
The Tale of a Legend

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My eyes shot open... i didnt move... my eyes searched the surrounding area... nothing... it was early mornning... a light dew had settled upon the grass leaving me damp. Movement. There it was. A form in Lunar Robes. Slowly I moved up grasped my bow and knocked an arrow. slung my weapons belt on and hitched the quiver to my shoulder. I crept to where the figure was in view... Aimed... Fired... The arrow hit its mark. less than an inch infront of his nose hitting a tree directly beside him. "Dont move!" I yelled another arrow already knocked. Dark eyes turned to me. "you Underestimate me Ranger." came a dark voice, he gave a grunt then flipped over me landing directly behind me, staff slammed down, i brought my bow up blocking his blow but cracking my bow in half, i threw the pieces aside and stumbled back drawing my Throwing knives. "I'll give you one last chance before I kill you." I said, a fear stirred within me i had never felt before... A fear of something i had only once been so close to... a fear of death... but not death itself... death as a being... Walking death... and the figure infront of me was walking death.
Both knives flew from my grasp missing my target by a fraction of a second, I flipped out my saxe knife brandishing it carefully, then lunged, striked, miss, miss, hit. I spun around flicking my blade around slamming into his cloak, he gave a small grunt then stepped back.
"You should have guessed by now that im not here for you mortal." came the dark voice from beneath the mask "See you in Hell." with that he disappeared into a vat of black smoke.
I fell to my knees dropping my sword... Who was that? my hands were blistered and covered in blood, i was covered in minor injuries, my bow lay broken by my side... throwing kives stuck in a tree some twenty yards off... this assassin had defeated me... I heard a scream from behind me "Zorc!!! what the Hell happened to you!?" I felt blackness overtake me as rose ran up catching me as I fell...

25-Feb-2010 03:55:11 - Last edited on 26-Feb-2010 19:06:09 by Zorcon40



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Your patient is awake..." i heard Kirby talking as my eyes slowly fluttered open, a bearded face looked me over. I recognized it... but couldnt place it... I felt a wrap on my forehead, on my knee and my elbow, my torn shirt was tattered and dirty. my mind began to retrace the past few hours... I began to sit up, the bearded figure helped me slowly sit up, I was lying on the ground, a campfire burned brightly near me. I closed my eyes, "rose..." I whispered... "Im here zorc..." she came to my side, "a... a... an assassin... hes... after you..." then I blacked out again...
My eyes shot open. It was mid day the following day. I sat up, my wounds were looking better, Kirby and a girl were sitting around the campfire, everyone else was gone. I slowly stood up and streached, walked over to the campfire and sat down with them, "ah, so the infamous Zorc finally awakes..." the girl smiled, her sharp eyebrows and pointed ears identified her as and elf. I glanced at Kirby for an explination as to who the mysterious elf was. kirby let out a short grin then nodded toward the girl "im B10od Th1rst" she said extending a hand, I grinned, you've got to be kidding me, an Elf named blood thirst? she seemed to notice my surprise and gave an explination "My people dont like bloodshed, I was an incredible fighter, they called my a blood thirsty lunatic, I wasnt... but to them... I was... and so I left... for the east land... you should feel lucky i found you, that sage you ran into poisoned you." I frowned, "Sage?" she nodded, "from what your friends have told me, it was Cto, he's an ancient assassin, he useses the old magics to aid him in battle,thats why he's one of the best..."
"And where are the others?" I asked
"Scouting with Marlin," mumbled kirby
"Marlin's here?" Kirby grunted, i mumbled something under my breath, "got an axe?" I asked, Kirby pulled one out of his pack and handed it to me, I walked over to a tree, cut out a perfect piece, pulled out a knife and got to work

