
To Win a War...

Quick find code: 49-50-179-65575073



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The left and right flanks of Saradomin’s army were occupied by the faster moving members of the assembled host. Heavy centaurs in plate ridden by mages, archers, crossbowmen, spearmen and swordsmen were accompanied by unicorns and lions. In the center remained primarily the human divisions, tasked with storming the hill with the lone oak between the opposing armies and reinforcing the cavalry once they had met the enemy head on. Behind the front rows of advancing warriors were the archers and crossbowmen, which before the attack would rain death to soften the Zamorakians for their cavalry. Farther behind still stood the mages and monks and priests, tasked with supporting and augmenting the other divisions with protective spells and prayers. At the rear came the bombardiers and flying divisions, consisting of icyene like Asaldis.
The enemy had formed up in formations as well, but from so far back Asaldis couldn’t see much of what the enemy comprised of. He could make out the tall and deformed figures of demons, but beyond that the reds and blacks mingled together making their opponents look like a massive blotch of half-dried blood.

Scouts came soaring down from the skies, relaying observations to Mardith, who in turn dispatched them to the rest of the army to deliver his orders. One such scout came to Asaldis. “The enemy has made no move to strike; they will receive the charge.” That boded poorly to the captain. It was not usual for Zamorak to be on the defensive side of a battle; infamous for his charge and blitz offensives, Zamorakians were almost always striking first.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:28:13 - Last edited on 04-Mar-2015 23:45:53 by Ascertes



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A few more minutes of message relaying went by, then a few of tense silence. Asaldis knew Mardith was simply biding his time, waiting for the enemy to slip. Though as usual, his eagerness trumped his better judgment when the enemy stayed their hand. He barked an order, and shouts went through the ranks. Several archers and crossbowmen alike readied their weapons, and released. The arrows sailed through the crisp morning air, landing not even half way to the dark host before them. When the last had landed, another ordered was sent through, and the cavalry began to advance. The going was slow, as the armored centaurs were required to stay in front. Once fully on the move, the humans in the center charged forth screaming and sending up prayers. Behind them came the mess of everyone else, running to where they felt they would be needed most, except the bombardiers who had received no such orders.

As the cavalry passed the hill, that order finally came from Mardith. Drawing his sword and ordering his men to flight, Asaldis pulled himself into the air to take after the advancing front line. As they drew closer to the battle at hand, Asaldis saw heavy centaurs plough through the outer lines the enemy flanks. Bones went flying and rotten flesh spattered as the charging centaurs met a host of skeletons, zombies and other undead; soldiers which could be re-summoned and supplied at will, or otherwise expendable. Clumsily wielding weapons, the claws, swords and axes of the undead glanced off the centaurs’ thick plate. Crashing behind them came the lions, tearing and clawing through the necromantic legions. The Unicorns sent various spells into the malevolent ranks while trampling the foe under their hooves.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:28:18 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:30:52 by Ascertes



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The cavalry was well engrossed when they were set on by werewolves, vyres and dark men; the undead had been put along the flanks as a way to bog the enemy down. Without the momentum of their first charge, all of the cavalry save the lions were near useless in the close quarters melee.

The battle was quickly turning into a slaughter as the agile werewolves took the centaurs in the flanks, and the undead persisted without fear. Beating his wings faster, Asaldis ordered a wedge formation. The enemy was taking to the air now, and it would soon be their turn to bring holy justice upon their foe. The fliers met the enemy just above the carnage the charging cavalry had wrought below. Screams, triumphant cheers and curses went round as dances of almost graceful aerial combat replaced the relentless charge to the front. Asaldis himself engaged with a demon, pulling himself out of reach and attempting to circle behind and below his slower moving foe. The demon lashed with claws and teeth as he tried to land a blow on Asaldis’ wings, missing only by inches. Asaldis landed two consecutive blows, one on the demon’* leg and the other severing his left wing, sending him hurtling to the earth below in a free fall. Afterwards Asaldis swept through the skies assisting his men where he could.

