Dis furst time me rite sumting down. Me nevva hav time to rite beffor, so me fink it help if me do it now and look at it layta.
Me carnt rite naym down, dunno how to spell it or rite it. But me hope me lurn soon.
Me trayn to become shaman of Gu'Tanoth. Majik get betta all tha time, and me lurnin how to summun tings from spirit place. Furst ting me summun is bird, it folow me evreewear since me come back from shaman lessun. Me keep it as pet, but me no tink of naym yet. Me gonna rite it down wen me get more time to fink.
Ogres stil fite evree day. It silly, me fink, why we no go out and fite other tings instedd of ar-selfs? Arnt we spost to be soljurs of Big High War God? We no much of army if we fite eech other. It time me tayk tings in ohn hands and mayk us best fiters for Bandos. Me gonna get stronger and leed us to real war and graytnuss.
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Naval Cataclysm!
The peace salvaged from Bandos' facing of justice is beginning to dwindle. Those who continue to adopt his propaganda after his death are showing signs that they are ceasing their infighting; an omen that they are becoming more organised and are planning to form an army.
Worse news came from Wingman Ta'Kaada, who returned from an investigation of the oceans of this world. He brought back with him some strange black stones, and I feel a sense of unease as I gaze at them. He told me of a darkness that lurks in those waters, rending the souls of those unfortunate enough to be disturbed by it in their minds. Some of our flock ruffle feathers and murmur the name of Xau-Tak on their perches, and I have heard another name uttered by them which sounds peculiar. I informed Kree'arra and he says that he knows this name, the name of the World Guardian. I only hope that whoever this World Guardian is, that they will help restore peace and justice to the world.
Flockleader Grestin flew back and told me that small numbers of Zarosians are starting to gather at different coasts. She has written a few notes, including a search for one of their ships known as the Glory of Zaros which disappeared in the Second Age. There is a possibility that Xau-Tak had something to do with that boat, as well as the terrors our flock are facing now. I request that you allow us to move out to the oceans to investigate, and to cut whatever horror infests those places at the root.
Me have plan to stop ogre fites, but furst me need to master majik. Den me need to bekum leeder of Gu'Tanoth and tayk dem to other places, so we can make grayt army for Bandos. War wot we need, not fite eech other.
It gud to be strong in boddy, but brain needed too. Shaman show me how to play you-man game called checkers. Most ogres just eat peeces or throw board thru tent. But me play proppalee. Me neerly beet shaman after sicks games, he say me good. He say best way to play is protekt peeces wile attakking enemee. Diffrant peepul have diffrant plans and diffrant weekness, he say. Evreewun have weekness, but to be strong we have to cuvver week bits or plan round dem, and keep playing. Also he say me shud play diffrantly dependin on how enemee plays.
Anuvver shaman come out of cave and carry bag of eggs from blue lizards breethin fire. Dat wot mayk me want to bekum shaman; dey can fizz big lizards like dey nuthin. And sum of dem grayt summuners. Shaman teechin me say he show me to use powerful majik to fry lizards one day, but he say it dangeruss. Bird sit on shoulder wile me sit in front of fire at tent, meditatin. Da strongest always stay calm, nevva lose hedd and use cunnin. Me gonna bekum strongest ogre of dem all, and leed dem to grayt war in name of Bandos.
Nite comes, me put fire out and go to sleep. In mornin, me wake up and find all ogres round city on ground. Dey hurt, probbly poison from goblin spear. Me know goblins can be stoopid, but dey can be smart too. And dey is good at findin tings to use. Shaman shakin on floor at his tent, he say look for healin spell. He say me need to get it exakly rite. Me turn pages on his book...
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Naval Cataclysm!
Please forgive my shortcomings. I know that if we are to panic then we would surely be lost in the darkness. We need your wisdom and guidance more than ever.
But I still fear for the safety of the flock in the face of these shadows. The Chaos Paladins of Zamorak are making their move, Sliske is sending out his legions of undead wights, the black stones seem to sing the ominous hymn of Xau-Tak, and even the Zarosians are showing up. I know that while the Zarosians are indeed mighty, they pose no threat to us as long as we keep our distance and do not engage them, but I fear that may change soon.
Thankfully, the elves of Tirannwn happily accept peace, and the Saradominists still seem friendly to us...for the moment, at least. Yet even they seem to be getting restless; perhaps they sense the looming umbrellas casting their palls against the light? Harmony is being threatened, my lord, and I feel that a terrible cataclysm will take place on the seas of Gielinor.
