Well, I'm going to say this right here and now. Dragon should not have done the romance section.
I know he's prejudice against romance. He believes it's pointless in any story. I'm sorry, but I disagree completely here. There are other alternatives to romance, but most of those become random to a point after a while. Romance is one solid genre that doesn't often change during a story.
For example, and I saw this said before, the Harry Potter romance (While badly done... J.K Rowling should avoid it from now on.) is predictable, if you took the time to read into it. The person who spoke on this before (Sorry, I can't remember your name for the life of me) got it spot on the money that Hermione (sp?) and Ron would hook up after the fourth book. Opposites attract, duh.
Another thing about romance. What's the best way to get a quest started then romance? So and so can't reach so and so because so and so is this so so and so must go find that so so and so will notice him (Yes, there are nine guys and one chick in that little piece there.). Who cares if it's cliche? Every story written is cliche in some way or another. The main reason the Eragon series is hated by so many people is because it 'copies' LotR and Star-wars. Another brilliant series, The Wheel of Time, is said to copy LotR. The reason so much of now a days writing is considered cliched is because so much has been written. It is impossible, and I mean impossible, to be completely original today. That's why everyone needs to lay off the "This is too cliche... therefore it's useless".
So basically, what I'm saying, is that Dragon's piece needs to be re-written. Romance, if not done Brock syndrome (Which I really liked, Dragon) style (Unless it's for comedic affect), is highly effective and should be included.
23-Aug-2008 10:56:44