Duh, we're whispering back and forth for a dramatic effect on an otherwise boring and drab conversation. I just pointed out a mistake in my name spelling to Smurf, it was fixed. That's boring, right? So we spiced it up :-)
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****t i'm gonn ago kill Umbra on the comp i killed him when i was lvl 10 ont he xbox oora talk about a hard core gamer lol my xbox acc's name is Jep and he's a reguard lvl 45 i think somehtign higher then 43 becaus ei remeber and on the x360 my acc is a white redguard i made the reguard a white guy lol by changing the skin tone mate but reguardgs have adrenaline rush...
Psst... Star, Sigg, Smurf... i think one of my dogs Jessies on crack!!!! lol
OMG!!!!! I made about 52 posts on my profile, and Kashan's Tale being the oldest, got deleted from it!!! *Gasps for breath* Don't ever let that happen again.
Jagex should allow you to delete posts you made on other threads, that are clogging up your profile =.='