
Dark Places [RP]

Quick find code: 49-50-13-66057151



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Name: Caleb Harvey
Age: 20
Gender: Male

Appearance: Caleb stands at an even six feet, with short brown hair, pale skin, and cold grey eyes. Physically, he is not particularly impressive, but his reflexes are surprisingly quick. He tends to favour darker, duller colours: a grey shirt, a black hoodie, dark grey jeans, and black and white running shoes.

History: Growing up, Caleb was always the odd kid out. That one who had very few friends, and instead preferred to remain indoors, with few interests beyond video games.

Then, the incident happened. Though he remembered little of it, he was deeply shook. His parents thought moving away would help, but it did not. They put him through therapy, but that didn't help either.

He spent far too much time researching cave-related accidents, and stories of miners and spelunkers who went missing. It wasn't long before he started researching the supernatural as well. In the meantime, he had also been keeping tabs on his former classmates through social media, and accumulated most a disturbing amount of knowledge of what most of them have been up to.

This fixation continued even into adulthood. Now, he is willing to take time away from college just to return to the site of his old trauma. Perhaps there was still some way to get into the mine, or maybe one of his classmates had recalled something in recent years. Either way, he was hoping to get some answers.

Other: He has a small pack which contains spelunking supplies. Included within are wo flashlights, spare batteries, two flares, rope, duct tape, rations, a gas mask, a lighter, and a knife.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

12-Nov-2018 04:15:13



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Alison Harris
Age: 23
Gender: Female

Appearance: 5’ 10”, athletic, and solidly built. Not overly muscular, but definitely more so than most people her age. Has short black hair and a fair complexion. Her eyes are blue. She normally wears plain sweatshirts and dark jeans, along with hiking boots or sneakers.

History: Although she was never the stupid one out of her friends, Alison’s approach to most things was more simple that what most people liked to go with. Specifically, she’d always take the most direct approach, regardless of what stood in the way of it. She never shirked from a challenge, either, displaying a great deal of confidence in nearly all situations, even ones that most people would just leave alone. No matter what she did, she always believed that she could make a situation work, and accordingly met with a great deal of success.

It was for this reason that the cave-in was such a problem for her. Despite the facade she kept up during it, trying to act as confident as she could so others wouldn’t despair, the inability to do anything was a massive blow to her mindset. It had been easy up until then to believe that she was invincible, that she could do anything, because nothing immovable had stood in her way. That changed when the world decided that she would be helpless that day, and it shook her to the core.

Perhaps it was because of this that the echoing screams refused to leave her. She wondered, for a long time, whose screams she was actually hearing: the actual ones or those of her own helplessness. It was by no means unmanageable, but no matter what she did they still kept her awake for many nights.

Her attempts to drown this out took the form of physical training, specifically martial arts. Although by no means a masterful practitioner, the amount of time sunk into it and her own motivation and natural aptitude meant she was at least somewhat skilled.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

14-Nov-2018 23:29:54



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
School didn’t help, even moving away to go to college, although she never really showed how much that part of her past haunted her. Personal relations weren’t really a problem either. The aura of confidence that she exuded meant people naturally gravitated towards her, and the fact that she wasn’t an aloof individual meant that many of those people became her friends.

Returning to her hometown was one of the more difficult decisions she had made, but in the end she wanted to return for one reason. Seeing the people didn’t matter, and her parents had long since moved away as well. She didn’t care about the sights, and had no nostalgia about her time there anymore. No, she wanted to return so that, just maybe, she could find the source of the screams and silence them forever.

Other: She is allergic to cats.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

14-Nov-2018 23:30:49

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It was early afternoon when the cab pulled up on the corner of Nora and Rhode Street, a dark haired young man climbing out and handing some crumpled bills to the driver - little more than a murmured thanks being exchanged between the two. He had barely pulled his hand away before the car was off again, probably eager to start the journey back to proper civilization.

He watched the cab disappear around the bend before taking an idle look at his surroundings, the relatively empty streets of Millstone alongside the numerous closed up stores indicating the steady decline of the town. All in all, there was not much to see from the intersection where the young man had been delivered to - save one standout sight that had made him decide to pull over here in the first place: the flickering neon lighting above the entrance of a small diner just across the street, 'JesiJacks'.

Seeing the diner still open brought a genuine smile to the man's face. It was owned by this real sweet older couple, Jesi and Jack Baxter, who made probably the best apple pie in the tri-state area. The rest of the menu wasn't bad, but that pie was what kept everyone coming back - that and the infectious cheer of the owners. Having been cooped up in the cab for a couple of hours (the roads were ill-maintained and travel out and into town could be slow for anyone who didn't know them well) he was getting pretty hungry.

Hefting his large rucksack he made his way across and pushed open the door, the little jingle of the bell still sounding as he remembered it. The looks and style of the interior were nothing special, for all intents and purposes coming across as a standard old fashioned diner - like something out of a movie. The comfortable looking booths were set along the large windows, stools were set up around the counter, a windowspace showed part of the kitchen where a young man looked to be working at the stoves - there was even a jukebox in the corner.

There didn't appear to be a lot of patrons
I am Inferi.

15-Nov-2018 03:20:53

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
at the moment, a couple of people were seated at the counter and one booth was taken by a man with a book about two rows in. Behind the counter a sprightly old lady chatted with one patron as she refilled his coffee, her pace unaffected by her age - which at this point must have been in the seventies. She glanced up as the bell jingled, waving at the young man with a smile.

" I'll be right with you, hun'! " She called over, resuming her conversation with no indication that she was in a hurry to end it. That was fine, he needed to reorient himself anyway. Making his way through he slid his rucksack off and slid it into a booth a couple rows from the back, pushing it to the wall as he slipped in beside it - facing away from the door. Aside from Jesi nobody seemed to pay him much mind, save a brief glance of curiosity from the man with the book before he went back to his own business.
I am Inferi.

15-Nov-2018 03:20:56

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