
Story of Guthix the Werewolf

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Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The story of Guthix the werewolf

Author Note-

This story doesn’t follow the current lore of runescape, well it does but only up until before Jagex decided to add the quest the world wakes and decided to have the lore kill off the God Guthix from Gielinor I am also not a writer I may not have the best grammar and spelling in the world I will try to improve as I continue the story though. Let me know what you think of my story, as I keep going more chapters will be posted.
and nothing was spoiled :P

29-Nov-2013 05:05:25 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2013 06:01:29 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Out past in the village of Canifis in the forest of bloodworms leeches and vampires a family were on the run. There was a man and his wife along with their one week year old child who has yet been named. They were being hunted down by vampires and werewolves that were working for Drakan.

The reason they were being hunted down was and is unclear, the fact that it was a man and women that disagreed ally themselves with Drakan or it was something more, well the family hid in a cave.

The man with long brown hair along beard wearing a long tan jacket and black trousers said, *I don’t think they know we are in this cave my love, we have a bit of time to rest, how is our son?” The lady with very long black hair in a crimson red torn up dress look upon a bald baby boy wearing nothing but the green blanket that he was wrapped in. The boy was giggling like a baby does making little sounds the lady said in a worn out voice, “He doing just fine we need to get him out of here, our son doesn’t need a life where he is running all the time!”

The boy’s father looked out the door one more time then walked inside and sat beside his wife and said, “I know but where can he go anywhere he goes he will be killed for what he is and what we are! I don’t think he can cross the river because of the edicts…” The lady said, “What about giving him to the missionaries…” The man interrupted his wife angrily, “Because I don’t trust those druids! They talk about worshiping the god of balance but what are they but a bunch of pacifists, how will they protect our son if Drakan’s men track him down there! By Zamorak, love you know how I feel about them, why do you even mention them?”

The wife looked down at her baby boy then said, “Where else can we take him where he will be raised better, it is safer than with us. I don’t know what I’d do if he died because we did*’t do everything we can to protect our son!”
and nothing was spoiled :P

29-Nov-2013 05:05:38 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2013 05:10:12 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The husband looked at his boy knowing there was no way his boy would ever live a normal life, the spawn of two werewolves who were considered traitors of Drakan. He sighed knowing his wife was right he hated to admit to it but this was for the good of his child, his son.

He then said, “Fine we will take him to the druid missionaries I just hope they will take care of him because of what he is…”

They agreed to take their baby boy to missionary’s camp, the man and woman left the cave as they were making their way to the camp, the wind was howling it dark out in the haunted woods. The husband stopped as he heard a sound.

The sound was rustling it wasn’t much it was a slight rustle he said to his wife, “I think we should move faster I have a bad feeling…” The man and wife moved faster as the wife was carrying the child in her arms trying to get him to the missionary camp.

The man heard the rustling again this time it was still leaves but this time it was in the trees, he looked up unfortunately he did*’t like what he saw what was in the tree thanks to his night vision. There were three vampires in the trees two normal foot solder like vampire and one Vyrewatch.

The man yelled, “Run, my love run!” He as well began to run with his wife from these three vampires. If it was just the normal vampires he would stand a chance but it was a Vyrewatch and to what he knows that are invincible.

The Vyrewatch watched them run and laughed and said with a dark voice, “Get them boys.”

The two vampires chased after them, trying to get to them and kill them the Vyrewatch although was commanding these little vampires also had to follow its orders as it let out a super high pitch screech that rang across the forest. It was a signal saying it found the targets.
and nothing was spoiled :P

29-Nov-2013 05:05:50 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2013 05:11:41 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The husband and his wife ran, he knew this was the last thing they needed was for them to have all the vampires and werewolves in the area homing in on them. As his wife and he got into an open clearing he stopped running and turned back towards the vampires coming after them.

The numbers were increasing as the screech reached more ears they followed their orders as they all were joining in on the chase.

The wife noticed her husband had stopped moving she stopped and said out of breath, “What…are you …doing we need to get moving!”

He shook his head and said, “You go on ahead my love, there is no way we are going to get our son to that camp all together. I am going to stay here and try to slow them down long enough for you to get our son to that camp…” His wife interrupted him saying with panic, “I am not going to leave you here to die…”

This time he interrupted her, “We were already dead as soon as we were labeled as traitors by Drakan. Right now we can at least make sure our son can live if we can get him to that camp! I will stay here and fight if and when I die hopefully our son will be safe now go! Take all the time I get you to get some distance between you two and that Vyrewatch.”

