Look, I'm with the 'nerds' this story is NOT FUNNY AT ALL! It is also inappropriate. Also, if you have a problem with perfect grammar, I can picture you wasting your life on RuneScape when you're like 30, and have no real job. I never finished reading the story, but the part that I did read was inappropriate for a 10-year-old to be writing. I rate it 0/10. You say you have mostly good ratings, but I read many low ratings as well. Your plot is also very bad, as you jump from one place to another without any real storyline. You also have NO RIGHT to say people cannot post, as it is a forum, and that is what you do on forums. This is not SPAM as you asked for ratings, and I am giving you one. I will leave this post as my last, unless you have a problem with the ratings that you ASKED FOR, and you got, mine just happens to be thorough and explains why I gave you the rating. I am not an English teacher or a nerd, I am just an average 8th grader who doesn't waste her entire life on the RuneScape forums as you clearly do.
02-Sep-2006 18:03:22