Airline Food
“So… lemmie get this straight. You want me to hop in this… thing, which can apparently fly, and get to the Gnome Stronghold?” Frank waved his axe in the general direction of the gnome flier, looking less than impressed. "Look addit. Ain’t nothin’ but a few pieces of magic timber and,” he gave the contraption a light tap. “What I’m guessin’ is yak hide.”
“This thing is in fact one of the breakthroughs of Gnomic Engineering – an aerodynamic and self-powering Gnome Glider!” Gnormadium Avlafrim stroked his glider affectionately. “I call her Betise. Believe me, there’s no safer way to travel the world, whether it be a short trip from Ta Quir Priw to Sandarpos or a long adventure from Ta Quir Priw to Gandius!”
“I don’ even wana know.” Frank slung his hatchet over his shoulder, nestling it within his rugged lumberjack overalls. “Look, no offence or anythin’ mate, but she don’t look too fit for flyin’.”
“She’s fit as a fiddle, mister!” Avl gave Betise a light tap, which responded by having a piece of the wooden frame fall apart. Without skipping a beat Avl wiped the piece of timber in swamp tar and pushed it back into place. “Besides, you don’t have a lot of choice. You could walk north, through the wolf and ogre infested swamp,” he gestured north, which came alive with activity. Wolves leapt out of cover, killing a helpless Jubbly bird. Not to be outdone, an ogre stumbled down the hill and beat all the wolves to death, before forgetting what it was doing and leaving. Frank paled slightly. “Or you could walk south, heading through game country – hunters have been known to accidentally kill stray travellers – to eventually arrive at Oo’glog. But hey, ogress’ are sure to give you a ‘warm’ reception,” Avl waggled his eyebrows and nudged Frank a little, who paled further.
23-Jul-2011 09:17:02
- Last edited on
23-Jul-2011 09:20:16