

Quick find code: 49-50-385-65965870

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Welcome to a dieselpunk role-play, somewhat the spiritual successor of Broken World. The world is a fictional equivalent of ours, and begins in a post-Concert of Europe but pre-Great War fictional setting, but with advances in technology that includes primitive mechs and robots. It will gradually develop towards a dieselpunk WW1, and then perhaps more later on.

Transistors were never invented. The Modern Age of Imperialism caused widespread colonialism and enslavement, limiting the need for scientific advances present in our world at the current date. Thus, by the arrival of the Twenty-First Century, the developed world became:

Nevertheless, the Modern Age of Imperialism is ending, and the New Age is emerging. Slavery is disappearing, individual rights and freedoms are growing, and the monarchies of the Old World, and the corporate powers of the New Age, are opposed to such progressive ideals. What could possibly stop the New Age?

The role-play begins in New York, the city of immigrants, so is a suitable starting point for any kind of character. The current date is January 2nd, 2000, the dawn of the new millennium.

Users probably begin the role-play as an obscure or questionable individual, such as a mobster or private detective. Or, perhaps something as mundane as a laborer, immigrant, singer, shopkeeper, or a spoilt brat from the nobility. You may be a veteran from the New Age of Imperialism, an age of imperialism and late 19th-century warfare. Or maybe something more covert, like a witch hunter, bounty hunter, or serial killer. Or, maybe something extraordinary, like a superhero or sorcerer. Whatever you choose to be, and what you do, may influence the world.

More aspects and interactions of the world, and consequences of your actions, acquirement of items and feats, abilities in relation to your character’s actions, and chance of character death, will be explored as the role-play progresses.

15-Nov-2017 01:59:48 - Last edited on 20-Aug-2018 19:56:26 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Major Factions
The major economic and military powers of the world, listed in no particular order. All major factions include their colonies and territories, if applicable.

United States of America
British Empire (includes British Raj and British colonies of Africa, Asia, and Oceania)
Austro-Hungarian Empire (includes Balkan territories)
German Empire (includes colonies in Africa, Asia, and Oceania)
French Third Republic (includes colonies in Africa, Asia, and Oceania)
Empire of Japan
Russian Empire (includes Alaska and Asian territories)
Kingdom of Italy (includes some African colonies and Balkan territories)
Canadian Confederation
Third Bulgarian Tsardom
Kingdom of Greece
Ottoman Empire (includes territories in North Africa, the Balkans, and western Arabia)
Kingdom of Romania
Kingdom of Serbia
Kingdom of Montenegro
Kingdom of Belgium (includes African colonies)
Qing Dynasty
First Portuguese Republic
United Mexican States
Rattanakosin Kingdom
Great Korean Empire
United States of Venezuela
New Zealand (includes Maori tribes)

Modern militaries consist mostly of riflemen supported by officers, snipers, sappers, spies, cavalry, artillery, and navy. Some major factions are supplemented by indigenous recruits or tribal forces. Tactics include digging holes and trenches for cover (usually when holding a defensive position or when besieging a place), bayonet charges, horseback skirmishing, cavalry charges, and naval bombardment.

However, aircraft and armored vehicles have not yet been utilized in significant numbers. Further military invention and innovation will occur at a later time.

15-Nov-2017 02:00:24 - Last edited on 20-Aug-2018 19:57:14 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Minor Factions

Law enforcement consists of police officers, constables, or detectives, present throughout most of the developed world. It is their duty to throw criminals into jail. Police officers are also called for riot control, and have training in the truncheon, sword, and pistol.

Part-time soldiers who are called upon during times of serious civil unrest, or to bolster armies. They may also work for corporate interests.

Irish Mob
They consist entirely of Irish and Irish-Americans. They are notorious for their impulsive, aggressive, violent crimes and mob violence. Fellow Irishmen are usually patriotic and eager to fight against anyone non-Irish, making Irish Mobsters difficult to apprehend.

Sicilian criminal families make up the Mafia, but they have since expanded to include powerful Italian, Italian-American, and American families. They are wealthy, regal, cunning, brutal, and quite efficient. The Mafia often bribes the law, and indeed, lawmen can work for the Mafia.

Black Hand
A secret criminalistic military society of the Balkans but also having a presence in Spain and America, originating in the Kingdom of Serbia. The Black Hand is involved in the worst crimes imaginable, from child kidnappings to assassinations of monarchs. Consists mostly of Serbs, Croats, Albanians, Bosnians, and other South Slavs, but can also include Polish Jews, Italians, Sicilians, Americans (usually from New York or Chicago) and Spaniards. The Black Hand is anti-Ottoman, anti-Austria-Hungary, and pro-Serbia.

