Finally! I was at Disneyland all day yesterday and when I came home, the log in server was down!
Well anyways, Star Man 11, you obviously missed Blargh's point. Most people could go to school if they are sick, but why would you want to?
Oh by the way, there was a teacher work day at school yesterday- I wasn't ditching to go to Disneyland.
Oh and I'm pretty mad at my History teacher. Last week (while I was sick, so I couldn't refute it immediately) she forgot to grade a piece of homework. And the day I came back, she was gone! And Mind this was a week before the finals, so I had like 1 or 2 days to get it settled. Then I gave it to her, she put it into her computer, and when I went home and checked it online, IT WASN'T THERE! I showed it to her again, and she said it was something about the report cards. But then she looked at my grades, and the assignment was still missing! Then she put it in for real.
Then on my FINAL, she forgot to grade the backside of my test, so I got 40 points less than I should have! Fortunately, I knew everything on the test, so my mom g-mailed her and my teacher doublechecked everything.
See Dragon? This is how you do it!
~Is tired of the spammers on my thread~
30-Jan-2007 14:30:51