Yes I am! I still wish I could play that stupidly awesome game...
I think it's awesome! I've only seen one other game that had that type of "family" aspect to it. I don't know why, but I really like the idea of handing off your legacy from character to character.
Do you like it?
Oh, you CAN play the game alright, if you have a PC. I have 2 more invites for a free 7 day trial left...
The legacy system as it is now is kinda meh to me. You create your own family tree although that doesn't really do much. But once you get your characters above Chapter 2 you get their class buff so that's good. And I still don't see too much point in legacy equipments - after all, I never really struggled from level 1 - 49. Unless they do insane damage, I might consider it
I'm sure the legacy system will be expanded on to include increased xp gain in other characters etc. Right now though I only care about the buff and getting the heroic moment ability at the end (Using Force Storm on my Jedi Consular ftw!)
X( I wish I could have a PC! I don't have enough money to buy myself a good one though! And I am looking for a job! But those aren't super easy to find...
I think I would struggle from level 1-49. Seems like it would take forever.
Or even a laptop. Cost about £700 to get a good one here. And once you have a job, you can do anything. What kind of job, by the way?
Why would you struggle? It really doesn't take forever. On average, about 200 hours. Even that number can be lessened greatly if you choose carefully how you level and when you level etc. So the time scale would be something like...
Absolute No-life: 2 weeks. (12+ hours a day)
No life: 3 weeks. (10+ hours a day)
Occupational: 3.5 weeks. (8 hours a day)
Committed: 4 weeks. (6+ hours a day)
Serious hobby: 6-7 weeks (4+ hours a day)
Hobby: 14 weeks (2+ hours a day)
So I guess it depends
. It's definitely not forever.