
~*~ TDT2: The Blood Debt ~*~

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Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I was thinking about a love triangle, although I'm happy with the relationships I planned. I may introduce some new characters to play with that. Just for kicks. Since relationships are soooooo much fun for me to play around with XD.
I'll need to come up with some subplots or something. I'll work on that, although I pretty much know the plot of this to the end.

13-May-2007 05:45:48

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13-May-2007 12:34:29

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

So I thought about what Doug said, and I decided to put that scene in there as the prologue, and I'll change what was there to Chapter 1.

It's not a whole lot more exciting, but takes care of some stuff. Really short, too. Sorry. I'll try to continue Ch. 1 later.

13-May-2007 15:48:07 - Last edited on 13-May-2007 15:50:25 by Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~*~*~*~ Chapter 1 ~*~*~*~
“Hey,” whispered a voice close to his ear. Kzahar turned on his side, finding himself face to face with the woman he loved.
“Hey,” He murmured back. For a moment he simply drank in her gorgeous face: sleek black hair, snapping black eyes, and bronze skin smooth to the touch as he inched forward to kiss her.
“I missed you,” she sighed, drawing back on the silken sheets.
“It’s okay though,” he replied softly. “I’m home now.”

Kzah***s head jerked up, and he was no longer in the soft bed with Arya. Instead he lay upon a bed of grass, and the nearest woman was the fire-haired Lil. He swallows the lump in his throat, feeling the loss flood him again like cold ocean water.
He groggily rolls over, blinking up at the man a few feet away. “Hi…”
“You all right there, ser?”
“You sure? I come out here to walk, and I found all o’ you lyin’ here inner grass. Jus’ makin’ sure you all ‘ent dead or summat, y’know?”
“Yeah,” replied Kzahar, still fuzzy-headed from sleep. He finally recalls the story they discussed. *We’re fine. We’re uh, traveling warriors, ran into some highwaymen and the fighting took us off the road. We don’t really know these parts, we’re from Ardounge. We thought we’d wait until light to find our way back.”
By now some of the others stirred. Lil sat up, quickly catching on to the story. “You wouldn’t happen to know where Port Sarim is, would you?” she purred.
“Port Sarim? Y’passed it. I can get you there if’n you want.”
“That would be wonderful,” Lil agreed. “Just let us wake our companions, if you would.”

13-May-2007 15:50:59

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Sure thing,” the man shrugged. “By the way, I’m Gerald.”
Kzahar faltered here – they had forgotten about names! They couldn’t use their real names, of course, lest someone recognize them! “I’m…Dustin,” he lied finally, loud enough for Lil to hear.
“Still a little groggy, yeh?” laughed Gerald, mistaking his hesitation. Kzahar nodded slowly.
“I’m Jenn,” Lil called as she shook Maston and Arwing awake. They disentangled themselves with flushed cheeks, and Lil quickly hissed the situation to them while Kzahar distracted Gerald.
Finally, everyone was upright, and they gathered their things. “Mornin’ to you,” the fisherman offered as the others awoke. “So’s yer headin’ for Port Sarim, yeh?” They confirmed Kzah**** explanation, and he grinned toothily. “Thisaway, then.”
Bond strode slowly along beside Krystal. In the morning sunlight that streamed through the trees ahead of them, travel-worn and haggard from ocean swimming and sleeping on a beach, she looked more beautiful than ever. Her long brown hair had come free of its ties and hung in thick strands downward, tangled and matted with sand. Her clothes were stiff and smelled of salt and seaweed. But bathed in rays of golden light, none of that mattered. Even at her worst she was gorgeous.
*What’re you looking at?” she teased. He laughed and turned his gaze to their surroundings. The willow trees were tall and blotted out their view of the sea as they ventured further in, with their hanging rushes that stretched downward to grab at the adventurers. Beneath their feet was soft emerald grass that smelled sweet as it was crushed beneath their booted heels. Then he watched the guide, a short, white-haired elderly man with a blue jacket and dark brown pants.

13-May-2007 15:51:18

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gerald chatted incessantly as he guided them to Port Sarim. “So’s yer adventurers, yeh?” he echoed. “Did yers hear abou’ tha’ tournament o’ the emp’ror’s? Big money in that’un, so I heard tell.”
The company shared a glance behind his back, laughing silently at the irony. Krystal replied, “Yes…we entered, but*it didn’t go so well.”
The fisherman misinterpreted this too, thankfully. “Didn’ get in? Suppose that’s good thing now, what wit’ the rumors ‘n all.”
“Rumors?” asked Kzahar. “We’ve been on the road a long time, it would be great if you could fill us in on some of the news.”
“Sure thing, ser. Well, sure y’ know how tha’ ship were supposed to dock at all the port cities, yeh? It ‘ent been at any o’ the next spots. S’like it jus’….disappeared, yeh?”
Bond frowned. That was bad. “That’s scary…But what are the rumors, then? I mean, what do some people think happened?”
“Some say ‘s jus’ bad weather ‘n all, an ** jus’ behind. But…” he lowered his voice and continued darkly, as though he was afraid to say it, “some’s sayin’ it crashed or summat, that it got lost inner storm, and all them folks on board is dead or summat…”
This was surprisingly accurate. Bond could see Krystal tensing beside him, and bent to breathe in her ear, “Relax. He still doesn’t know who we are.”
“Guess we’re lucky, then,” shrugged Adrian.
“Sure, if you’d rather be here wit’ the Plague ‘n all. Folks be thinkin’ all sorts o’ weird thing’s now…anythin’ to explain why there’s hundreds dyin’ ever’ day.”

13-May-2007 15:51:34

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“That bad…” murmured Arwing in horror.

Maston wrapped an arm around her shoulders and hugged her close. “At least we have a chance to change it,” he whispered to her.

Then Gerald led them through one last thicket of willows, and they were suddenly confronted by the town. “Here you go, sers. Port Sarim, yeh.”

“Thank you,” replied Lil. “It means a lot to us.”

“Glad t’ be of service to such as yerselves. **luck to you all. If’n y’ need a place t’stay, I suggest the Inn just over there,” he pointed to a tall building with a sign hanging over the door, depicting a brimming mug of beer. “And there’s a chapel just across town, I’d suggest payin’ a visit. Gods alone know what’ll save us from th’ plague, yeh.”

Then the fisherman tipped his small cap and a small smile broke across his craggy face. “Now if’n you’ll excuse me, I got work t’ do…”

“Thank you,” repeated Lil.

“Pleasure to meet you,” he grinned, and strode back off into the woods.

13-May-2007 15:51:42 - Last edited on 19-May-2007 18:31:30 by Crystal Smee

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13-May-2007 16:48:12

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