
`RP Heroes of Greenhaven

Quick find code: 49-50-14-65640891



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Territory of Greenhaven

Greenhaven is one of a dozen city-states on Sorus. It is ruled by King Alfred II, and the territory consists of some farms, towns, villages, mines, and the city of the same name. The banner of Greenhaven is a dark green colour with a sword crossing a staff. The knights and guards have this same design on their shield, and they carry these banners into battle.

Greenhaven's territory is mostly forest. A two mile radius around the city has been cleared out for farmland and also visibility. A river runs straight through its territory from the south before turning to the east which the city itself is located along. Barges carry messages and goods up and down this river.

To the north of Greenhaven is a village called Elkwood. It is a small milling town that thrives off of the lumber trade, is surrounded by a wooden wall and has a garrison of guards as well as a knight to protect it. If you go even further north you will find Greenhaven's trade rival, Aurum. The two territories are separated by a mountain range, with only one narrow pass leading through it that has prevented the two nations from attacking each other.

To the east is another village, Daralt. It is larger than Elkwood. Located along the river, it has rich soil and an excellent irrigation system allowing for overall excellent farmland, supplementing the city's own food supply quite well and allowing food prices to stay cheap. It has no walls and only a local militia and knight protect it. If you go further east, the river branches out to the north and south, marking the border to Greenhaven's ally, Bluestone.

Now if you go south you will reach Port Terran. Located along the coast, it is a small fishing hamlet with a small port that Greenhaven uses to ship its goods overseas. It has no walls and only a local militia protects it. Greenhaven's modest navy also operates out of it.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:52:25 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2015 22:14:09 by NotFishing



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Territory of Greenhaven, continued

Now if you go west, you will find a mining town called Silva, located next to a mountain. It has recieved its name from the rich silver deposits found within the mountain. They also have some quarries to collect stone. The town itself is surrounded by a stone wall and has guards garrisoned there to defend it. And for good reason: it is the largest silver mine on Sorus and Greenhaven depends on it for wealth.

Other than its silver mines though, Greenhaven lacks any other natural minerals. As a result they depend on trade with other city states for things like iron, copper, tin, etc.

One point of interest is located directly northeast of the city, just a few miles out. A mysterious stone circle, covered with moss and clearly showing its age. No one is entirely sure who built it or what it is for.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:52:38 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2015 22:14:51 by NotFishing



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History of Greenhaven

Greenhaven's history goes back a thousand years. Before the walls were built, before the time it could even be considered a city, they were a small warlike tribe of a few thousand, hardly any more civilized than the Orcs of Orlossis. They hated and feared magic, exiling the magic wielders far from their land and ordering them to never return on pain of death.

Eventually, this came back to bite them. According to legend, a powerful demonlord named Kralak had come to Sorus, and set about causing chaos throughout the land. He set his sights on the tribe, and so he summoned forth an army of darkness and attacked. At his side were several of the mages who had been banished, eager for revenge.

During the battle, a traveller by the name of Gregory the Green came forward. Unknown to the tribe who had let him stay, he was a battlemage. One who fought with both sword and spell. He rallied the people together and fought through the hordes, then the mages, abd then attacked Kralak himself. In an epic and bloody battle, he killed Kralak although he had been critically injured as a result.

Considering he had saved them all, the tribe was willing to overlook his use of magic and take care of him. His days of travelling were done, so he stayed with them and shared all he knew of the other cultures he had visited. The tribe embraced these ideas, abandoning their warlike ways and adopting the ideals of the city today, as well as being more accepting of nagic users. In his honour, they built a large statue and founded a city around it which they named 'Greenhaven.'

Time went on and the city grew, becoming more and more powerful as they fought off invaders and made alliances. Today it is one of the most prominent cities on the Sorusian continent.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:52:55 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2015 17:50:17 by NotFishing



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City of Greenhaven

Greenhaven City is located directly on the spot where the river stops going north and turns towards the east, meaning the southeast quarter of the city is surrounded by river and wall. It has a population of approximately twenty thousand people. The city itself is surrounded by a tall stone wall, with a south gate and an east gate. Both gates are made out of wood with resist fire enchantments, and reinforced by an iron portcullis in case of a siege.

Going into the city, it has several different districts and areas.

The Castle

The castle is located on the west side of the city, and it is where the king resides. As far as castles go, it isn't overly huge or anything, but its large enough to hold everything you would expect a king to have. Within its walls is the Greenstone Keep, where the king's knights and their squires sleep and train.

The Market

The market is located in the centre of the city, where merchants set up stalls to sell their goods. Prices are usually fair, but you will still sometimes need to haggle. Additionally, the area is rife with pickpockets who can easily disappear into the crowd if caught.

The Slums

Located in the northeast corner of the city, this is where the unfortunate poor reside. Few guards go through this area, and it is firmly under control of Edward Veliath's Organization, the city's largest crime faction.

The Middle District

Located in the southeast corner of the city, the middle district is, as the name implies, home to the middle class. Merchants, craftsmen, shopkeepers, potters, those kinds of jobs. The people here are generally friendly and mostly content with their lives. The Mercenary Guild is located here.

The Rich District

Located in the southwest corner, just south of the castle. The city's wealthiest nobles make their homes here. The landowners, the businessmen. The houses here are more like mansions,
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:53:09 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2015 00:32:05 by NotFishing



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and the nobles can usually afford to hire a few private guards.

The Wizard Tower

Located in the northwest corner, the Wizard Tower is large, one of the tallest buildings in the city. Here the Court Mage, the city's leading authority on anything magic related, resides. The tower has numerous libraries, research rooms, a servant quarters, an apprentice quarters, and a master bedroom at the top.