The body count was quickly rising, as many from both sides crashed down from above. Asaldis saw an Icyene go down engulfed in fire, and a duel closely matched end in death for both combatants as they hacked away at one another, not realizing the ground rushing to meet them as they spiraled downward.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:28:23 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:31:40 by Ascertes



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The foot soldiers now had gotten themselves into position atop the hill. Lines of archers and crossbowmen fired aimlessly into the melee ahead, while mages casted devastating magic into the enemy’s rear. Some arrows and spells had begun to fly into the aerial melee from both sides, and Asaldis thought that now was best to retreat and regroup. While those free from combat slowly made their way to him by dodging the lethal acrobats, a shower of arrows came in from the enemy center. It was only a matter of time before his massing group became a very noticeable target. “Down! Down!” Asaldis cried, and he closed his wings, hurtling towards the earth with his retinue. They gracefully landed in a crater which had been devastated by earth magic, right in the middle of the enemy host. Fortunately the smoke from the spells had been thick, and their landing was only just being noticed. -Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:28:28 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:32:37 by Ascertes



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A werewolf lunged at Asaldis from behind, but he turned his shield to receive the blow, knocking the beast off course. Asaldis brought his sword around and ended him. “Defensive knot! Weakest to the center!” he ordered, sending his half able squad into a scramble. Their wall had been formed just in time, as dark men with spears and axes leaped into the crater to challenge the cornered warriors. One took a stab at Asaldis’ chest, which he parried with his sword and hit the man in the face with his shield. Whirling around, he cut the man in two. Archers and mages tried vainly to soften the surprisingly formidable defence, but most dissipated or drove straight into the ground as they approached. A priest was on his knees praying silently in the center of the knot, providing a spiritual barrier which Asaldis was thankful for. Unfortunately his men were tiring quickly, and no amount of magical or holy barriers would keep the enemy away forever. werewolves and hellish dogs darted in and out among the Icyenic knights, slowly weakening their shield as they tried to fend off the attackers. A green flash caught Asaldis’ attention, and he quickly turned his head to the sky. -Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:28:33 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:33:17 by Ascertes



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A line of green was slowly coming down near them, and most certainly would wipe out most of his squad. “Magic incoming! To me!” he cried. The enemy was noticing the impending doom as well, and they were fleeing the crater. They grouped themselves together, and prayed to survive. The magicians had worked a small barrier to support the priests’ holy one, and now there was nothing to do but wait. A cacophony of screams and earth shattering roars filled the air as the wall of earth magic descended upon the helpless soldiers below. Their barrier rippled horribly as it hit, and one of the mages crumpled to the ground due to the strain. The attack started in front, passed over them, and moved on. Soon it was silent near them, though the distant sounds of battle continued.. They dissolved their barrier, and were about to make for friendly faces when a line of centaurs and lions came galloping by. The cavalry had gotten disentangled and regrouped for a second charge it seemed, and now Zamorak’s forces were on the retreat. The centaurs passed by, but Asaldis did not join them. His men were hurt badly, and they would be useless in another encounter.

The snow was all but melted where the battle was taking place, churning the ground into a treacherous and sucking mud. The air was filled with smoke and ash, reducing visibility greatly. The sky now was dark with clouds, and it had begun to snow. Ruins of the massive temple complex were scattered all around, and the bodies of the dead and dying covered much. By now the infantry were following the advancing centaurs, and Asaldis felt as if he was moving against a current.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:28:38 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:34:16 by Ascertes



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The flow suddenly came to a standstill, and soldiers were looking off in the distance behind Asaldis and his company towards where the battle was progressing. A thin black mist washed past their ankles, and sank into the ground. The ground shook slightly, then the tremors abated. A cry of anguish and surprise went up to Asaldis’ left, and he saw the dead slowly rise from the earth, both men of Saradomin and Zamorak alike. The infantry were soon swamped with the undead, and once again Asaldis found himself amidst the fighting. It was just not those dead in this battle who were rising, however. He saw skeletons and half rotted corpses rise from under piles of snow, some wearing the armor of Saradomin and others the symbols of Zaros. Directly ahead of them a dragon corpse was pulling itself out of the muck, and instead of fire it unleashed wretched, decaying breath on those in its way. The undead as a usual rule were no match for the living, but the dead numbered so many they seemed outmatched at least ten to one. Fighting their way through the sea of corpses, Asaldis and his men were being whittled down one by one. The creatures Zamorak’s necromancers had brought back from death were utterly fearless and had no sense of self preservation. Mindlessly, they threw themselves at them, and soon their retreat was brought to a halt. Asaldis cut down many with spinning, agile blows but the horde just kept coming. -Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:28:48 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:35:10 by Ascertes