Pinkerton National Detective Agency
''We never sleep.''
The Pinkerton's are a private, militia-like security and detective agency in America, but were also involved in warfare against Native Americans, repression of rioters and workers on strike, espionage, and corporate mercenary work. They foiled assassination plots targetting Abraham Lincoln.

15-Nov-2017 02:00:51 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2018 06:58:20 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
EVE, Plasmids, Vigors, and Magic

is what allows you to use Plasmids or Vigors, and depletes upon usage. EVE is automatically acquired upon obtaining Plasmids or Vigors. Each user has five EVE points by default, assuming they begin the role-play with Plasmids or Vigors.

are abilities acquired by injection of special serums. They create new cells, new genes, new genetic information, and new tissues that enable paranormal abilities. Tier 1 Plasmids costs 1 EVE per use, but tier 2 or 3 Plasmids costs 2 EVE. Upon injecting yourself with a Plasmid, all EVE is restored.

are expensive, stronger, more complex, drinkable versions of Plasmids. Vigors enable paranormal abilities to a greater degree than most Plasmids, and are usually more versatile, but cost two EVE per use. Drinking Vigors also restores all EVE.

, also known as
, and other titles, are supernatural abilities limited to certain classes, characters, circumstances, or magical objects. Supernatural powers vary greatly, and may be unique per individual, as well as potentially more powerful than Vigors or Plasmids. Supernatural powers are not understood. Presumably, one's consciousness connects to the laws of physics and space-time, allowing manipulation of reality.

is magical energy, and comes from the user's own stamina. Magic that is powerful and cast frequently tires out the user, but this rate is not fully understood, and varies amidst individuals.

15-Nov-2017 02:01:03 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2018 21:24:21 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Notable Characters
A list of peculiar classes that exist. Users are free to edit existing Characters or create their own.

Refers to an adventurer who lives by one’s guns. They often earn a living by being a mercenary, bounty hunter, hired bodyguard, or bandit. Although robotics are rather primitive, some adventurers have mechanical replacements for lost body parts.

The wealthy nobility of old. Contrary to their old-fashioned, regal appearance, the gentry also do fencing and target practice with pistols, since dueling is part of their culture. They can also ride horses.

Largely considered a myth, the Hunters are in fact an enigmatic, archaic order of slayers, dedicating their lives to the killing of monsters, sorcerers, witches, vampires, werewolves, undead, demons, and supernatural forces. If necessary, they kill humans, even other Hunters, to keep the forces of evil at bay.

Since carrying firearms is usually illegal, Hunters are equipped with archaic weaponry, but some carry concealed revolvers. They also make use of traps, lassos, explosives, bolts that are poisoned or explosive, gadgets, and tools.

Hunters prefer to work during nighttime while avoiding public zones, as keeping a low profile is part of their creed. They are capable of superhuman feats of acrobatics, strength, precision, and agility.

15-Nov-2017 02:01:20 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2018 03:39:37 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorcerer / Warlock
Men who possess supernatural powers, they are rightfully feared for their unexplainable abilities and curses.

Witch / Sorceress
Women who possess supernatural powers, they are rightfully feared for their unexplainable abilities and curses.

Even in the modern era, some evils refuse to die. Vampires possess increased strength, reflexes, agility, precision, and quickness, and are capable of supernatural powers, but are very sensitive to sunlight and bright lights. Lifespan is increased tenfold. If a Vampire develops glowing eyes and/or monstrous features, these are signs of increased physical, sensory and magical potential.

Youngbloods are Vampires whose vampirism has not reached fifty years in length. Only then, are they considered true Vampires.

Elders are at least three hundred years old. They are as potent as Sorcerers with magic.

Primordials are the very first Vampires, born sometime in the Middle Ages. They possess superhuman physicality, and are masters of magic, alchemy and artifice.

Primordials can undergo a metamorphosis, taking one post to complete and to revert, transforming into a Gargoyle . Greatly increases strength and senses, and enables winged flight.

Those cursed or born with lycanthropy. Transformation takes one post to complete, and one post to revert to human form. While in monster form, Werewolves possess the hardiness and sensory prowess of wolves, and the biggest ones have strength comparable to gorillas or bears. Werewolves do not have the intellect or self-control for magic, Plasmids, or Vigors.

15-Nov-2017 02:13:40 - Last edited on 25-Jul-2018 07:18:13 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Little Sister
They are the result of extreme genetic modification and bioengineering, to such an extent, their heads and eyes potentially become gigantic, their eyes glow, and their voices are hollow. Little Sisters are actually much stronger and heavier than they look, and possess regeneration.

