
`RP Heroes of Greenhaven

Quick find code: 49-50-14-65640891



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The city of Greenhaven stood tall and proud, a city which its residents could gladly call (with some bias) "The Jewel of Sorus." It was a trading hub of Sorus. Its knights were some of the finest warriors in the land. Arguably they had one of the cleverest mages on the continent. And it also had a very rich history. But it was not without faults, of course - crime ran rampant, and the only people spared from it were those who could afford the 'protection' of the very organization that caused it! Not to mention that the forests outside the city were teaming with bandits.

But soon the city would face crisis, the darkest it had ever faced in centuries! Here, several individuals, many of which members of the previously mentioned organizations, would find themselves caught in the middle of it. And they would play a key role in the events to come.


Sir Darius Arenar awoke with a start. A quick look around revealed that he was still in his room within the keep. A nightmare? That wouldn't be the first time that happened. But for some reason he just couldn't remember what that nightmare was, so why did he keep having it?

He rubbed his eyes and then climbed out of bed, then went about putting on his armor. He had no squire to prepare and maintain his equipment, sadly - his previous squire didn't seem to be one used to following rules, and found serving a knight - even if it meant later becoming a knight himself - left a few days ago, and hadn't been sent.

Before going to bed, he had been ordered to wake up early and go outside to meet three other knights. From there they would go out and attack a bandit camp. He sighed - fighting bandits was almost all they did these days. Come to think of it, this job could be pretty boring at times. But he had sworn an oath, and besides - this job had lots of perks.

So without further ado, he left his room and went to the area where he was to be meeting his fellow knights.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:28:01



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

So this is Heroes of Greenhaven . It is a medieval fantasy thread based in the city of Greenhaven on the continent of Sorus. We will play as residents of the city who work for the various factions and groups. No one knows it yet, but a bunch of crazy **** is about to happen which our characters will play a key role in.


Table of Contents

Page One

1. Introduction
2. Summary/Table of Contents.
3. Rules
4. Bio Format
5. Character List
6. Character List, continued
7. Race List
8. Race List, continued
9. Magic
10. The Story So Far

Page Two


Page Three

Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:44:19 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2015 14:46:59 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

1. Those Jagex rules tho
2. No autohitting, godmodding, powerplaying, meta-gaming, etc. If you don't know what any of those terms mean, just ask.
3. All Out-Of-Character ((OOC)) gets taken to the Story Discussion thread, or the Roleplaying Community Home once it gets transported over.
4. Non-bios are allowed.
5. Your character can't just be some ordinary civilian. They have to be someone that a person would reasonably say: "Yeah, I can see them taking on a few bandits or slaying a monster."
6. Use common sense. If you think it will get you in trouble, don't do it.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:49:55 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2015 04:07:23 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bio Format

Name: (First and last, as well as any nicknames or other aliases.)
Age: (See Rule #5.)
Gender: (Male or Female.)
Race: (I'll provide a list.)

Group/Organization: (I'd prefer you be in a group, but you can just put 'Freelance' if you don't want to be in one. If you're freelance, then you're probably either a mercenary or wannabe hero who already has somewhat of a reputation built up.)

Physical Appearance: (Hair, facial features, body, etc.)
Attire: (What they wear.)

Weapons: (Even mages will at least carry a staff or wand.)
Magic: (If any.)

Short History: (Tell me about their background - how did they come to reside in Greenhaven and how did they come to serve under whatever group they work with?)
Other: (Anything I missed?)

Fill This Out
Username | Character Name | Age | Gender | Group/Faction | Page #
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:50:13 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2015 04:23:31 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character List

Darius Arenar: A high-ranking knight of Greenhaven, and arguably one of the best. He fights with shield and mace, and is loyal to his code even if he finds knighthood dull at times.

Balmor Highrock: A boar-riding, crossbow-wielding, freelance dwarf thief with no clear allegiance.

Azrael Hawk: A hermaphroditical male working as an agent for The Organization. That damn genderbending Westenev...

Annie Wells: Trained practically from birth by her father, Annie Wells was pretty much born into The Organization and is now one of its many spies. She utilizes both stealth and magic.

Marcus Theol: A young knight born into a noble family from Elkwood, his pride in his former village of residence clearly shown in the decoration of his armor.

Ragnar "The Mad": A paranoid assassin hailing from a foreign land who has been proven to be quite reliable despite his mental instability.

Batman Andrew Basset: A wannabe hero who works as a locksmith during the day but executes vigilante justice by night.

Cain Marok: A claymore wielding knight who treats his squire as an equal.

