
~*~ TDT2: The Blood Debt ~*~

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Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~*~*~*~ Chapter 2 *******
*What just happened to your friend?” asked the serving maid, who had been hovering near their table almost the entire time.
“Not quite sure…” muttered Kzahar. She slid away wordlessly.
Krystal was on her feet already, gathering her swords and bag. Adrian grabbed her arm. “What’re you doing?” he demanded.
“We have to go free him!”
Emmaris rolled his eyes. “Sit,” he commanded. Adrian jerked her back into her seat, while she shook with fury. *Krystal, we can*t go after them.”
“Why not?”
“Because he’ll be in a prison filled with the King’* men,” he stated, as though she was stupid. “One,” he ticked the points off on his fingers, “It’d be a miracle if we broke through there, got him, and got out alive. Two, we can** risk discovery. We have to lay low, if we draw attention there’s the chance someone will recognize us, and then our plan is ruined.”
Krystal shrugged Adrian’s arm off and slumped back in the chair, arms crossed. *Three,” she added, “traitors die if found guilty, which is practically every time. If we don’t do something, Bond will die!”
“Our chance of saving him is minimal. Is it worth it to waste our lives, while we can still follow through?” input Maston.
Krystal’s eyes flashed as she glared at him and snapped, “Easy for you to say, your girlfriend’s right here and safe!” Arwing and Maston both recoiled.
“Krystal, you know they’re right,” said Kzahar softly. “We have to just go. Bond left the gold, we should take it and get moving. Once we have control of the throne, if it’s not too late, we can order him freed.”
There was no discussing it with them. She couldn’t win. Sullenly, she followed them out of the rioting tavern. Brawls had started as people argued over Bond’s story. The warriors hurried into the street, where Adrian asked of a passerby, “Where might we buy some horses?*

02-Jun-2007 20:52:29

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Only the guard has ‘em now, sers, mighty precious they be. There’s an outpost down by the port.”
“By the jail?” asked Krystal hopefully.
“Naw, lady, that be far yonder south, down on the bluffs.”
She sagged with disappointment, and was dragged over to the guard’s station in the southern part of the city. A raw sea wind whipped at her hair as they entered the low stone building, which thankfully had a stable attached to the back. As the door swung open, the guard behind the desk looked up. “Yes?”
“We were wondering if we could buy some horses,” simpered Lil, sidling up to the table. “We’ve got plenty to pay with.”
The guard flushed as she perched herself on the edge of his desk and shuffled some papers around. “How-how much might you have?”
“How much are they going for?” shot back Kzahar. The man jumped in fright; he hadn’t seen the people behind the girl. He mumbled something about not knowing, perhaps he should show them, and hastened out a back door. The company followed quickly, and was assaulted with the smell of manure and old hay, as well as the whinnies of multiple horses.
“Here,” muttered the guardsman. “How many d’you need?”
“Seven,” declared Adrian.
“Seven?” echoed the incredulous guard. “No, we can*t sell that many.” The statement was fair, seven was over half of the station’s cavalry.
Kzahar swung back to his companions. “Anyone mind doubling up?” There was a general sigh, it would have to do. Though it would slow them down, they had to accept. They didn’t have enough money to bribe the guard into the exchange, and they needed to save some for provisions.

02-Jun-2007 20:52:55

Crystal Smee

Crystal Smee

Posts: 7,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And so, a few minutes later, four horses trotted out of the stable. Maston and Arwing sat one, Lil had convinced Kzahar to let her ride with him and now sat comfortably nestled in front of him, and Emmaris and Krystal uncomfortably shared a third. Adrian, being the largest, rode his own. They made their way to the general store and spent almost all of their remaining stash on food. And now, finally, they were prepared to set out for Varrock.
As they trotted up the path, toward the main road, Krystal looked wistfully over her shoulder. She had to twist around Emmaris to see back to the town, but her eyes searched beyond it, to the jail she couldn’t see from the distance, where Bond sat alone in a cell.
‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered in her mind. ‘I promise, I will save you.’
And then the city was out of sight, and she turned ahead, towards the future.

02-Jun-2007 20:53:06

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02-Jun-2007 23:06:41

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