
Feathers on Fire

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Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

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Do you really think you can save them? You can't. Your fate is sealed with a darkness that will consume you. And this is Xau-Tak.

It bin wile sinse me rite. Shaman seem weerd after sluggy stick to him. He no saym shaman dat teech me befor. He look like he no sleep for long time, saym as me. Me tink shaman rite dis ting on payper in his blud.

Me bin havvin nitemayers too. Narsty dreems bout massiv city of black rocks dat start maykin weerd song, and all me heer is dis ting called Zowtak, peepul screemin and dyin. Me also heer naym dat sownd famillyer, naym of hyuman dat come to Gu-Tanoth befor. In black rock city, me see wot look like fishies, but me get close and dey start rottin and oozin blud. Rocky howses come to life and dey start grabbin me. Sumtimes me wunder if it dreem.

Me carnt do nuthin for shaman like dis. Me need to leev and lurn by self, away from doze black rocks and sluggies. Me hed norf.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

06-Sep-2016 16:49:44

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lord Armadyl,

My concerns for Flight Kresta are increasing the more time she spends near the ocean. I should never have brought these wretched stones back to our nest; some of our flock are still having horrors from the being known as Xau-Tak. They quiver in their perches, and one has actually attacked us, possibly out of horror-induced madness. I can feel my spirit being grated even as I write.

I fear that the tendrils of Xau-Tak are still constricting the world, even the ogres of the Feldip Hills. Scouts from the flock report sightings of black stones and strange creatures not unlike slugs inside the tents where the ogres make their homes. The young one who was training to become a shaman has left; his tutor seems to have fallen to the tendrils, as are the rest of Gu'Tanoth and our flock. I myself will investigate the shaman apprentice, who is currently journeying north.

The Chaos Paladins are not making things any easier. Reports reached me of a shipment of javelins being raided at northern Asgarnia, with no survivors on our side. Not a single drop of Zamorakian blood has been spilt. The same reports also tell me of their plans to stop a group of goblins who have razed Falador and the Wilderness, in the name of the Queen of Ashes. It would seem that the Temple Knights are still reeling from the blaze, or else they may have assisted us.

Flockleader Grestin has received reports from the west, over the Galarpos Mountains. The elves of Tirannwn are being disturbed by darkness; perhaps this is Xau-Tak's doing as well? My own scouts have returned from the sea and informed me that small groups of Zarosians are meeting in several islands, including demons, vampyres, and some very powerful humans including a cryomancer. I pray for your guidance, my lord.

The sun will shine over our wings!

Wingman Ta'Kaada
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

07-Sep-2016 14:15:52

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hyuman city neer Gu'Tanoth burnin, but it no look like normal fire. Da flaymses have loads of cullurs and da heet not normal. But peepul still burnin, and howses still on fire. Sum peepul start gettin up wile on fire, and dey start prayin to Queen of Ashes. Me no know who dat is. Den goblin come up to me and start talkin bout Queen of Ashes, sayin she set dem free from getting trodden on. Wot he talkin bout?

It weerd, but goblin no talk like other goblins. Dey normly not much diffrant from ogres, and talk ruffly like us. But dis wun sownd calm and kwiet, lookin up at me widout feer. He say to me dat evryting gonna be okay, dat me shud lite fire in hart and brayk free from Big High War God who tred on peepul. Me larf at dis. He no tred on us, he mayk us strong! Me carst spell at goblin, but he vanish in bits of ash and come back on top of howse. Den he throw fire arownd city.

Hyumans followin God of Dark Fire come to city too, and dey attak goblin. Me tink dey lot stronger dan normal soljurs of God of Dark Fire wearin black armurr. But peepul come up from cullurd fires and fite back, and more goblins and wolf men and beerdy short peepul and loads of other tings me no see befor all come and strike back. Dis reel war! Me need to fite dem all for Bandos!
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

09-Sep-2016 13:10:06

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lord Armadyl,

There appears to be quite the disturbance of harmony in this area, even more than usual. Some strange creatures seeming to be comprised of ash have appeared and launched an inferno of multicoloured flames into the human settlement known as Yanille, while preaching the way of the Queen of Ashes. The ogre I had been following has stopped there and attacked a goblin-like being there, and now the Chaos Paladins are attacking! Even their fearsome leader, Furora, is joining the fray. As is your advice we have avoided conflict wherever possible, but I fear we may have no choice but to retaliate should they attack us. With your permission, my lord, I would mobilise the Dawnstriker, even though it has not been completed yet.

I still have yet to hear from Flight Kresta, who I know is still busy researching the entity known as V. I also regret to inform you that our flock are still restless since Wingman Ta'Kaada brought back the black stones from the oceans; even I find myself having nightmares of an obsidian city of rock resonating with the pained cries of tortured souls, and gleaming red eyes glaring from around me.