The man stood there looked up at the moon like sky and fell down to the ground as he transformed into a werewolf, it was a quick transformation as now a large bulky grey furred werewolf stood there waiting for the vampires and other werewolves.

His wife was now crying as she turned and continue running without her husband as he was now going to fight for the life of their child. She knew this maybe the last time that she will ever see her husband alive.

As she ran across the ground floor as she ran into the trees and through the bushes in the sky going towards the direction where she could here fighting was a Vryelord was flying that direction. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She now ran faster in fear that thing will see her and come after her.
and nothing was spoiled :P

29-Nov-2013 05:06:00 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2013 05:12:25 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
She ran until she came into an area that smelled different she knew she was close to the camp now. She walked until she saw a lamp lighting the pathway. The lady walked down the path she stopped when she saw tents and people in white hoods and robes.

The lady walked towards them when a druid in a tree said startling the mother, “Halt right there, state your business being here mama?” She then said worried like, “I am here to find safety more my newborn son. Please can you help me?”

The other druids noticed the lady was there now here and talking, the druid who she was talking to thought about what she asked and then said, “By Guthix’s divine balance I will have to speak with our elder. Please come into our camp.”

She walked into her came her eyes were slightly reddish from crying so much after having to leave her husband behind. A really old man came out from the tent in the center of the camp it was apparently the elder druid that was in this camp.

He was talking to the man, who stopped the lady at the entrance of the camp. The old man had a really long beard looking extremely old, the other man looked young with brown hair and clean shaven, and both men were in the white druid like robes.

The old man walked over to the lady and said, “You come here asking for sanctuary for your child and not for yourself. I see you are truly a caring mother, you are also I will assume why there is so much commotion in the woods at this time of night, am I right?”

She only nodded that’s all she could do after running so much, she was exhausted. The old man said, “I would ask you what are you, but I can already answer that if I guessed. I will also assume this child’s father is also a werewolf?”

That statement got the other druids whispering to each other and few things were said but noting too loud for everyone to hear. The lady nodded in fear this man will send her child away when he sends her away as well.
and nothing was spoiled :P

29-Nov-2013 05:06:12 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2013 05:13:13 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The old man then asks, “Would you mind if I held the child?” She shook her head and carefully handed him her child holding its head carefully. The old man held the child who now was once again making happy baby sounds.

The old man smiled as the child made him happy and he said, “This child is a blessing but unfortunately I am not sure how he will affect this world with the powers he may have. Being born of two werewolves this child may be very well born with the same powers if not stronger. Although we don’t help you and this child you both may very well die. I have a difficult decision to make. What is your name miss and what is this child’s name?”

The lady was stunned by this not only was this man considering giving her son sanctuary but herself as well, she finally spoke weak like, “My name is Beth, I haven’t named my son yet…You don’t need to give me sanctuary that only thing that matters me is the safety of my child” The old man said, “Well, Beth if I did*’t keep you here as well your child may you know what you must stay with your child until he gets older. I also don’t see why to separate a child and his mother. You and your son can stay here until the day he gains maturity. Just remember you have to name your child.”

Beth smiled and said as she started crying, “Thank you, thank you, I don’t know what I can do to thank you.” The elder said, “Don’t thank me thank Guthix.” The baby boy laughed when the elder mentioned Guthix he noticed it then said, “You like the Guthix don’t you little guy. That’s the god of balance.” The only word that the child acted with was Guthix.

He looked at the child then said, “I think I accidently found what name this boy wants to be his name. Guthix the werewolf, it is strange naming a child after the god of balance but he seems to like it, what do you think Beth he is your child what do think about naming him Guthix.” The boy laughed again an each time Guthix was said.
and nothing was spoiled :P

29-Nov-2013 05:06:33 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2013 05:14:17 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Beth then said, “He really likes that name, if it won’t be a problem in the future, well then I guess he can have that name.”

Any that is how the little baby boy born as a werewolf came forth and to be placed with the name Guthix.
and nothing was spoiled :P

29-Nov-2013 05:06:50 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2013 05:15:36 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter One

Entering Guthix the Werewolf!

It has been eighteen years since Beth and her son Guthix had entered the druid camp, twelve times since then the camp has moved to avoid the rapid movements of the forces of Drakan. The story begins on a humid afternoon in the haunted woods.