Lyna Edengwen: A sassy elf squire serving under Cain Marok, who hails from a family that has managed to acquire nobility through heroic deeds.

Beric Stonefoot: A member of the Greenhaven guard. Despite his short stature (hardly uncommon amongst dwarves), he has managed to ascend to the rank of lieutenant thanks to his exemplary service record, but has long since given away to the corruption of The Organization. also his name is very similar to Joric Ironfist seriously whats up with that
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:50:30 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2015 00:58:17 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character List, Continued

Ali'sea Necani: A Seral'aiense (head over to the Story and Roleplay Chat forum and check out page 16) woman who has managed to work her way through the Greenhaven guard to become a lieutenant. Don't let her fourteen year old appearance fool you - she is actually old as hell (not literally, of course.)

Raea Terisa A half drow, half human pickpocket who dabbles in mind manipulation, and soon found herself under The Organization's employ because of it.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:51:00 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2015 00:58:45 by NotFishing



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Race List

Description: If you don't know what this is, seek professional help.

Description: Elves look very similar to humans, except for their pointed ears. They are slghtly taller, thinner, more agile, and more perceptive, but are physically weaker than a human. Elves are most comfortable in a forest environment. A tribal culture, elves are usually protective of nature and often find themselves shocked and confused when they enter a human settlement for the first time. They can live up to three hundred years of age.

Description: Again, dwarves are also very similar to humans. The key differences are that they are shorter, stronger, and that every dwarf (regardless of gender) is capable of growing a magnificent beard. But they are also clumsy and loud, bad at stealth and feats of agility. They are a stubborn, proud, and honourable people, but for some their love for gold can overshadow the previously mentioned honour. Thankfully though, most are able to resist. Dwarves make excellent warriors, blacksmiths, miners, and merchants. They can live up to one hundred years of age.

Description: Drows look very similar to elves, the only difference being that they have purple skin. In terms of abilities, drows lack the natural agility and grace of the elves and are on par with a human in that area, while being physically weaker than humans as well. But they make up for it with magic. Unlike the other races where few people are born with magical ability, most drows are capable of using magic - although for many it is just a basic understanding, and they can't enhance their power no matter how much they try. But the others, the more gifted ones, are fully capable of advancing their understanding and usually do it quicker than the other races. They live up to two hundred years of age.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:51:22 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2015 13:50:09 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Race List, continued

Description: Orcs are huge, standing between six and seven feet tall with immense physical strength. But they are quite possibly one of the ugliest races - with dark brown or green leathery skin, noses that balmost resemble a pig's, pointed ears, and small tusks that protrude from the sides of their mouths. It is these characteristics that have earned their race the derogatory term 'pigmen.' Many Orc* however prefer Orlossian, Orlossis being the island from which they hail. They are a warrior race, without a doubt, and have a distrust of magic - It is extremely rare for a mage to be born among the Orcish race, almost unheard of, and those that are end up being persecuted by their brethren. They live as long as humans.

Description: A hybrid is any combination of two races. Yes, the races are capable of breeding with each other. This is typically frowned on, however, because whatever offspring they produce will be sterile and thus unable to reproduce themselves. They end up sharing traits from both races - for example, an Orc/Human pairing will produce offspring with the same leathery skin and pointed ears, but a human-like nose and mouth. Additionally, their lifespan is between that of their two parents.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:51:36 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2015 13:51:26 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Few people (unless you're a drow) are lucky enough to be born with magical abilities. Any magic user is capable of using and mastering any form of magic. However, it can take several years of dedicated study just to master one form, and thus most humans are only capable of mastering a few of the various forms before they die. Healing, fire, water, earth, air, lightning, nature, etc. are all examples.

Some magic types are more unstable than others, teleportation and appearance-changing being two prime examples (with teleportation, some people may come out the other end with missing body parts, deformities, or even the loss of their mind, while with appearance-changing you will not always get the desired result and it can sometimes be permanent.) These aren't the only unstable magic types, but I won't list them all. Just be sure to bring your idea to me first and I'll decide whether or not it is to be deemed unstable.

Additionally, there are some forms of magic that are outright outlawed. Necromamcy, blood magic, mind or body control, and anything requiring life force other than your own are all taboo and illegal, called dark magic. The punishment for the use of dark magic is to be burned at a stake.

Magic itself requires energy. Every magic wielder has their own mana reserves, some larger than others. More powerful and complex spells require more mana. Once you deplete these reserves, any magic will draw from your own life force. Migraines, coughing up blood, rashes, muscle pain, breathing difficulties, and weakening of the immune system are all symptoms of overusing magic. Eventually it can lead to death.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:51:56 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2015 14:39:17 by NotFishing

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