The Little Sisters were created in the Little Sister’s Orphanage, an orphanage program that spread throughout the richest cities in the English-speaking world. However, these were actually secretly bioengineering facilities, transforming orphans (and kidnapped children) into Little Sisters for ADAM production. Since Little Sisters are paramount for ADAM production, organized crime targets them for the black market. Little Sisters are worth a hundred times their weight in solid gold, making them quite a valuable resource.

Whatever the Little Sister consumes (especially the blood of those who possess Plasmids or Vigors, or the blood of powerful beings), is naturally converted into ADAM. Thus, when regurgitation is induced, the Little Sister's ADAM-rich bile is stored then processed into ADAM-based products. The larger head and eyes they have, the more potent their ADAM.

The idea of Little Brothers was attempted, but thus far have failed. Presumably, this is due to only girls having a womb, which may be tied to the Little Sisters’ ADAM production. Like most children, Little Sisters are usually playful, curious, kind, emotional, and easily frightened when alone. They tend to follow anything that will protect them, and sometimes manage to sneak out of their abusive orphanages.

note: anime-looking characters can be Little Sisters or Little Brothers

15-Nov-2017 21:38:04 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2018 19:36:05 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Big Sister
When a Little Sister becomes pubescent, she grows up into a Big Sister! However, their genetic information is distorted, and the effects of ADAM mentally damaging. Thus, upon reaching pubescence, the individual loses the ability to think properly, and are often violently aggressive. Since they tend to damage themselves, the Big Sister is forced to wear a straight-jacket, which is then incorporated into their peculiar protective but flexible diving suits.

They remain in this state for the rest of their lives, and are ferociously protective of their little siblings. The regeneration ability is also mostly lost when growing finishes, but adult Big Sisters still heal twice as fast as humans. Big Sisters can scream and screech similarly to dolphins, making them frightening to those unused to ghastly noises.

Big Sisters also occasionally kidnap children, taking them to facilities to transform them into Little Sisters. It is unclear why this occurs, but seems to indicate that Big Sisters think of their facilities as home, and as victims of abuse themselves, learned such behaviour.

Fast-moving, powerful, resilient. Due to their bodies being full of ADAM, Big Sisters are capable of casting very strong Plasmids and Vigors. Can dive and swim excellently. Big Sisters can heal injuries by impaling other ADAM-blooded individuals and sucking out their blood with a large wrist-mounted needle, then absorbing or injecting the blood.

note: anime-looking characters can be Big Sisters or Big Brothers

15-Nov-2017 21:38:09 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2018 21:36:50 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Big Daddy
Big Daddies were created to protect Little Sisters from criminals. They are genetically modified, bioengineered humanoids, losing the ability to speak, and instead can only grumble and groan like a whale. Presumably, female equivalents are Big Mommas.

Huge and powerful, and intimidating, they are capable of underwater journeys, and are fiercely protective of Little Sisters. They consist of subclasses listed below.

Bouncer class / Mr. Bubbles / Mr. B
Bouncers do not have the intellect to use magic, Plasmids or Vigors, but are huge. Very fast charge and running speed.

Giant Dad
A massive variant of the Bouncer. His titanic feet can crush just about anyone and anything, but his huge size means he can’t turn, climb or hide very well.

Rosie class
The Rosie class is not as big or strong as the Bouncer, but equipped with a large two-handed gun of some kind, and can throw bombs. Does not have the intellect to use Plasmids, Vigors or magic. Fast charge and running speed.

Alpha class
The lightest of all Big Daddies, but the Alpha class possesses the most intelligence and agility. Can't use magic, but can use Plasmids or Vigors, making them especially dangerous and flexible.

15-Nov-2017 21:38:24 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2018 21:39:36 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
An official investigator of a private agency or from law enforcement. Detectives analyze crime scenes, uncover criminal syndicates, unmask hidden threats, find hiding criminals, and even go against corrupt lawmen.

The Dishonored
Murderers, serial killers, arsonists, saboteurs, terrorists, freedom fighters, folk heroes, legends...
They are always waiting. They are always listening. They are always watching. They appear as fast as they disappear. If you can hear them , pray you can escape. If you can see them , it is already too late...

Shrouded in as much darkness as mystery, The Dishonored are ghostly personnel possessing superhuman stealth, balance, precision and agility, and unusual supernatural powers. Only the best law bringer can ever stand a chance at catching them.

additional images shared by NotFishing,

15-Nov-2017 21:38:28 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2018 19:00:24 by Azi Demonica

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