Those of Guthix's followers who adopt his teachings after his death continue to whisper about a terrible omen threatening the balance; I believe that they intend to go out to sea as well. The same can be said of the Godless, who would gladly take the opportunity to take the fight to all sides of the gods, and the remaining Bandosians who would love to take to the waters simply for the pleasure of the fray. There are also a number of humans of the Fremennik tribe who follow a being they call V. I shall investigate this faction and glean as much information on them as possible; it is a vital precaution if they should attack us. I will write back to you as soon as I find out more about these parties.
Me show book to shaman and go thru payges till he puts finger on it. Spell need pointy red mushroom that rare here. But me have wun in my tent, so me run to get it and tayk back to shaman. Den me draw sircul round us and mushroom and rayze staff. Shaman and all of Gu'Tanoth get saved but dey stil look dizzy. Shaman say he need rest till sicksies go away, and he no move much. Me look outside and see sum ogres still lyin on dirt and no movin, and udders gettin up to fite. Fiters no last long befor dey die from sicksies, dey no even hit eech udder wid fists or clubs. Da wuns lyin on dirt get up slow like and walk bak home wen fite stops.
Now sevvun dayz later dey get out and look fine. Me lurn lots from dat day; rest good for maykin strong fiters, good to wayt and go home if get sicksies. Den dey get better, fite better too. Shaman tell me to look at ogre with shield. He no attak much at furst, just blok evreeting dat dey hit him wid. Dey get tired after wile, den he crush em wid club. Now me know what shaman talk bout befor, bout protekshun bein a good ting. It not just good for checkers, it good for fites too. It make diffrans between fiters and soljurs.
Den shaman tell me traynin begin. Me get rock cake from market and try to burn it black wid majik. Furst spell miss and get out of tent. Sumting blow up far away, me no know wot. Me try agenn. Dis time me hit it and it blast to bitses all over tent. Littul hole show up and start smokin, tent cuvver in black. Me go out to get anudder rock cake.
Shaman in town buyin stuff for herbses from Grud, and he see me cuvvered in soot and bits of rock. Den he say me need to foekuss, wurk round rock and not into it. Dat wot break rock. Me hed bak home wid food from cooks and tings from Dal, den me see Rantz outside tent. He start shoutin at me bout his chompy bird blowin up in his fayce.
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Naval Cataclysm!
As soon as I reached a settlement called Relekka, I discovered banners bearing a V shaped symbol. I perched over one of their houses and overheard them mourning the being known as V. It appears that he was a god of heroism who had been killed recently by the Dragonkin. I only remember too well your warnings against those dread creatures who mercilessly hunt down any who use the Stone of Jas, but perhaps this deity had some more knowledge on such beings? I intend to remain in this area for a while and continue my investigation.
While here, I also noticed some strange scorch marks bearing smoulders of a multitude of colours. Whether it is sorcery or that worshippers of another god attacked, I cannot say for certain. And Relekka's citizens speak in angered tones of goblins launching multicoloured flames at them, and of an aquatic enemy known as the Dagannoth. There are also murmurs of lost shipwrecks, trolls attacking the area and surrounding islands, an uneasy and likely temporary alliance with what is known as the Lunar Clan, and breakouts of fighting on occasion. I find myself wondering if V was any different to Bandos sometimes. Soon, I will depart for the other islands and learn more of events there.
Even the people here tend to suffer nightmares similar to the aviansie, murmuring about tendrils, the maw of eternity and a soul-rending darkness. Some of them clutch items with the symbol of V in their sleep, others fondle blades and keep one eye open. I shall continue my investigation here for now, but even I find myself in a state of unease. I can almost hear the song of Xau-Tak as I look out to the sea. I pray that harmony shines upon this world soon.
Shaman get Rantz calm, den me go back to his tent. Me beet him at checkers for once! And now he say we mayk tings a lil harder wid anudder you-man game dey call chess. It same board wid same cullers, but diffrant peeces. He show me how to set em up, den he tell me how to play. It harder dan checkers, dat for shoor.
Murknose come to shaman tent to vizit. Shaman tell Murknose me gettin smart and strong, and me has potenshal to leed soljurs of Bandos to vicktree. Murknose send goblins to attak me, me blast em wid majik. Meen to cook em but ground blow up and send em flyin. Murknose start larfin and clappin, he look reely happy. Shaman den say me strong but need more traynin. Me need to fokuss on study and trayn hard so me can leed army for Bandos.
Wile at home me meditayt in frunt of fire, and fokuss on burnin rock cake and maykin it black. Harf of it split apart but outside rest of it turn black. Me startin to get dere, but me still need to keep traynin. Summunin gettin better as well; bird vanish now but me get platty bird ting me see befor at Oo'glog wid the ogre ladys. Me neerly unnerstand wot it say to me too - neerly. Me wunder if anywun can teech me to rite better?
