The story features Levantris and Sonia especially. Levantris’ tale, from his youth to his final thoughts, was a core element in the story. He is an embittered character who finalises with nothing to lose but his life, but has no life to lose, and the innocent Sonia falls. There was good artistic development here, but I was often distracted by the immaturity of characters’ behaviour. Another thing you did well was the morbidity, especially in the first third of the story. The violence was mostly unrealistic, definitely not according to human anatomy, and the combat felt cartoony.
But could I have had done any better back then? No, I couldn’t, and I seem to have done even worse, because no-one read anything I typed prior to 2009. Indeed, we all have to go through the worst phases in our early days, I know and remember my own work from when I was young was absolutely ridiculous, unrealistic, absurd, pointless, contradictory and just plain dumb. I am glad that everything I made in the past is long gone now, and for what is still alive, I force myself to reread the work and tidy it up.
But Black Winds is an achievement with results, and I noticed a gradual increase in all aspects of storytelling the farther I read, which I also recall when I read Serene End’s work and Anne’s story. Better yet, you received the praises of many back then, by those who appreciated your work (And by very few who figured it’d be best to end up with hidden posts, I guess people like that never change).
Well, my feedback is coming to a close. Feel free to disagree or disregard anything in whole or in part, and if you have any specific questions, comments, corrections or anything else, I’ll be open to reply to any of them.
This is all for now, until next time, and thank-you for making Black Winds.
10-Jan-2014 00:00:07