Do you really think you can save them? You can't. Your fate is sealed with a darkness that will consume you. And this is Xau-Tak.
It bin wile sinse me rite. Shaman seem weerd after sluggy stick to him. He no saym shaman dat teech me befor. He look like he no sleep for long time, saym as me. Me tink shaman rite dis ting on payper in his blud.
Me bin havvin nitemayers too. Narsty dreems bout massiv city of black rocks dat start maykin weerd song, and all me heer is dis ting called Zowtak, peepul screemin and dyin. Me also heer naym dat sownd famillyer, naym of hyuman dat come to Gu-Tanoth befor. In black rock city, me see wot look like fishies, but me get close and dey start rottin and oozin blud. Rocky howses come to life and dey start grabbin me. Sumtimes me wunder if it dreem.
Me carnt do nuthin for shaman like dis. Me need to leev and lurn by self, away from doze black rocks and sluggies. Me hed norf.
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