Big birdy man stand neer my tent wile me at shamans, playin chess. We look at eech other wile me pick up peeces, baerly even lookin at game. Me look away to fokuss on game, check shaman king, den me look back at birdy man and he just disapeer. After bout sevvun minnits he beet me, den he give me anudder rock cake for traynin. Me walk back to tent and pick up feather where birdy man stand. Footprints like bird inside, he bin lookin, dunno why.
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Naval Cataclysm!
Since justice was delivered to Bandos, many of our flock have reported witnessing amasses of his followers uniting in different groups. The goblin village close to the site of the Scarecrow is rife with skirmishes yet seem somewhat united, and the trolls seem to be better organised and with more skills. But what is most disturbing is the news brought back from Gu'Tanoth, the city of ogres. These creatures are among the slower witted of Bandos' warriors, but creativity is on their side. The news brought back revolves around one such ogre who seems to be training as a shaman.
From what Flockleader Grestin has written to me, one of her scouts has learned that this ogre is growing rapidly in not only strength and magical prowess, but is also refining his techniques and utilising effective tactics. His tutor has also dropped hints that we picked up, that he could become a mighty leader of what remains of Bandos' forces. And even though the god of war is no more, his philosophy and vast amounts of followers are lasting. With such a prodigious figure at the head of these forces, there looms the prospect of a powerful war machine upon this planet.
I have taken to the Lunar Isle to the northwest, and there I have learned a great deal about the deity known as V. He founded the Lunar Clan, a group of Fremennik humans who, unlike their brethren who shunned the use of magic out of fear, embrace it to the point where they use it in everyday life, even basic locomotion. And unlike most human mages, they do not even use runes. I have also discovered that V used the power of the Stone of Jas, and introduced what the humans have come to call runecrafting. I have seen humans come from the town to a spot in the southeast of the isle, where an altar emanating magical energy resides. With your permission, my lord, I wish to investigate this magic.
Rock cake get black all over! Me smash it on ground and rock still grey in middle. Me did it at larst!
And now shaman tayk me to blue lizard cave. He mayk spell on wun lizard, and it fizz to nuthin. Den he mayk spell at anudder, and its legs go black. Sekund lizard fall to floor, den shaman hit its throat so it no mayk fire. Den he do spells at diffrant bits til it go all black, and it start fallin apart slowly. He say to me dat dere moar to fites dan just smashin wid all power. Me need speed and tekneek too. And he say me reddy.
Me rayz staff, and furst spell hit lizard fayce. Den me put hand on grownd, and it blow up under lizard. Lizard spit fire at me, but me mayk sheeld wid majik and it bownce back at him. Den me finish him wid spell dat fry him to nuthin. Me reddy alrite.
Shaman clap hard, den he tayk me out of cave and say to city dat me reel leeder of army of Bandos. All ogres start roarin, reddy to go to war at larst. Den Rantz come up and say his kids havvin nitemayers. We go to see em.
Birdy man show up agenn, lookin strayt at me wile ritin sumting down wid feather befor flyin off from rock in swamp. Wen we get to Rantz tent, kids in bed wimprin bout sumwun called Zowtak, me tink it wuz? Da girl Fycie wayk up and she start shaykin. She say sumting bout squidsees in sea, and boddys in water. She say it happun wen da boy Bugs pikkd up sum black rocks from water. Me see sluggies on deyr clothses. Wun of dem get on shaman.
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Naval Cataclysm!
As I have feared, the dread song of Xau-Tak beckons to even the ogres of Gu-Tanoth. A letter from Flockleader Grestin informs me that her scout in the ogre city has learned of bad news on two fronts.
The first of these is that the ogre training to become a shaman has undergone his initiation, and his master has declared that he is ready to lead the remaining forces of Bandos, of which I believe could still be in vast numbers, into war. The last Bandosians hunger for battle, Grestin has told me that she could feel it in her feathers.
But even worse than this is that the hymn and visions of the dread Xau-Tak have begun to haunt the ogres as well as our flock. The scout in the area has reported sightings of the same black stones brought back from the ocean by Wingman Ta'Kaada. And while it is unconfirmed, some strange creatures not unlike slugs have surfaced from the sea. Could these creatures also have a connection with Xau-Tak? I have asked Flockleader Grestin to continue investigating Gu-Tanoth and the seas to the east of the city, but I asked her to be careful not to get too close to the stones or slugs.
Even here on the Lunar Isle, I can sense a similar presence. My feathers ruffle at the sound of the dread hymn resonating from black stones, and slugs are coming ashore. The humans seem to be safe however; their expertise in magic is so that they are able to levitate, and they have already started fires around the coast to keep them at bay. The beings the humans have dubbed suqah, however, are not so fortunate. When I came here I noticed a harmony between both creatures, but the slugs seem to threaten this harmony. I shall keep my distance whilst I continue my research into the god called V, and the sea slugs.