The hooded man blinked slowly. “And yet you have, in the current state of things, not decided to search all records for this mysterious person? That is most disappointing.”
“Well,” the general stammered, “I did know that there would be a need to, until now.*
*That does not excuse you for your laziness. Everyone, I thought I made this clear! The fate of Runescape hangs in the balance! They know where he is, they know what to do, they have several armies in the area and they have competent generals!” he said furiously, glancing at the Falador official. “I will not die because you incompetents don’t realise the gravity of the situation. If they get Roal Atkins, we all die. We’ve only got one chance!”
“Elf!” he yelled, glancing at the elf tactician, the only one in the room not shaken by his anger. “You are in charge of this council, as you, I believe, understand the situation.”
The elf bowed his head and asked, “Where are you going?”
The Zamorakian mage laughed maniacally. “I’m going to do what your entire military can’t!”
And with that, he strode out of the room.
The Zamorakian mage strode through the underground levels of the military complex. The pristine white walls seemed to darken as he passed, and even though he was underground and there was no wind, his cloak billowed as if in a baleful hurricane.
As he approached the armoured doors of the Gno(ck’s offices in the war offices of Ardougne, they slid open, seemingly for no reason, hydraulics hissing as they powered the heavy, metre-thick doors. He stormed forward, not slowing at all to look at the very surprise and alarmed faces of the offices inhabitants.
This attention was not unreasonable. Ever since his arrival three months earlier, storming out of the badlands to the west with 5 companions, he had hardly made a very good impression. More than 20 men had died at his orders, and at least another 5 by his hands. He had caused a lot of people to get sacked, and his magic was feared as witchcraft.
10-Jul-2009 12:48:10
- Last edited on
11-Oct-2010 08:27:34