
The Nexus Project [RP]

Quick find code: 49-50-319-66267484



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You wake up to the sound of a siren. You are in a prison cell of some sort. You can see other people wearing grey jumpsuits in other cells across the hall an don a second floor slowly waking up. The siren is overpowering. You have no idea where you are, or how you got here.

Then the siren stops, its phantom presence still reverberating in the hall. There is an almost electric feeling in the air as you stand up and approach the bars. The figure in the cell across the hall looks at you, and without thinking you hold your breath together. The bars from the cells slide open in unison.

"Run!" yells a voice from above and down the hall. As if hearing it only delayed, you step out into the hall with a hesitating abruptness, an unease rising in your body.
As you're looking around, someone a couple cells down on your left spontaneously erupts into a gulf of fire.

There is a great confusion as a stampede forms, running away from the person—inferno storming around them. You notice strange things going on in the crowd around you. Looking behind, you see someone slip on a sheet of ice that wasn't there just a moment ago when you ran by, and others begin joining them on the floor. By the time you turn back to the trajectory of the crowd, you sense a slight interruption in its movement. There is an enormous vault door at the end of the hallway. You don't know how it would be operated, as you can't see any levers or displays. The momentum of the crowd hiccups, the group starting to unravel as it's squished between a towering impasse before it and pandemonium behind. People start to jump over the second floor's railings. The temperature in the air around you rises in tandem with the tension.

25-Nov-2022 20:22:14



Posts: 2,044 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Up at the front of the pack, you see someone step forward before the door. They're short and slightly built, with long black hair. It's hard to tell what they're doing over the crowd of people, but suddenly they run at the door, readying a fist. They charge with such purposive ferocity, but it seems ridiculous until the attack's impact. The vault door crumples at their hand, the thick steel buckling like a cheap car upon collision with a freight train, and it glides backwards, falling flat on the floor of the hallway.

The crowd, reinvigorated, rushes through the now open door and is fed through a series of hallways, circuits through a labyrinth of corridors. You have been in these halls before—recently, even—but you cannot recall when or how. There should be people in these corridors, but everywhere you run is empty. At junctions, the group splits, some going down each channel. You have become completely disoriented, but you think you've climbed more staircases than you've descended, and your small band has discovered a set of signs—you are headed, hopefully, to the parking area.

25-Nov-2022 20:23:16



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Your small band rushes past a turn towards a lobby of some sort, following the path to parking. You're in a group of about a dozen of you, all clothed in the anonymizing grey of jumpsuits, but there's something uncanny about your looks—strange hair colors, unearthly eyes. At the end of the hallway is a set of double doors, a sign above reading, "Parking." Bursting through, you find yourself on the bottom level of a parking garage. It's difficult to hear the heavy breathing of you each catching your breath over the combined din of the rain crashing on the pavement beyond the garage and the blood still rushing through your ears. You've been running for, what, twenty minutes straight? Longer? You look around the group, your gaze falling on unfamiliar faces. Having just fled some frightful facility, you attempt to get your faculties together, when you realize something dread bubbling to the surface of your mind.

You have no memories of who you are.


I knocked on his door and stepped inside. He was sitting at his dark wooden desk, papers in front of him, and he looked up at me, knowing. I had never considered it before, but he could be intimidating.
"Director," I said, "the subjects have escaped."

"I don't believe it," he said. He took off his glasses and massaged where the nose-piece rested on his face. "That can't be. How did it happen?"
"We don't know yet. I found out five minutes ago at the change of the guard, when the incoming guards found there was no one there to relieve. The subjects had already escaped by then. They may have been gone by as many as four hours."
"What about the security footage?"
"We're looking into it," I said, "but significant sections are missing or damaged. Additionally, some of the GPS trackers are nonfunctional."

Eyes closed, he clenched his fists and took a single deep breath. He put his glasses back on. "And the auxiliary labs?"

"Operations normal, from what we can tell."

25-Nov-2022 20:25:01



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"Alright," he said, "Alright. We need to get this done quickly, before things escalate. Send out the retrieval unit. If we don't get this under control soon, I'll have to call the mayor and the police chief, and that won't be good for anyone involved. At least their capabilities haven't fully developed yet."

I was about to say something, and then didn't. He frowned and continued.

"Look, I know this is personal for you, but it's personal for me too. A lot of important people have their eyes on this project. This is my life's work—our life's work. I can't let this go up in smoke now." He looked into my eyes, perhaps to something deeper. "Can I trust you to fix this?"

"Yes," I said.

He finally smiled. "I already knew that. I have to make some calls."

I left his office. I would get to the bottom of this.

25-Nov-2022 20:25:25



Posts: 2,044 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Hey everyone! Welcome to The Nexus Project (2022)! This is the third iteration of my one and only thread, which first came out during the early 2010s. If you couldn't tell, this is a Powers Thread in a city, which describes half of all powers threads, let's be honest. There's going to be a lot of powers, and there's going to be some amount of city, and there's probably going to be a decent amount of angst because Anime. If we get that far, we'll probably be fighting the company and government conducting the project, and there might be factions if any of you are interested in that. Whatever we end up doing, let's have fun! :)

Table of Contents

1.1 Intros
1.5 Summary
1.5 Table of Contents
1.6 Expectations and Rules
1.7 Setting Information
1.9 Powers Information
1.9 Bio Format
1.10 Cast List

2.1 On Memory
2.3 Reserves

3.1 Opening

25-Nov-2022 20:28:10 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2022 04:08:58 by Fysyx



Posts: 2,044 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Expectations and Rules

I'm going to be going back to school and working, and occasionally trying to have a real life, so this will not be the first of my priorities, as much as I would like it to be otherwise. I'm going to try to post at least something once a month—which seems at least halfway reasonable—and if I can't or I'm otherwise not going to post during any particular month, I will post to inform you all of that, until something changes. I will not post more than once a day.

