Lokintr: The application of poetry was great in this challenge, but I think a very one-sided stance on nature would have been better for the word limit. While your descriptive nature of nature (see what I did there?) is fantastic, some type of statement about the topic, or twist, would have finished this off. Apart from that, you did a great job for the small word limit, and thank you for trying a poem.
Ogdred: This was another of my favourite entries. The whole story, revolving around symbolism, was really cleverly done and, overall, fantastic. The way you divide the sentences into a certain structure helps slow down the pace and allow thinking time for the reader as you slowly introduce more substance into the story. The statement about society is expertly introduced into the entry, and continues a thought provoking process. Great work.
Nguy4: Your description in this is exquisite, and perfect for the type of response you want from this story. The personification throughout, with the direct references to the Sun, is done with great transition and also implements the structure I find most fitting for 50 word stories. You had another seventeen words to use, however, which I believe could have progressed the concept of your story a lot further. However, this was a really poetic entry, so good work. It fits with the theme.
27-Jun-2011 12:29:50