
~*~ TDT2: The Blood Debt ~*~

Quick find code: 49-50-222-43530230

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Two sentries patrolled the bridge that night. They paced at each end with their armor clanking, occasionally shouting back and forth. The night had passed thus far uneventful. One of the soldiers now dozed at his post, the other hummed softly to himself and stared out into the darkness, watching the river as it flowed silently beneath him. The waters were black in the nearly moonless night, and the quiet pressed in all around. No birds sang anymore, not in Gielenor, and no one walked the roads between cities any longer. The trains of refugees had stopped fleeing a long time ago, once they realized there was no more hope, not for any place.
The shout startled him out of his melancholy thoughts and h jumped to his feet, whipping a rusty iron sword from its scabbard. “Who’s there?” he called.
“Captain Jervis of the Ninth Company, soldier. May our boat dock?”
The soldier squinted out over the water, now noticing the flatboat that was approaching quickly. He could see other soldiers milling about on the deck now, many holding bared steel. “Aye!” he hollered, smothering his curiosity, and the sound woke his companion. Together they trotted down to meet the boat at the jutting, rotten dock that protruded at the base of the bridge; it was a popular spot for ships that traveled upriver to trade in Varrock, but lately it was abandoned, like so many other things in the world these hard days. The captain stepped smoothly across the dock to the sentries, who saluted smartly.
“Sir! What is your business in Varrock?”
The captain turned his head toward the great walls that blotted out the stars overhead. “Are the gates open?” he asked, as though the soldier had not spoken.
“No sir, they closed many hours ago. Why –“
“Tell whoever is over there to open them.”

28-Jun-2008 20:16:06 - Last edited on 28-Jun-2008 20:27:38 by Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I can’t, sir, can it wait until the morn –“
The captain took two steps forward, grabbing the edge of his chainmail shirt and yanking him close. His breath stank, his yellow teeth were crooked, and his eyes were wild and red; all this the sentry took in as he stared at the face jutting toward his own. “If they refuse, you tell them they’ll answer to the King. I have urgent business with his Majesty. By the time, we arrive at the gate, I expect word to have reached him. Tell him it is regarding a prisoner, one he will want to see.”
“Yes. Sir.* The soldier squeaked and saluted smartly again as the captain dropped him back to the dock. Then he turned and ran for Varrock.
The captain turned back to the boat. “Bring him out!” he yelled. Bond was dragged across the dock to the bank, where he collapsed to his knees. Jervis frowned. “If he can’t walk, tie him to a horse. And get a hood on him. No one sees him. No one!”
A short while later, a small troop of soldiers from the boat galloped toward Varrock’s looming walls. Then, the captain reined in and saluted up to the gatehouse. “Open the gates!”
A soldier previously awoken by the sentry appeared on the ramparts and began to turn the massive crank. Slowly, the gates creaked open, and as the sound rang across the city, Jervis faced his men. “Stay close. Surround the prisoner. No stopping, we ride straight for the palace. Use force if necessary, but keep moving, and protect the prisoner at all costs. We need him, and we need him alive. Understood?”
“Yes sir!”
“Good.” The captain fitted his helmet tightly over his scraggly graying hair. “Let’s go.” He spurred his horse and the tight formation of soldiers raced into the city, Bond rocking drunkenly back and forth on a horse at their center. They thundered down the main street, staring straight ahead, until they reached the great fountain. It was no more than a hunk of battered marble, now; no water flowed from the top, and had not for many months.

28-Jun-2008 20:16:39 - Last edited on 28-Jun-2008 20:27:56 by Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The moment they passed through the walls, a tide of peasants chased them, wailing piteously and begging for food. How foolish they were, mused the captain, thinking the soldiers were any better off than they. At least they had the courage to try and change things. He had nothing for these miserable creatures but contempt. One stepped in the way of his horse; he wavered not an inch, and the poor beggar went down beneath the stallion’s hooves with a scream. Then the troop wheeled and pounded down the road to the gigantic palace of Issavan Mar’dorhaq. The large iron gate was shut, but Jervis spied waiting guards. He drew his sword and cut his way through the steady stream of beggars.
“Open the gate!” he bellowed. The gates began to shift. Twenty yards, then ten, a yawning gap…the peasants poured forward in a wave, then his horse bounded through, yanking the prisoner in behind. The gates clanged shut, even as the beggars threw themselves against it, yelling, shouting, weeping…The captain spat and swung down from his horse. Instantly a groom appeared to stable the sweat-lathered beast. Bloody foam streaked its flanks where the people had cut at the horse, and the captain swore angrily. He jerked Bond to the ground and held him by the collar, dragging him across the courtyard to the great double doors. They opened, and a robed chamberlain shuffled outside. “His Majesty is asleep, so I will recie—“
“His Majesty will want to see my prisoner,” growled Jervis, tired of the protests. He wanted this business done with. “I risked my neck getting him here and I want my **** reward. Tell his Majesty to get out of his bloody bed and see me!”

28-Jun-2008 20:17:00 - Last edited on 28-Jun-2008 20:28:31 by Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The chamberlain’s eyes rolled downward, widening at the sight of the sword point pressed against his throat. He gulped visibly; a thin trickle of blood ran down his pale skin as the blade pricked him. The courtyard was silent. The only sound was the roused mob outside.
“Yes-yes sir, of course.” The chamberlain backed quickly away, then bolted inside the castle. Ten seconds later, a servant appeared and asked them to accompany him to his Majesty’s audience chamber. His soldiers would be directed to a barracks where they would be given a place to rest, and food, if they could find some. Within minutes, the palace was up and running, as though it was noon, not midnight.
The captain stepped inside the main entrance hall, eyeing the spiraling marble staircase, the wide hallways that stretched off in all directions, the brightly paneled walls hung with expensive tapestries, the servants bustling around in all directions, and the guards stationed in every doorway, armed as though expecting battle. Down the hall straight in front of them went the servant, captain, and prisoner. At the end, the man opened a door, leading them into a small waiting room. He poked his head through the next set of doors, then closed it and bowed to Jervis. “His Majesty will see you now.” He opened the door, waited till they were through, then shut it again and departed.
The chamber was spacious, domed, with a long violet carpet stretching down the length of the marble floor to a set of steps, which led to the gilded throne upon which the king sat. His Majesty had dressed in a violet robe, embroidered carefully with gold. His hair had been neatly combed and slicked back, and on top of this was set a single golden circlet.

28-Jun-2008 20:17:27 - Last edited on 28-Jun-2008 20:29:11 by Crystal Smee

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