Don't expect my posts to be long, and I don't expect yours to be either, though if you want to, go ahead!

I plan to post the most necessary out of character information on this thread ((in double parentheses like this)) because I can't promise that I'll look reliably at the Chat Thread or related locations.

Also, if the tone, style, and quality of my prose or threadmastering fluctuates wildly, please ignore that. I may update the information provided in these posts below to improve formatting and text comprehensibility, to provide new information as it is revealed or becomes relevant, or to replace ideas with better ideas.

1) Don't be a terrible person
2) The romance must—of course—be rated PG-13
3) ???
4) Profit

25-Nov-2022 20:28:58



Posts: 2,044 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Setting Information

Nexus City is a world caliber megacity situated on the northeast coast of the United States. Founded at the mouth of the Marrou River, Nexus City has enjoyed global prominence as a major hub of international trade finance, entertainment, education, art, and technology since the early 20th century, though it's existed for longer.

Nexus City has 3 main boroughs, Averille (the District), Booth, and Weatherly, with several significant neighborhoods within them. Off the coast to the northesast is Lazarus Island. A robust public transit service including busing and a subway crisscrosses through the city, and ferries go between Lazarus and the mainland every half hour.

Averille, the city center, is home to the main governmental and financial centers of Nexus City and some of the tallest and most striking skyscrapers on the planet, most notably Nexus Tower, one of the earliest supertall skyscrapers, and World Market Place, which at the time of its completion was incorrectly considered to be the tallest building in the world for about a week. Boxed in between the Marrou River to the southeast, Half-Moon Lake to the southwest, and the Atlantic to the northeast, Averille is compact and dense, home to millions of people and even more during work hours. It is also home to the prestigious Nussbaum University.

25-Nov-2022 20:29:51



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Booth is the home of Nexus City's bustling tech sector, and formerly the city's main industrial region, of which tenants can still be found. The Marrou designates the western border with Weatherly and Averille, the Atlantic constituting the borough's north and eastern edge. Tri-Star Tower, a soon to be competed supertall, looms over the borough, and will eventually house retail, office, and housing complexes, mostly for employees of tech companies like the American all-in-one app Ultra. The main lab of Mira-Medica is just barely visible from the Marrou River, and their main headquarters is a short distance away by subway. Other notable attractions are the Little Istanbul neighborhood, and the reputable and almost affordable Nexus City University.

Weatherly is largely thought of as a residential borough, but hides several significant venues, buth current and historic, for music, sport, and cuisine. It surrounds Averille to the east, with Half-Moon Lake forming part of the border, and Booth across the river on the southern edge; the northern tip of Weatherly overlooks Nexus Bay. There are prominent concert halls and theaters, and famous recording studios. Several stadiums are dispersed through the borough, housing Nexus City's many sports teams, which, despite their loyal following, are generally agreed to be pretty bad. Numerous Michelin Star restaurants and the Faire Internationale, an enormous street food and farmer's market, are also found in Weatherly. Not a borough to overlook.

Lazarus Island had a notable prison and mental asylum in the late 1800s, but both closed before the turn of the century and, like most historic locations, have become tourist destinations. It is now home to several prominent research facilities and the Nexus City Zoo.

And all this just a few hours by train from New York.


The thread begins in August in the year 202X. The summer is winding down.

25-Nov-2022 20:31:25



Posts: 2,044 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Powers Information

Powers were bestowed on the characters based on an experimental Quantum Genetics therapy/procedure by the biotech company Mira-Medica.

Your Powers will start out pretty weak, and as the thread progresses, the powers will develop and the characters' ability to manipulate them will improve. Power can also increase with repeated exposure to the therapy/procedure, or exposure to and absorption of Hypercrystals, which are used in the therapy/procedure. Other ways to increase power may be discovered later, and will be recorded here.

Use your own intuition to determine what's generally in the right power band, so to speak, and if anything is unreasonable we can work it out together, I'm sure.


Bio Format
[If you want to play a civilian without powers, or an employee of Mira-Medica or the government (Municipal, State, or Federal), you can do that (replace Power with Skills or something, have a memory/history, etc.) but such characters are not the focus of the thread]

Name: [You may remember your name, or perhaps not]
Age: [Between 18-30]
Power: [Name and a brief description]

Appearance: [You are currently wearing a tacky jumpsuit, but include clothing you intend to wear for the thread; also the therapy/procedure can create remarkable genetic changes, like technicolor hair, wings, horns, tails, cat ears, and anime eyes, so create the waifu of your dreams]
Strongest Memory: [You have amnesia, but you remember one event in detail. Do note that just because the character doesn't remember their past doesn't mean they don't have one. Or maybe they don't have a past? Who knows?]
Personality: [Optional]
Other: [If you haven't put it elsewhere, put your Subject Identification Number, the 5 character (uppercase letters, numbers; no symbols) designation used by Mira-Medica instead of your name, here]

Please Fill Out:
Character Name/Player/Power/Gender/Page of First Bio Post

25-Nov-2022 20:33:18



Posts: 2,044 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cast List

Character Name/Player/Power/Gender/Page of First Bio Post
I'll also add dialogue color, should this be utilized, as this information becomes available


"Silver"/George Rozas/Telekinesis/Male/3
“Reaper”/Taleisin/Iron Maiden/Female/3
Onyx Barnes/Maddy Blue/Histokinesis/Female/4

25-Nov-2022 20:33:47 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2022 15:29:00 by Fysyx

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