Several things wrong with the bio, so instead of waiting for you to fix them I'll just post an improved version.
Name: Liskal'un Dorn (called Dorn)
Age: 21
Race: Human
Allegiance: Runescape
Kingdom*: Dagon'hai
Military Unit*: Dagon'hai elite
Military Unit Description**: Dagon'hai robes, Various staffs for each unit Lower ranks wear hoods. Generals Have pet Zamorak Hawks.
Appearance: Pale and thin from living under the ground in the Wilderness. But just as stronger as any human from it.
Weapons: Staffs and a brilliant new spell book to go with it.
Personality: There leader, Surok Magis is cold hearted and evil and the battle units quickly follow in his footsteps.
Short History: Shoved underground into the chaos tunnels and alike, the Dagon'hai vanished after the burning of the Wizards tower. Now they have rose to protect the land from which they onced lived on.
I don't need a bio atm, but I will add him sometime.
21-Jul-2009 08:09:49
- Last edited on
23-Jul-2009 06:24:12