
To Win a War...

Quick find code: 49-50-179-65575073



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Well within arrow and spell range, he would only have to give a single command and they would be lying lifeless in the snow. He raised his hand to give the order to prepare a volley, but he did not release. “They wish to treat with us, sir.” said the sentry, who had spotted the pair as they had approached. That much was obvious; white banners always meant parley, though since the war began they were rarely ever used. Interested in seeing maybe some terms of surrender, he dismissed his command, allowing the patrols along the wall to lower their weapons. The commander-looking rider called up from below “I wish to hold a meeting with you, captain.” The infantry beside him remained staunch and unmoving, as if he was made of stone. “State your intention, and tell me why I should trust you.” He yelled back from the wall top. The statement made the commander smile slightly, turning his smirk into an expression of amusement. “You shouldn’t trust me. That*s what enemies are for. I would be disappointed if you did not come, though. Neither of us is going to win this battle; I offer terms.” He turned his unicorn around, and he and his companion rode off towards the summit of the rise. Asaldis descended the wall, and went to the commander’s tent. -Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:37:50 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:39:12 by Ascertes



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Mardith was busy pouring over maps of the wastes and faded records of the temple ruins when Asaldis entered. A small fire burned in the center of the tent, filling the air with smoke since the hole in the top was not large enough to let all of the toxic fumes escape. Upon noticing his entry, he motioned for the captain to come sit. He took his seat on the commander’s right, and waited for him to address him. After another minute of tedious examining, he rolled up the map and put it aside, taking his seat and staring off towards the tent’s opening. “Is there something to report?” he asked. “There was an outrider from the enemy encampment just now; their commander specifically I believe. He wished to negotiate with us.” Unmoved by this new information, Mardith replied “About?” Asaldis shook his head. “He said he offered terms.” Mardith drummed his fingers on the table gently, contemplating the proposal. “More likely than not this is a trap. A parley on the heels of a great battle that ended in a costly draw; nothing is right about it.” He looked at the captain. *What is your take?” he asked. Recalling the fierce fight they had just suffered, he said “I think we should take him up on it. They may try to surrender, given that if they tried to retreat we would catch them due to the narrow passages leading out of the temple grounds.” He added “And I don’t like this man one bit, Mardith. He carries himself with authority and confidence. His face said that he had already won. Something is not right with him.” Mardith replied, “It is true he is extraordinarily cunning. Planning an offensive like that is no small feat. That takes weeks of planning by most; time which he could not have had. However, these are Zamorak’s servants we are dealing with here. They are broken and insane men, societal outcasts who have no place in a world of peace; likely, he’s deluded.” -Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:37:55 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:40:20 by Ascertes



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Asaldis had heard all of the stories before and the various legends that involved the many peoples in servitude to Zamorak. Pyromaniacs, mindless beasts, anarchists, sadists and the mentally deranged were the common themes that inhabited all the tales. From what he had witnessed himself, those legends were more fact than fiction.

This enemy, though, did not fit. He was something else entirely, and he wanted to find out what. There was also the chance to end this battle without further bloodshed, something Asaldis couldn’t pass up. *Can we truly risk this opportunity? We’re sitting in a tough spot as it is, being locked in a stalemate and away from any chance at reinforcements against a commander who is almost on par with yourself.”

In truth, it was apparent that their foe outmatched Mardith by a long shot, but insulting him would more likely than not would result in insubordination. “Plus, morale is deteriorating at a rate we won’t be able to recover from.” The expression on Mardith’s face hadn’t changed, and he knew his chance was slipping away. “I’ll go myself if that works best.” A flash of amusement went across the old commander’s face, and Asaldis could almost hear the gears turn as Mardith let the opportunity sink in. “Very well.” He responded finally. “You have my permission, captain. Try not to die or get captured, though. A rescue will be hard to orchestrate.” He grinned arrogantly, then dismissed him. It was the first time Asaldis had seen him smile.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:38:00 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:41:19 by Ascertes



