I've read your 'Noob story' tips, and I had the idea of making a story of a guy named Wolf, a kind and brave person who resues five begginner adventurers from a tough gang, but i'm stumped on how to do it, and I think i want the plot to be like this:
1: after Wolf saves the band of adventurers, they pledge their aleigance to him and they call him their 'cheif'
2: the gang the tried to attack the beginners claim Wolf and his followers their enemies, and start getting more members
3: Wolf and his warroirs hear of the sudden exclamation and Wolf teaches his troops how to make weapons, how to fight, use the terrain for their advantage when in combat, those things
4: Wolf recruits more members and steals some weapons from the enemy army,
But I don't know what else to do, I thought I would type up what i've got on microsoft and wait till the rest comes to me, got any tips?
06-Jun-2008 18:49:13