26-Feb-2010 19:25:16



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I slamed against the ardougne Castle Wall.
"Can you climb it?" the voice was that of Rose who had hit the wall with a thud beside me, the plan was simple, she and I would get in... somehow... then we'd open up the door for the others to storm in and kill as many as we could before running off. I shoved my foot into a notch in the brick wall that made up the fortress of the ardougne castle. Hand over hand I crept my way up, I checked my wrist for my blade, it was still there. I came up to the very edge of the wall, a Spartan stood watch... with lightening speed my hand flew up pulling him over the edge, he let out a short yell which was quickly silenced by death. I tied the rope I had around my arm onto the wall, threw it over and the rope quickly went taught as Rose began her climb. I found a quick place to hide, Pulled out my bow and knocked an arrow. As soon as rose came over the ledge I spun out of cover unleashing a volly of arrows upon the few spartans which remained on the top wall. I swung my bow across my back and drew a long elvin Blade. "lets go."
Down the staircase we went to the bottom floor where the throne was. A surprised Jackin greeted us on his way up the staircase, he flicked a sword out of nowhere and his and mine's sword collided.
"fall back Jackin, I'll deal with this scum." came a dark voice from behind him. I recognized it. The voice came from Cto. the Assassin. I shoved jackin out of the way and flew toward the sage, Elvin blade slammed down crushing his staff in two. He howled in rage drawing two dark metallic Black blades. brandishing them skillfully, then lunged, I grasped his right hand with my left hitting a preasure point as he dropped the blade. I kicked it out of reach then kicked him in the gut. he doubled over in pain as the butt of my sword slammed into his head making him go unconsious. I turned back to Jackin, "your turn."

26-Feb-2010 19:38:02



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
and then he was gone... disappeared.... we all stood there in stunned silence... "well, no point in standing around," rose mumbled as she walked out the door...
The trip back was mostly un eventful just a few random spartan ambushes that ended with Kirby being dropped off at a Witch Doctor to be fixed up. he was due back at the castle today... and now i found myself in a shadowed corner, cowl concealing my face... to the human eye... I was invisable... The conversation infront of me was meant to be secret... Solitude was telling rose about this... thing... called Big guy 3000, he was the leader of the Black knights... "Are you sure were alone?" she would keep asking, rose would nod then becon her on... then it came... the smell of smoke and the sound of fighting... what was it? without further thought i abandoned my spot and shoved past a stunned Sol, i flew down the staircase and turned rigt, toward the library... the smoke became thick, I shoved my facemask on, the fighting became louder... I slipped in a side door... I could see a few spartans... Jackin... and... Kirby... Three arrows flew off my bow in rapid succession. then there was an explosion. everyone stopped... At the doorway a warrior in black armor stepped in, an army of black knights followed him... This had to be Big guy... then suddenly a black knight knocked me off my feet and pinned me down, the same happened to jackin and Kirby... "ah, i think i found the jackpot... to of roses generals and a spartan leader..." the menacing voice taunted them...
We found ourselves inside a carrige being escourted to who knows where. "Well, it seems were all stuck in here now, why fight?" Kirby asked Jackin he gave a muffled grunt... "where do you think their taking us?" I asked puzzled at the sudden change of events... "camelot," mumbled Jackin "thats where the black knights currently reside." explained kirby, "what of King Arthur?" I asked hoping for a way out... "dead..." he said, "replaced with a fake."

26-Feb-2010 21:26:38



Posts: 187 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A little advice, to keep the story interesting and give it a better flow. Try and make less spectacular events for certain moments so that coming face to face with a god or somthing similar dosent become somthing normal. And also remember not to jump around so much, while this is useful in small amouts, hopping from week to week without that many visible connections will just make the story seem less meaning full. Just a bit of helpful advice to make your story even more grasping.

04-Mar-2010 03:54:26

Rose 2110

Rose 2110

Posts: 2,634 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To all and any people of world 31 who know me.

Regret and sadness i feel for i blame myself for coursing the war apon world 31 due to i dident do my research and i dragged everybody else into it and for the first time im going to say i got scared. scared of losing scared of warring scared of doing anything a leader dose i got fustrated and took everything out on my friends world 31 leaders hate me and i do agree with them on that. but i just wish people to know im sorry, im sorry if i hurt you, im sorry if i treated you bad, im just sorry. And i know saying sorry is a sign of weakness but its a lie saying sorry is showing your soul and who you are so i am SORRY to any and all people i wish you the best and for you people to be happy with this new age on world 31 the new golden age. And i belive i am a tyrant and i am defenantly insane for those who have been spreading roumors i do not blame you i obviously did something to hurt you and that again i am sorry.

i do not expect forgivness just for you to hear my cry.

Rose 2110 x leader of the Royal empire

01-Apr-2010 09:32:17

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