
`RP Heroes of Greenhaven

Quick find code: 49-50-14-65640891



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Bio Format

Name: Beric Stonefoot
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf

Group/Organization: Guards - Market District (Lieutenant)
Physical Appearance: Beric is short and bulky like all of his people, standing at four feet and four inches tall, and he is well-muscled from a career of armed service. His age is apparent in his wrinkles and in the strands of gray in his dark brown beard, and his eyes are the same umber shade as his hair.

Attire: Beric wears most of the usual Greenhaven Guard attire when on duty. He wears the standard suit of chainmail, with steel bracers and gauntlets and a pair of steel-toed boots, often bloody from curbstomping used harlots rough brawls with street criminals.

Weapons: Beric wields a 28-inch steel arming sword. As a Dwarf he handles its shorter blade much better than the longswords wielded by knights, and it is far more practical in the cramped spaces of an alleyway or a tavern. He carries this sword at a sheath at his right hip, though he wields a second identical sword at his left hip. He doesn't dual wield - the second sword is only a spare in case he loses the first. He also carries a dagger, if he needs an even shorter blade. Lastly, he carries a thick oaken shield, plain with no embellishment.

Magic: None

Short History: Beric's parents were miners from Elkwood who moved to Greenhaven after their house was ransacked by thieves. As a boy Beric was a hothead who often got into fights. Years of scrapping and brawling taught him that he was good at fighting, and as a young man he joined the city guard. He used to be an idealistic, upstanding guardsman who thought himself above being bribed. He had an excellent service record, made many impressive arrests, and once cleared a tavern of a dozen drunk brawlers single handedly. Beric thought he could resist the Organization, but he was later manipulated into murdering one of their agents who had gone rogue. The Organization threatened to blackmail him with this unless he complied.
Ramsay Bolton is the king we deserve.

06-Jul-2015 05:44:53



Posts: 4,159 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He finally conceded, and has since cooperated reluctantly with the Organization. He is often seen drinking and spending time with women of the night, but he is still a highly competent and dedicated guardsman.


Fill This Out
Venom1383 | Beric Stonefoot | 44 | Male | Guards | Page 8
Ramsay Bolton is the king we deserve.

06-Jul-2015 05:44:55 - Last edited on 06-Jul-2015 05:45:09 by Venom1383

Mark Argon

Mark Argon

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Marc wandered towards the keep's entrance where he would soon meet the other knights on his assignment. He had all of his armour on apart from his helmet, which he held under his right arm, his left being preoccupied with his shield.

As he got closer to the meeting point, Marc saw the figure of a knight, which, as he got closer focused and was easily recognisable as Darius, a fellow knight.

"Morning!" Marc said as he got within earshot of Darius, which he hoped would save the poor knight from the famously quiet castle guards. "Just waiting for the others now are we?" He added.

((Rather short I know))

06-Jul-2015 19:34:17

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

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"Oh a letter!" He took it and looked at it in every way possible he then said, "I wonder who it is from, a fan of my writing? A summons for to a lord for me to sell my books to?" Balmor then said to Annie, "Thank you, you may go."

He put his crossbow away and opened the letter and read it he sighed he was being called to the one place he didn't want to go. The organization was the last thing he wanted to be involved with. He worked alone, he didn't want to share his money with anyone let alone with a group of people. Balmor then decided to go there now instead of waiting. He left the alley and now was heading for the mansion.
and nothing was spoiled :P

07-Jul-2015 03:20:23

Jul Member 2011


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Annie's mission was done but failed the mission. She was frustrated with herself because,she failed and promise herself she will do better with her next mission. She watched Balmor read the letter and walking away. Now she must go back to the the mansion to get her next mission. She had her notebook in her backpack with all her notes in it. She took her notebook out of her backpack and wrote in it. She wrote more information about Balmor.

After she was done writing in her notebook, she put it back in her backpack. Then she walked out of the alleyway and headed to the mansion with her boss lives. On the way there she started to feel a strange power growing in her. She ignored it and kept walking to a destination. She finally made it to the mansion and knock on the door to be let in. The door opened and she walked in. She was ready for her next mission.

07-Jul-2015 21:01:39 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2015 02:24:30 by Annie1227

Mar Member 2023


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Bio Format

Name: Raea Terisa
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Half Drow/Half Human

Group/Organization: The Organization

Physical Appearance: A bit shorter than the average drow due to her human DNA, Raea still maintains a taller stature than full humans of her age group. Her figure is quite curvy considering her genetics, though it is far from an "ideal" hourglass shape. Her skin is the typical purplish of drows, though it is slightly paler (comparable to lilac), again due to her human half. Her ears are not pointed, much to her dismay. Her hair is a dark shade of sable, which she cuts boyishly short.

