The others in the palace soon heard the news, and they, too, raised up their various mourning*. Soon, one long, sad note was heard from a trumpet. And all around, as the news spread like wildfire, there were the cries of unhappiness and mourning.
When Daren woke up a few minutes later, he didn't know what everyone was so sad about. But when he heard Elyssa sob something about Joshua, he remembered, and he suddenly burst into tears. His helmet was soon dripping wet inside.
However, there was one person in the Palace of King Roald that wasn't sad. No, he wasn't even mourning. He was happy.
"Good, good," Xhou smiled. "Now, gentlemen, get back to work." And he waved his hands, and three men walked away quickly. Xhou turned around to face the twilight, and smiled. "I won, Joshua," he whispered, eyes gleaming.
A week had passed. A funeral had been held for Joshua, and rites were read. More dukes, kings, princes, queens, warriors, and other rulers drifted into Varrock. All of them paid their respects to Joshua's ornate tombstone. Written on it were the important parts of his life, I.E. his Championhood.
Xhou had been to the tomb, but he had only smirked and walked away. Elyssa, on the other hand, visited it every day, sometimes 5 times a day. She just sat in front of it for hours, silently mourning.
After a while of this, Jack began to get worried. "I think Elyssa is depressed," he mentioned off-handedly to Kaiser.
"So?" Kaiser asked him. They were sitting at the dining table. It was early morning, and Kaiser was mad about being awake so early. He grabbed at an extra-chocolate cinnamon bun and munched into it, sighing with pleasure.
"Well, she DID think you were attractive," Jack said lamely.
"You think that I am here to solve all of your problems?"
Well, no, but-"
"Sure, I'll help! What is she depressed about?"
25-Jul-2007 15:19:51
- Last edited on
25-Jul-2007 15:37:04