

Quick find code: 49-50-252-59241445

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Visdin shook his head. "You're the remorseful one. I'm not going to force you to kill people."

Sarah sighed. "Alright. Please be stay unharmed."

A smirk grew on one of the corners of Visdin's mouth. "Don't worry."

Sarah rushed into the small house. She was worried, concerned for the others. She knew she had to ignore the feelings that filled her body. But it was challenge with every step, she just wanted to turn around and help them. But she remembered that she hated killing someone, and she knew Visdin's statement about her being the remorseful one was 110% accurate.

She ran down several halls with purple and white trimming wallpaper. Left, right, up, down. These hallways seemed to twist and turn. Sarah suddenly heard another pair of footsteps rushing towards her. "Time ta die!" the voice shouted. She looks behind her and saw the Assassin rushing toward her. But right before the Assassin could hurt Sarah, he suddenly stops.

Sarah's eyes were closed shut, she opens them up to see a Steel Longsword piercing the Assassin's gut. The Assassin fell to the ground, revealed a man wearing a hooded black robe. Sarah glances at this man. She noticed that the right arm of this man did not seem to be there, like it was gone. "You are unhurt, yes?" he asked, his voice was quiet and soft.

Sarah couldn't see his face for it was shadowed by his hood and the night's darkness. "Yes. But—" She didn't get enough time to truly reply. He disappeared like a ghost once she confirmed that she was unharmed. She sighed and continued forward. "Who was he?" she could only wonder. She hasted up the stairs, and stopped right in-front of a large, dark tan wooden door.

"This must be his room." she mumbled to herself. But when she puts her left ear against the door, she could hear talking. One of the voices was the ringmaster, and the other sounded like that mysterious man that saved her from the Assassin just a moment ago.

"Wh-what do you want?!" screamed the ringmaster.
The end
is only
the beginning...

30-Oct-2009 16:25:37

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Pran Isha. You've killed too many innocent people for their money. This corruption ultimately shall lead to your death. Any last words, wicked vermin?" stated the hooded man.

"You're wicked! Killing me?! I've done nothing wrong!"

"Killing innocent people for just their money isn't wrong?"

"Absolutely not!!"

"I guess we are on two different pages."

"Kill me if you'd like. But those people that I've killed WERE the REAL wicked ones."

"If that is what you think, die believing it. It will be easier for you that way."

"Who do you think you are anyways?"

The man points his blade at the ringmaster's throat. "Unjustly people like you do not deserve to know the name of a savior." Sarah enters the room, only to see Pran's throat getting slit. His blood sprays out of his throat like a sprinkler. His body falls to the ground, dead and cold. Sarah tries to hide behind the wall, but the man looks her way. "Come out. I know you are hiding." he stated.

Sweat drips down Sarah's forehead. She sighed and stopped hiding. She revealed herself to the hooded man. She stood in place, hardly breathing a breath the wrong way. She readied herself for pretty much anything, if he was intending to take her life. But why would he save her if he wanted her dead? She believed he didn't want to kill her.

The man glances at Sarah. It was quiet for a minute, but the man was ready to break the silence. "You are Sarah Wolfsbane, correct?" he asked, easily knowing who was the person before him.

"Yes," she confirmed, "but who are you?"

"You need not worry about that."

"But how do I know you're not an enemy?"

"I saved your life, did I not? Is that enough proof for you, or must you really need to know who I am?"

"Knowing your name would be nice."

"I have no name." he replied, his voice clear and earnest. "I am just a spirit who's purpose in this world is to clean the world of iniquity." he points his blade towards Sarah. "You. An Assassin Hunter. Are among these unjustly scum."
The end
is only
the beginning...

30-Oct-2009 16:29:40

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"So what? You want to kill me?"

He went silent for a moment. Not replying to her words. He sheathed his blade and looks Sarah in the eye. "I am sure we'll meet again." he mumbled. "Until then, farewell." he once again disappeared like a ghost. She breathed a sigh of relief and sheathed her diamond blade. She hasted back to her comrades.

After a minute, she returned to her comrades who had finished off all the Assassins. Visdin noticed her return. "Hey, you're back." he said with a happy voice. "Where's the ringmaster?"

She gulped, and sighed. "He's dead."

Marcello heard what she said and hasted over. "Dead!?" he said with a slightly frantic voice.

"Yes. Somebody killed him..." she crossed her arms. "..and saved me."

"Saved you? Who?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. He addressed him as "just a spirit who's purpose in this world is to clean the world of iniquity"."

" odd."

Marcello looks at Visdin. "Well, anyways. I guess our job here is done."

Visdin nodded his head, agreeing. "Yes. Let's go." the group walked away. But Sarah couldn't help but to continue to stare at the house and wonder who that man was. "Was that you..?" she said in her head. How he addressed himself echoed in Sarah's mind. "Sarah!" her brother shouted. "C'mon!"