The Docks

Locate on the south side of the city, between the Middle and Rich districts, the docks aren't particularly large. The only boats they hold are river barges, made for carrying goods and messages up and down the rivers, not made for the open sea. There are a few warehouses where the goods are stored on either side of the river.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:53:29 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2015 00:39:27 by NotFishing



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Factions, Groups, and Organizations

The Knights of Greenhaven

The Knights of Greenhaven are generally viewed as among the best and the finest warriors in Sorus. While the guards merely patrol the roads and settlements, the knights actively go out and hunt any potential dangers to the city and its surrounding villages. In times of direct warfare, they act as military commanders and trainers.

Before you become a knight, you must first serve as a squire for at least five years. Squires are recruited from noble families (typically the youngest child) at the age of thirteen. A squire is responsible for the knight's equipment and keeping their master's quarters clean and orderly. Meanwhile it is the knight's duty to constantly train them and teach them about what it takes to become a knight.

A knight is given a suit of armor, a horse, a shield of Greenhaven, and either a sword or a mace depending on their preference.

The Mercenary's Guild

The Mercenary's Guild is located in the Middle District. It is fairly large building, built to house fifty mercenaries. Walking in, there is a front desk in which a clerk sits. Here, 'customers' may come up and ask to hire however many mercenaries they need and for how long. The guild takes a twenty-five percent share of the pay, and the rest is divided among the mercenaries who partake.

The rest of the guild includes a barracks (in which the mercenaries may sleep for free), a training room, an armory, a guildmaster's quarters, and a bar where the mercenaries can buy drinks at their own expense. They are never ordered to take a job, they volunteer, and jobs are posted on a bulletin board in the bar with a sign-up sheet. To retain their membership of the guild, they must do at least one job per week.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:53:44 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2015 21:17:31 by NotFishing



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Guilds, Factions, and Organizations, continued

The Organization

Lacking any name, this Organization controls all organized crime in Greenhaven. Many a hero, guard, and knight have tried to take it down, only for a poor farmer in to find their body a few days later in an irrigation canal near Daralt. Their leader is Edward Veliath, one of the city's wealthiest citizens. Unlike the rest of the city's wealthiest residents, his mansion is located in the poor district.

As previously stated, they maintain a tight hold over all organized crime as well, and even control unorganized crime too. They have pickpockets who work their way through crowds, stealing petty cash. There are con-men who trick gullible fools into giving away money for junk. There are burglars who clear households of their valuables. You name it, they have it.

And how does one spare themself from this abuse? They sell Scrolls of Protection. Anyone in possession of these is to be left alone, while anyone without one is fair game. Enforcers prawl the streets, checking citizens for these scrolls (when the guards aren't there, of course, and groups are usually large enough to fight off small patrols anyways), and anyone without one is relieved of their valuables. That said, the protection is sincere - they actively hunt down any criminal unaffiliated with their organization that preys on the protected.

They have spies to keep an eye on newcomers, potential troublemakers, and those who don't buy the protection. Messengers run messengers back and forth throughout the city. Agents are sent to assassinate people who are too problematic or to steal a specific item that can be used as blackmail or just to say something along the lines of 'I was in your house, I could've killed you, but I didn't and instead I took your family heirloom. But that was your last heirloom, mother******.'
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:54:00 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2015 21:36:28 by NotFishing



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Anyways, they have just as much control over the city as the knights and guards do, so don't cross them,

The Guards

These guys. Right. The dudes who tell you what to do and occasionally conplain about their injured knees. Oh wait, wrong game.

Any citizen of the city with a clean record is allowed to join the City Watch. After a month of training each guard is given a helmet, a suit of chainmail, a sword, and a wooden shield. They patrol the streets of the cities as well as the roads outside. Their primary purpose is to enforce the law and they will only march into battle in times of war. Other threats, the knights deal with.

You can join as one of the captain's two lieutenants, but I wouldn't recommend being a grunt.

The Court Mage

The Court Mage is the city's leading authority on magic, and advises the King on any magic-related issues. The current court mage is an eldery half drow, half human. He resides in his tower, only leaving to go to the castle when he must advise the king. One of his legs is made out of wood, and he has enchanted it to give his body some degree of control over it, but he still needs to walk with a cane.

He has been known to take on apprentices and teach them not just how to use magic, but also magical ethics and morality. But at the same time he has also been known to occasionally send these apprentices on sometimes dangerous errands outside the city to gather items. Another thing he does is hire servants to look after his tower, preferably with combat experience to help defend it, If skilled enough, they may also be sent on errands.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:54:17 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2015 21:54:48 by NotFishing



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For currency, Greenhaven uses the almost universally adopted currency by all city-states - Sorunes. Made from various metals, the values are as follows:

Copper: Worth 1 Sorune.
Bronze: Worth 10 Sorunes.
Silver: Worth 25 Sorunes.
Gold: Worth 100 Sorunes.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:54:35 - Last edited on 24-Jun-2015 17:35:38 by NotFishing



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Sorusian Religion

The Humans of Sorus worship a pantheon of gods, each representing key aspects of life, human nature, or the world around them. They all encourage humans to behave with morality.

Yoralf - The chief god, believed to have created the world as well as the other gods, who would then go on to create the various races and animals.

Klora - Goddess of beauty, love, fertility, and social interaction.

Toralf - God of strength, honour, courage, and combat.

Shora - Goddess of the dead. She decides whether or not souls may enter the afterlife, and someone's soul is unworthy it is destroyed.

Neolf - God of intellect, wisdom, magic, peace, and order.

Aurolf - God of wealth, trade, luck, and hard work.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

21-Jun-2015 03:54:52 - Last edited on 25-Jun-2015 19:16:04 by NotFishing

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