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Asaldis gathered his sword along with a new shield, wrapped himself up in the heaviest cloak he could find, and made his way to the front gate. As Asaldis exited the camp and made his climb up the slope towards the top of the hill where the parley was meant to take place, the ancient oak was not the only object atop it now. He could see a table and chairs, and his foe awaiting him at the summit. Thankfully the wind was down today; otherwise this parley would no doubt be all the more bitter. When he came to the top, Asaldis saw the table was topped with luxurious foods including various fruits, a flagon of Zamorakian wine, a small roasted chicken, two wheels of cheese and all manner of nuts; most of this was likely imported from Karamja. The commander stood beside the table, his iron bar stuck in the snow and leaning against the old, dead oak. His bodyguard was nowhere to be found. -Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:38:12 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:41:59 by Ascertes



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Asaldis took a seat at one end, and likewise the commander sat down at the other. “Where is your bodyguard?” Asaldis asked. The commander reached across the table, and filled his plate with the various fruits along with a helping of chicken. “He is not here. He is back at the camp; I had no need of him.” He said, not looking at Asaldis. His voice sounded like someone who had simply lost all care for the world, laughing at what they lost. “Then why bring him with you when you sent for parley?” he asked curiously. “Someone needed to carry the other banner.” He replied. The commander smiled. “Some food, captain? Have something more befitting of your rank.” He took his cup and filled it with red wine from the flagon, then offered it to Asaldis. “I’ll pass.* Asaldis crossed his arms and stared intently at his adversary. The commander gestured towards Asaldis’ empty plate. *Do you not hold yourself above your men? Or are you afraid I poisoned the food? If the latter, trust me it is not.” He put a grape in his mouth and abruptly ate it. “Why would I poison you? You’re just a captain. If I was intent on killing someone today, I would have asked for your friend Mardith. No, I am not interested in your death.” He ate a few more grapes and a bite of apple, while Asaldis did not move. “I can tell you’re on guard, captain. You cross your arms and keep a straight face, revealing nothing. Your body language screams anxiousness and suspicion. My demeanor is not what you would expect of someone in the service of Zamorak, forever hallowed be his name,” he laughed and looked him in the eye. “And I know for a fact this parley you did*’t expect, either.” -Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:38:17 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:42:20 by Ascertes



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His eyes were cold but yet all knowing, with chunks of what seemed to be ice floating in a sea of blue. “I am not an evil man, captain. I am human, just the same as those in the service of your god. Not some demon or vampire, to be certain.” He let out a small, light hearted sigh at that last notion, and plucked some more grapes from the bundle on the table. “You’re not human.” said Asaldis. The commander shrugged slightly, and replied “Perhaps that is not entirely false. You can tell just by looking at me that something is wrong. As a child I was experimented on by the sorcerers and necromancers of Zamorak. They left me scarred like this.” He met his stare again, and asked *Do you know who I am, captain?” Asaldis remained silent for a moment in thought. “No.* he said. “Then perhaps maybe you’ve heard of The White Wraith? The desolator of Lassar?”

Lassar had been a grand city atop Ice Mountain and once a great hub of trade in the Old Empire. It had been stolen by Zamorak after his return from the east two days after an uneventful siege without any bloodshed. Afterwards, nearly all of the surrounding land had been taken, and Lassar turned into an abominable fortress and testament of Zamorak’s power. The White Wraith was known for cunning and unorthodox strategies, and the precision with which he executed them was cold and merciless.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:38:22 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:42:57 by Ascertes



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Asaldis couldn’t deny that he was the Wraith. He fit the appearance, and his tactics the day before only added weight to the idea. “I don’t think they called you that simply for your tactics, Wraith.” Asaldis said, intending a slight insult. The Wraith laughed. “Indeed not. My presence alone was in many cases enough to turn the blood of your most valiant men to ice. But it is a fitting title for my command.” The Wraith broke a few grapes off their stems, and set them onto his plate while taking another portion of chicken. “Tell me why you are here.” Asaldis said. “And why should I tell you? You’re the enemy,” said the wraith sarcastically. Asaldis replied, *What do you want?” The Wraith smiled. “A predictable choice of words, captain. Sadly I already know why you are here. Your handler Mardith is on some valiant crusade to recover a lost artifact he believes is hidden in this ancient temple to your god, in the middle of nowhere.” He paused a moment, leaned forward, and lowered his voice. “The artifact exists, but not in the form he thinks it does.” He leaned back in his chair, the black chainmail of his cape clinking softly. “You’re familiar with the Angel of Death? Nex?” -Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:38:29 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:43:38 by Ascertes



