I am opening up the opportunity for someone to host the next "Survivor" contest. While I'd prefer a contestant from this one to host it, I'm happy to talk to anyone else who is interested.
I am in Rome right now, but I am very interested in hosting the next Survivor contest. I will contact you when I get home. I will be back Tuesday at around 22:00 forum time, so let's get in contact after that to talk about it--unless someone else has already gotten in contact with you. Thanks.
I will be sleeping. I am back home. I am not staying up until 2 am to wait for you. I am already dealing with six hours of jet lag. My brain thinks it's half past midnight when it is half past six where I live. Sorry.
On a side note, I did enjoy Rome.
Any other time on Wednesday or Thursday that will be good for you? I move into college on Friday so that day is a big no. Remember that we are fourteen hours apart, so this may be difficult.
Archive, due to the fact that I have not been able to contact you in some weeks, and the now passed date set for the contest, I am opening this up again. Contact me again if interested.