and read the story. Really, I just took the *Official* Biography Thread's bio format and tweaked it. I might not use your character. Sorry.
Name [First, Middle(if there is one), and last]:
Race (big determining factor on whether or not I use them):
Appearance of Character:
Description of Weapons Used (Please don't make it outragous. Not everyone uses a dragon schimitar, you know):
Description of Armor Worn:
Personality [Overall]:
Brief History [Important Events]:
To prove you've actually read my prologue/story:
Which direction is the Old General's hair migrating?
What is "Rhody" short for?
There you go! Thank you for reading this post. :) Feel free to post as many bios as you'd like.

10-Jan-2010 16:53:22 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 00:45:38 by [#BPN2TQMFI]

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