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Asaldis knew the Death Angel all too well. An unspeakable horror and pet of Zaros, it was famous for laying waste to entire armies on its own, with no weapons, spell or incantation prevailing against it. “I know it. After Zamorak felled the Emperor, there was nothing to control its rage. Our priests lead it into the Frozen Wastes where they sealed it with prayer in…” and then Asaldis knew. “…In a temple of ice. Correct.* The Wraith finished. “We are standing amidst the ruins of that temple. How do I know this? The glyphs and etchings of a dozen priests and mages are carved into the walls all over the temple grounds. I implore you to look at them yourself; you may discover the truth of what happened here and not the twisted stories your monks tell you. It cost the Temple Knights a small army to seal Nex and her minions within. Every one of them died here in the attempt, captain. It took them all to seal her within. The truth is all around you.” -Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:38:34 - Last edited on 05-Mar-2015 00:19:27 by Ascertes



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Asaldis cleared his throat. *What do you propose?” The Wraith brought forth a package, wrapped in bearskin and tied with twine. The Wraith undid the binding, and unfolded the skin to reveal an ancient stone tablet carved with holy writings. “Mardith means to bring forth this ‘artifact* with a spell once he claims the ruins. The spell will undo the barriers that keep her contained within, and once more her anger will bathe the world in blood.” He swept his hand across the tablet, in an almost elegant fashion. “This tablet is known for negating magical and divine energy alike. Place it within the temple, and when Mardith speaks his incantation, the tablet will dissipate the energy, leaving the wards intact.” Asaldis continued his stare. “…And what does he do when the spell doesn’t work?” he asked. The Wraith smile lightly, and replied, “The tablet has a tendency to glow when its effect takes place. When you’re in the temple, take the tablet and hide it on some altar or table. Mardith will immediately assume and think the tablet is the artifact he has been looking for.” -Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:38:39 - Last edited on 05-Mar-2015 00:20:51 by Ascertes



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Asaldis still had an important question, however. “Why are you telling me this? We’re enemies. You should have retreated the moment you found out what the temple was built for, leaving us for dead. What do you stand to gain?” The Wraith drank another swallow of wine, and pushed his empty plate aside. “A valid question. Firstly, Nex has no intention of lingering around the temple grounds. Free her, and the entire continent will be plunged into a bloodbath. Secondly, you have earned my respect in battle. You went against normal procedure and strategy. You improvised and adapted. You became independent and thought for yourself; I admire that in a commander. When you abandoned the air yesterday on the field, you saved the lives of you and your men. There was nothing to be gained by continuing to fight, with men perfectly able of bringing you down in position. As a matter of fact, you drew it to a stalemate. Not a victory, but a stalemate is preferable to defeat. That small act set the course of the entire battle. You have earned my respect, and I have no doubt you will do great things one day.” He leaned over the side of his chair, and pulled up a box. “A game of chess, captain? Civility among enemies, to show respect for one another?” He opened the box and laid out the board, and began to assemble the black pieces. *I think it is only fitting you should play as white, and I as black.* He finished setting his side, and grinned softly at Asaldis, revealing perfectly white and straight teeth. “Your move, captain.”

Asaldis began off with moving the pawns forward one at a time. The Wraith played a more aggressive game, bringing out his queen and knights immediately. The offensive play style forced him into sacrificing several key pieces, including the queen. After a half dozen more moves, it was clear Asaldis would be the victor.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:38:44 - Last edited on 05-Mar-2015 00:20:26 by Ascertes

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