She looked back and saw her brother waiting for her. "C-coming!" she ran after Visdin.

•°o.OThe EndO.o°•

Thank you for reading, I appreciate it! ^_^

Not really much of a Halloween chapter, right? I was never good with the "ZOMG!! IT'S GUNNA GET US!!!!" type of stuff. Oh, well..I got another hint out there! So, that's good! Happy Halloween everybody!

~Serene End
The end
is only
the beginning...

30-Oct-2009 16:34:12 - Last edited on 30-Oct-2009 16:40:29 by Serene End

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Van Helsing: Per omnia, saecula, saeculorum. Come my friends, this stage is no place for the living.

At long last, I no longer have to stay at school until the distant hours of the night (10:40 or so), rehearsing and performing Dracula EVERY, SINGLE, NIGHT. Now don't get me wrong; performing was fun-filled and fantastic, but it will be good to get re-acquainted with the fleeting phantom known as sleep.

That said, I am now completely caught up. Let me respond in the same order as things were addressed:

1. Wigwam Hiding in a Sea of Flame: But my friend you made one major mistake.

*sound of a gun clicking off it's safety*

This is a peninsula.

*a flag saying "BANG!" falls onto Wigwam's head*

2. This is Sparta:


(A few days later, near the river Syx)

Spartan: So... are we gonna grab a cheeseburger or what?

Leonidas: Shut up.

Spartan 2: You know you throw spears like a little girl.

Leonidas: Yeah... I know.

Lilian: No, that's an insult to little girls.

Leonidas: But I DID hit him.

Lilian: Yeah and you messed up his makeup a little. Congratulations.

Spartan: So about that burger...

Leonidas: Ugh. Fine, there's a Burger King right over there.

(A dark figure with a beard and a crown rises up behind the spartans; a delicious egg and cheese crossandwich on his tray)

Wake up with the King...

3. ***** Insurance- Sixty Years from Now:

(View of Las Vegas, destroyed by some unknown force and now lying in ruins. A single flickering electronic sign still plays :)

Gecko: Save up to 15% on your hovercraft insurance at Guy-c*...

(A man walks among the ruins, a cowboy hat on his head and a shotgun in his hand)

Man: I've gotta feeling... like someone's watching me...

(A giant pile of money with googley eyes leaps out of the shadows and devours the man)

Happy Halloween :D

4. On Giant Lasers and Ants:

Ark: Brian, the ant got the laser. Don't ask me how but the ant got the laser!

Brian: What!?


01-Nov-2009 05:11:32

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
5. Classic Romance Moments, Revisited:

Lovebird: Take my breath away... doo doo doo... doo doo doo... my love... Take my brea-

Breathtaker: Gladly

Lovebird: *choking* The force is strong in this one.

Breathtaker: Join me, and we can rule the circus industry as father ad son.

Lovebird: Huh!? You're my father!?

Breathtaker: Well I had had a few too many shrimp kebabs and... well one thing led to another and I wound up playing Bingo for seven hours. A few years later, in an unrelated incident, I met your mother and we had you.

6. Visdin... We Hardly Knew Ye; and Maybe We Didn't Want to:

Vezyfher: Ladies and gentleman I beleive we can now prove beyond the shadow of a dobut that Visdin is quite the jerk. I would like to point out a little tidbit from the last chapter to you... Please read post three of the latest chapter before continuing. Waiting... waiting... okay you're finished.

*draws Chrysanthemum and gestures with it emphatically*

Vezyfher: So Visdin knew that the Breathtaker was a ruthless killer correct? And he knew EXACTLY what his act consisted of, correct? So my dear audience, why did this so called "hero" let the entire room die before taking any action!? Seriously!? I mean he could have saved an entire audience worth of people! I may be a beautiful and incredibly dashing individual but that just seems wrong.

*holds up a Breathtaker Flier*

Vezyfher: I would also like to point out that apparently some nutjobs are actually hyping up a performance in which EVERYONE DIES! Furthermore, if everyone dies, how did THEY know it was a great show? And does anyone know where I can find Ringmaster pants in my size... wait, back to the point. I will now read to you from the actual flier used to promote the show:

"This act is KILLER!"

"It's DROP-DEAD amazing!"

"The Breathtaker uses magic to strangle you and take your money."

"He's available for children's parties!"

01-Nov-2009 05:11:51

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Vezyfher: does anyone else see any hidden messages in there? That's right; CHILDREN ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE PARTIES! Is there any mention of adult supervision at all? No! Somebody call child support!

Vezyfher: Thank you for listening. This has been Vezyfher Anvecias, ace reporter. Ciao.

That's everything... whew :P Keep up the good work!

01-Nov-2009 05:12:05 - Last edited on 01-Nov-2009 05:12:41 by Ark Von Doom

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01-Nov-2009 23:48:19

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