Kree'arra has sent me a letter telling me that the Temple of Lost Ancients has been set alight by multicoloured flames; perhaps the same fire that is currently razing Yanille? There is no doubt in my mind; this inferno has consumed Falador and the Wilderness in the past. The flames may even be eating their way across the oceans, as they seem virtually inextinguishable. And then there is a possible other threat that may come from the west, as my scouts have told me. Should I help Flight Kresta, stop the destruction razing Yanille, or come to Kree'arra's aid?

May our feathers shine in your glory!

Flockleader Grestin
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

09-Sep-2016 22:01:37

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Me fite loads of times back in Gu'Tanoth, but dey nuthin like in dat hyuman town. Doze goblins crazy, throwin fire evreewear and dey burn hole town! Den soljurs of God of Dark Fire come and attak evreewun as well as me. Me carst spells at dem and defend wid majik shield, but dey loads tuffer dan enny hyuman me ever saw. Me only just beet em, den leeder come and tayk out hyuge sword. She reel pretty hyuman lady, wid red hair and brite green eyes, but sumting bout her mayk me respekt her. Me no know wot it is, but dat sumting come out stronger wen she attak me. It very hard fite, me just bout survive. But she beet me. Me need to get stronger for Bandos.

And now me wayk up in town and evreeting still burnin wid doze fires dat goblin throw. More goblins, hyumans, beerdy short men, wolf men...loads of dem come to me wid fire in deir hands, and dey say it gunna be okay, dat Queen of Ashes mayk path cleer wid her flaym. Dey throw it at me and dat all me remember til now.

Now me sumwear diffrant. It have green pools and burnt rocks dat feel like dey go cold long ago. Massive ting come to me and talk proppalee. He say we in Yu'biusk, he ourg called Zarador, and he build hyuge masheen to bring war in naym of Bandos. He also say dat me can leed his armies, and command masheen wen it finish.

Ourg reely exist? Me no shoor if me beleev it; me fort dey die out towzands of yeers ago, back in grayt war of gods. And me fort Yu'biusk place where soljurs go wen dey die. But alreddy me heer voyce of Big High War God. Me feel blud burnin for fites, majik sizzlin in hands. Hundreds of goblins and trolls come at me wid clubs and swords rayzed. Me rayze staff, and da fite begin now!
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

12-Sep-2016 17:04:38

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lord Armadyl,

It has been two months since the minions of the Queen of Ashes set Yanille ablaze with the same inferno that has consumed Falador, the Wilderness, and the Temple of Lost Ancients. They even burned down our eyrie, and we had no choice but to migrate out to sea. I do not know the fates of Flight Kresta or Flockleader Grestin, but I hope that they will return to our new nest soon.

Whatever happened to the ogre, I cannot say. At first I thought Furora of the Chaos Paladins slew him, but then the Dawnstriker fired and almost levelled the town. We tried to help the humans rebuild, but they feared us and tried to attack. This was quite natural, given that they had been razed by the Queen of Ashes then attacked by the ogre and the Chaos Paladins. But now I fear we may have no allies left, not even the Saradominists. All Armadyleans will need each other more than ever in these dark times.

I can hear the resonance of the dreaded Xau-Tak more than ever here. These islands are the lowest pits on the planet. Even the soil wants us dead. Crazed monks, pirates, reptilian creatures I believe are named Dagannoth, hallucinations of horrors, these wretched slugs and black feathers ruffle as they close in on us.

Fewer and fewer of our scouts return from their expeditions, and those who do return with a look of sheer terror. It quickly became common for them to break down off of their talons, gripping their heads or embracing their knees. The words of one of my scouts, a young boy named Kree'Preska, haunt me to this day. He said, "These waters are pure evil. They will swallow our nest if we stay here." This is something I am aware of, but we have no other choice. We are in desperate need of your guidance, my lord.

May justice shine upon us!

Wingman Ta'Kaada
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

12-Sep-2016 22:13:45

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Me beat all challenges set by Zarador. All goblins, ogres, trolls, ourgs, me beat them all. Me no just stronger than them, me faster and smarter too. Then me beat Zarador in game of chess, and now me help him build Skullrazer, machine for war. He teach me to write loads better now, it help when me write plans and design things for army of Big High War God. We gonna be far stronger than ever before, and bring glorious battle in name of Bandos.

Skullrazer not ready yet, though. It need parts taken by Temple Knights fighting for God of Shiny Light, and Chaos Paladins with God of Dark Fire. Goblins tell me about Temple Knights, they clever and sneaky but amazing fighters, they keep order in Saradomin name. Me fight Chaos Paladins myself, they very strong. Their leader nearly killed me back at human town near Gu'Tanoth. Me ready, me want another fight with them.

