I'm kinda bored, so I am going to write some more fifty word stories. If you want me to stop leb just askand I will.
As usual, this does not count.
Entry 2.
Nature, what is it? Be it the universe? Humanity, maybe even soil? What is your definition of nature, and how would you express it? In a paper, maybe a song? Write a poem, create a dance. Nature is different for everyone, and how you express nature is nature itself.
Entry 3.
Without death, there could not be life. With death, life is worth more. We need death to grow, without it we would become weak. Death is what drives us to become greater, it is a force of nature that is unstoppable. We know this... so why do we hate death?
Entry 4.
Seeing a few prospects I smile. When I near one I stumble, and reach out for help. A few seconds later, I have ninety-eight gold coins to put in my pocket. To take from others is in the basic structure of the human, I just use it to my advantage.
Entry 5.
What has allowed humans to take over the world? We have superior intelligence, yes. With that we could have stayed and defended against the animals for eternity. What made us great? What is ingrained into us at our core that let us grow? We are adventurers. That is our nature.
Entry 6.
Waves crashing against cliffs, waves rolling gently up the beach. The ocean is uncontrollable. It can be violent or shy, tame or wild. The ocean is a force of nature; it is a source of merriment, and of agony. The ocean is nature, and that needs to be respected.
25-Jun-2011 22:39:26
- Last edited on
26-Jun-2011 12:41:54
Agile Aqua
If it is possible, I need to talk to both Sir Lamentar and Wintry Elf in-game. You need to both be online at the same time for it to work, so hopefully in the next day or so I can talk to you.
This community, man. I have no idea what the hell Xen or anyone else did, but they're flocking back. All the old writers. I'm really looking forward to this turn of fortune for the Story Forums.
Okay, the deadline is in twelve hours. I need votes from two people, but judging by recent activity, I don't think I'll get them. As always, I'll endeavour to post the results sometime close to the deadline.