"Alright fine," she sighed, appearing downhearted but submissive. Then her sneer returned and she raised her leg.
"AFTER I've seen what's behind the gate."
And with that she gave one last sharp kick, smashing the gate wide open with a discernible crash. Without word or hesitance, she bolted through the gate, leaving Robert and Edward no choice but to follow their light source.
"Georgia slow down!" cried Edward as they followed the overly eager girl. She obeyed and gave the other two time to catch up before she rocketed away again. She wasn't taking any particular route, just rushing through the cavern and stopping briefly to admire the sights and sounds every once in a while. Eventually, she stopped where she was, Robert and Edward lagging behind.
"Georgia can we go now?" fussed Robert as he near collided with the now motionless Georgia. She was looking around fervently, as though looking for something.
"Er, Georgia?"
"Can we go now?"
Georgia let out an exaggerated but sincere sigh. She was bored and dissatisfied.
"I guess. All that's down here are a few big skeletons, spiders and some weird dirty lookin' guys over there," she pointed to a group of earth warriors, standing past a spiked pit several paces north of their position. "I mean, a rope swing over spikes sounds great and skeletons are always fun to look at, but it's nothing new. I don't even know why this place was locked up anyway..."
She sighed again and beckoned the two grateful boys to follow her. The three travelled west, avoiding the blind spiders and skeletons in their path when suddenly, something growled menacingly.
All three children froze, temporarily, to listen to the intimidating and drawn out cry. It sounded similar to a wolf howling, but much lower pitched and rougher, more a roar than a howl.
The sound seemed to come from further west, the three just about to turn south towards the exit.
"What-what was that?" Robert exasperated.
29-Nov-2008 08:55:13
- Last edited on
24-Apr-2009 13:58:46
Infinity A8