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A roar came from in front of him, and Asaldis found himself against the dragon. Its scales had decayed to a whitish grey, and its teeth were all but black with rot. Its eyes were barren and lifeless; dark pits with no sign of life. Fear gripped Asaldis. It reeled its head back in preparation to unleash its foul breath, and Asaldis raised his shield and sent a prayer in terror. The deathly wind washed over and past him, decaying some of his men and other undead alike in an instant. His prayer had kept the majority of it off him, but his shield was stripped of its paint and the metal was half eroded. He shook it off, and assumed a two handed stance. As it threw its head back for another blast, Asaldis darted forward and opened its belly, spilling its rotted insides onto the ground. The dragon did not seem to care. He rolled out on its left, and stabbed it in the side, lodging his sword between two ribs. He pulled on it frantically and tried twisting to get it out, but the dragon had turned its head to face him once more, and again Asaldis sent a prayer of mercy.

The dragon unleashed its breath on him, and after only a few instants Asaldis could feel his confidence shaking, which would destroy his spiritual shield. Doubts crept into his mind, and he was about to surrender to death when a spell struck the dragon, curving its head towards itself, where the breath it unleashed decayed its own body. Its entire torso was but ashes, causing the neck and head to fall to the ground lifeless.

Mages and archers alike were moving forward to compensate for the cavalry’s advance, and once such mage had been the one who just saved Asaldis’ life. Asaldis rallied the remnants of his men to him, and they continued their trek backward.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:28:52 - Last edited on 04-Mar-2015 23:53:29 by Ascertes



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After a few more minutes of struggling against the congestion of bodies, Asaldis and the half dozen men of his troop who were still alive reached their own camp, where healers and priests took over to tend the wounded. Asaldis himself went back into the field, not remembering to take another shield. He travelled back to the front on his wings, and saw that aerial battle above had been ended in a draw, seeing as neither side still had troops in the air.

Hours passed with little sign of either side relenting. Eventually the melee had dissipated, and the lines of archers had dug in and were uselessly raining volleys on each other. On the Zamorakians’ side the undead served, quite literally, as meat shields and their own mages had created magical barriers. The men of Saradomin had locked their fine-fitting shields together, as well as their holy and magical barriers. The battle was a stalemate.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:28:57 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:37:07 by Ascertes



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Captain Asaldis was assigned to the watch on their newly erected ice wall the morning after the battle. Unlike the day before, the clouds had parted and what warmth the sun had was finally being felt by the troops, and the sun’s rays cast a painful glare from the snow that had fallen in the night. It was still fairly early in the morning when one of the sentries spotted two riders trekking down the hill between the opposing encampments. The riders were mounted upon black unicorns; foul abominations which were twisted from their natural form by Zamorak’s necromancers and dark mages. The lesser looking rider was wearing the standard Black Armor of Zamorakian infantry, and his size indicated immediately that he was a bodyguard. The second rider appeared to be that of a command status; he wore unadorned black plate armor and had a wrought iron bar slung onto his back. His cape was made of black chainmail and fastened with golden disks at his shoulders, connected by a golden chain. His hair was white and came to his shoulders, though he did not look older than twenty. Each rider bore a white banner; one emblazoned with the horns of Zamorak, and the other with the star of Saradomin.

They navigated their way through the ruins scattered about the hill towards the base of the encampment’s walls, where they stopped and stuck the banners in the snow, lazily blowing in the wind while their mounts sent up clouds of steam, distorting some of the features of their riders, though Asaldis swore the commander was smiling thoughtfully.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

20-Feb-2015 02:29:06 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2015 02:37:44 by Ascertes

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