Her face is quite plain, with dull brown eyes that curve slightly up at the sides. She has an overall fairly round facial structure, though it has the slender appearance from her drow half. The nose and mouth are fairly small with no particularly noticeable traits to them.
Attire: Raea wears form-fitting black pants made of a fairly flexible material. She sports some worn leather boots that stretch to about the middle of her shins. She has a 3/4 sleeve dusty grey shirt that she wears light leather armor over. Over this, she dons a long reddish hooded cloak.

Weapons: Raea has a wand to conduct her magic, as well as a dagger tucked into her right boot.
Magic: Despite its questionable legality, Raea studies (and practices) the manipulation of minds. She isn’t a master of the art, though she is considerably better at it than most (totally not at all aided by the fact that most refuse to practice it). Unfortunately, she has to be looking at the individual to even have basic control over them – and anything more requires eye contact or physical contact.

Short History: Born into the Slums of Greenhaven, she was practically destined to turn to pickpocketing to feed herself.

I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

08-Jul-2015 02:49:22

Mar Member 2023


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Her parents had only been together for a short time when her human father skipped out on the family and took on a human wife. Her mother died shortly afterward from the lack of proper disease control in the area. She learned quickly about her mind manipulation abilities (hey, it makes it really easy to pickpocket people when they forget about it a couple minutes later!) and successfully made a living for herself. The Organization noticed her ability quite quickly (because spies), and she was offered a decent deal helping them to do various things, from “persuading* guards they did*’t witness something, or by wiping a memory of a face when needed.
Other: No.

Fill This Out
Blue Serval | Raea Terisa | 24 | Female | The Organization | 8
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

08-Jul-2015 02:50:17

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

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"Get up you dolt!"
yelled a female elf who held a shoe and smacked her human friend in the head with the shoe who was sleeping.

"Ow! Lyna! Cant you find a better way of waking me up rather then beating with a shoe?"
asked the man now holding his head where the shoe smacked him. Lyna the elf said,
"Well if you didn't oversleep again then I wouldn't have to come get you Cain."

These two are Cain and Lyna, Cain is a knight of Greenhaven, born a noblemen. He owes his life to his squire Lyna who saved his life. Lyna is his squire, she lives with Cain as he insisted she should so that he can fulfill his debt he owes her for saving his life.

Cain got up, right now just wearing his pants. He stands around six feet tall, and with a very athletic build. He then said,
"Am I going to be needing my armor today?"

Lyna was looking out a window and said,
"Yeah hurry up, and get dressed."
Cain laughed and said,
"Too embarrassed to look at me?"
He said as he found his shirt and pulled it over his head then found his chestplate. Lyna then said,
"No, I just don't want to hurl from looking at you getting dressed."

Cain laughed and put his chestplate on, and got the platelegs out and sighed,
"Are you sure that I need my armor today?"
Lyna this time threw the shoe she smacked him with at his head and said,
"Yes now put it on you dolt!"
and nothing was spoiled :P

08-Jul-2015 05:56:11

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lyna was standing there in her black leather vest, and tan pants. Around her neck was her amulet. She put her hand on it holding it tightly. Lyna is a rarity, she is a noble elf. Her family ancient where ancient heroes, so by that right she is a noble. Being a squire was odd because she is an elf.

Cain looked at the shoe and said,
"so who's shoe is that anyway?"
Lyna laughed and said,
"How much did you drink last night? You don't remember that girl you brought back here then either? She knocked knocked you out with that shoe and robbed you."
Cain looked at the shoe and said,
"Wait she robbed me? And you didn't stop her?!"
Lyna laughed and said,
"The only thing she stole was your pocket cash."

Cain repeated what he said,
"And you didnt stop her? Arent you suppose to be my squire? Arent you suppose to be looking out for me?"
Lyna laughed and said,
"and miss the look on your face when you found out, your night of fun turned out just to be a robbery?"
Cain then said,
"Your evil you know that right?"
and nothing was spoiled :P

08-Jul-2015 05:57:22 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2015 06:03:50 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Well, I'm sorry I was busy myself knocking out a few drunks who thought I was their property. They wont be thinking that ever again."
Lyna said with a grin on her face. Cain then asked concerned,
"Please tell me you didn't kill them?"
Lyna laughed,
"No, I just beat them to an inch of their lives."

Cain rolled his eyes and finished putting his armor on then said,
"Carry my helmet for me, you have to at least act like my squire."
He tossed her his helmet and she caught it. Cain then laughed and said,
"Wait until you become a knight, and you have to wear all this armor."
Lyna then said sarcastically,
"Yeah, the other knights would just love to have an elf as their equal."

"Just don't start a fight with the other knights again, the last thing we need is to have the other nobles hating you more then they do now."
Cain said and Lyna commented,
"If they don't like me then they can kiss my rump!"

Cain shook his head then said,
"Let's go then."
Cain left his house with Lyna holding his helmet she was smiling thinking how funny it would be if she hit him with the helmet.
and nothing was spoiled :P

08-Jul-2015 06:05:13

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