A tall young man with short brown hair and blue eyes was stealthily moving across the ground holding a homemade bow, fletched from an oak tree. This young man was dressed in a tan cloth tunic and black trousers with druid like boots. The leaves and sticks crunched under his feet after each step he made.

After a few minutes of stalking around the young man spotted a rabbit, and smiled as he reached back to his arrow quiver to pull out a long arrow with red feathers on the end, and a stone like arrow head. Just as he notched the arrow up and pulled back on the string he was getting ready to shoot the rabbit, as he was waiting for just the right moment to shoot.

He waited and waited then as soon as he was about to release the arrow another man walked out from behind him saying loudly, “Hey Guthix have captured any game yet.” This startled the archer as he released the arrow sending it right past the rabbit and then the rabbit ran away.

Guthix stood up and looked at the man that just cost him the kill and said annoyed like, “Well, I was just about to before you startled me Chad!”

The man that was named Chad said, “Oops sorry about that, I haven’t been able to find any creature of game. I prayed to the balanced one but I never got anything.” Guthix stood there thinking, he knows his friend is terrible at hunting and cannot sneak out of an empty room. Although this part of the woods were rather empty of game as it has been over hunted by the other locals.
and nothing was spoiled :P

29-Nov-2013 05:07:00 - Last edited on 05-Dec-2013 08:59:11 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Guthix sighed and said, “Don’t worry about it Chad, even I had a hard time finding anything other than a single small rabbit. The Canifis villagers and other locals have hunted this part of the forest bear. You would think lord Guthix would rebalance this forest and fill it full of life again, but I guess his judgment decided against it.”

Chad sighed and said, “I guess we are going back to the camp empty handed, I guess we are going to be eating wilted vegetables again.” Guthix sighed as well and walked up to the area and retrieved his arrow. Guthix then handed his bow and his quiver over to Chad saying, “Since you caused me my shot you get to carry my bow and my quiver.” Chad sighed and had agreed to carry it, as they made walked down through the forest together

Chad and Guthix were walked back to the camp, on their way Guthix heard something. He heard someone groaning he then said, “Hey Chad do you hear that?” After being asked that Chad looked at Guthix with quizzical look then said, “The only thing I have heard our breathing and footsteps. Why did you hear something?”

Guthix looked around the trees across the ground with his eyes when he saw it, he did*’t say anything he ran into the woods. There was a person in shiny silver like armor he ran over to see a blond like girl in silver armor, with a huge slash around her abdomen as she was bleeding. Guthix could smell the blood, and he shook his head as it was having a weird effect on him that he didn't know what it was.

Although it wasn’t a much effect as he was generally worried for this stranger he yelled back towards Chad, “Chad hurry up over here I need your help, there are someone hurt here!” The woman was not unconscious so they were going to have to carry her or help her right there.
and nothing was spoiled :P

29-Nov-2013 05:07:14 - Last edited on 05-Dec-2013 09:01:11 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chad was still making his way over when Guthix reached down and put his hand on this shoulder of the armor, almost instantly he took his hand off the armor fast, as it had burned his hand instantly as he touched it. Guthix looked at his hand as it now had burns all over the palm of his hand.

Guthix watched as his hand as it started to heal itself instantly as is rewoven his skin back together. In the camp there were many rumors about Guthix but only three people knew what he was. Guthix is a werewolf, the only three that knew this was the camp elder, his mom and also Guthix himself.

As he watched his hand heal it reminded him what he was and let him know that that armor is made of silver, he now knows he will need Chad’s help.

Once Chad got there he saw the lady and started blushing immediately then said, “You did*’t say the person was a girl…” Guthix then said, “We need to get her back to the camp Chad, she looks very hurt you and I don’t have a single bit of stuff to help an injury like this. We need to get her back to camp so she can get proper treatment! I am going to need you to help me carry her and her things to camp.”

If it was possible Chad’s face got redder as he thought about carrying this girl Guthix then yelled, “Chad I need your help please help me we cannot leave her here to die or to become food for the vampires around here!”

Chad grabbed the girl by the arm and picked her up Guthix did his best to sling the other arm over his arm by not touching it and having it only touch his clothing since her arms were covered in the silver armor. Guthix got burned several times but hid the pain on his face with a plain face look. He also picked up this girls sword and blue scabbard He pulled the blade out slightly to see the blade wasn’t silver like the armor it appeared to be a strange sword a metal he could lot place but he wasn’t going to worry about it now.
and nothing was spoiled :P

29-Nov-2013 05:07:27 - Last edited on 15-Mar-2015 00:08:22 by Guthix SS4

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