Goblins also say they see other goblins that no fight for Big High War God, instead they make fire for Queen of Ashes. Me know about them, they burn human town. They also burn huge human city of Falador where Temple Knights are, kill loads of people and set fire to massive area. Me hear Temple Knights still trying to get back on their feet after that, maybe me should get part from them first?

Chaos Paladins go all over world, making war and struggles happen. Me think God of Dark Fire no much different from Big High War God, we may have fun with them. But their leader very strong, me remember there something about her that command respect from anyone she meet. It could be very tough, but we like challenge. We go for them next.

Ogre come up and say that Gu'Tanoth burned to ground by weird coloured fires. Some make it, Rantz and kids make it, but shaman no make it. Ogre tell me that shaman have bad dream and murmur in sleep before he die, talking of god Zarador tell me called Xau-Tak. That god may be cause of all problems. We have to take fight to him soon, for shaman sake.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

14-Sep-2016 11:16:49

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lord Armadyl,

It is with sorrow and regret that I bring terrible news. A tsunami has swamped the entire Fremennik Isles, including the Lunar Isle, forcing me to abandon my studies into V. Even worse, I can hear the hymn of Xau-Tak resonating from the deluge, and see obsidian rocks pockmarking the islands. And the Moon Clan mages have learned through their connection to the moon that the Dagannoth have begun to besiege the land, spreading from Waterbirth Island. I fear that they will come to encroach upon the mainland of Gielinor soon.

Among the salty quagmire of my new perch, the body of one of our flock had washed up on a human building covered by sea and soil. His feathers seemed bristled, perhaps before they were bedraggled by the wave, and his expression looked fearful, as if he had seen something horrible before the light faded from him. What was even more disturbing, however, was the parchment he had been carrying. It was not a letter delivered through the flock. It was a suicide note. I fear that some terrible darkness had taken him, likely Xau-Tak. Another aviansie washed up next to him, a female who is still smouldering with odd multicoloured flames. It would appear that she was swallowed by a similar inferno to that which consumed Falador.

These two lost souls will not have died in vain, and they shall be reunited in the last great flight. My lord, I beseech you to allow me to return to the flock immediately, complete the Dawnstriker, take to the oceans and wipe the perversions to justice off the face of this planet.

Together we soar in the light of justice!

Flight Kresta
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

19-Sep-2016 21:11:41

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Me make magic stones that move us from Yu'biusk to other places, and give them to goblins. They fast and good at scouting, they gonna put down the bombs we make when we fight. They also sneaky and make good shooters. Trolls have tough body, they come out first with shields and lift heavy stuff like machines. Ogres not as tough as trolls but shamans best magic users. Zarador know how to use Skullrazer, and he smartest of us. He give advice when me need it.

We no fight each other now. We save ourselves for real fight, for war that come soon.

Goblin come back after putting magic stones down and say he see Chaos Paladin leader when he put last stone down. Me take staff, spellbook, potions and pouches to summon things with. Other goblins take bows and daggers, trolls take out big shields and pull catapults, other ogres bring out clubs and armour. We go to where me draw circle for last magic stone, and we go to fight Chaos Paladins.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

21-Sep-2016 12:20:32

Ancient Drew

Ancient Drew

Posts: 5,732 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lord Armadyl,

We have received information that a Temple Knight going by the name of Sir Cumference has fired the Dawnstriker into the human town while our attentions were turned to the conflicts there. Why Saradomin would go out of his way to try and decimate his own people I do not know, but it is clear to me that something is very much afoot.

The shot has taken its toll on the Dawnstriker; we were close to finishing it off before Sir Cumference fired it into Yanille. And now we find ourselves set back to fixing it, while the human wizards in the town set to rebuilding their homes. I shall have a word with the Temple Knight immediately after sending my report.

My scouts to Flight Kresta who remains in the Fremennik Isles have not yet returned. Her own scouts, however, have informed me that a colossal wave engulfed the Isles, and that there were many casualties including aviansie. Reports also state that some of the victims have been covered in strange flames that continue to burn in spite of the water. It would seem my worst fears have been confirmed; Xau-Tak and the Queen of Ashes are indeed on this planet, and are threatening to engulf it in a naval cataclysm.

Thankfully, Kree'arra and the other generals have managed to extinguish the flames covering the Temple of Lost Ancients, but the raging battle there continues. How long it will be before the fighting there spills out into the sea with the rest of us, I cannot say. I will focus all of my efforts into gleaning as much information from Sir Cumference as possible, and rebuilding and completing the Dawnstriker so that we may cut these shadows at the source.

Harmony will shine on our backs as we soar!

Flockleader Grestin
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in Naval Cataclysm!

Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439

23-Sep-2016 10:41:07

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