Suddenly, some of the explosion from the supernova created a very hot core, which then created the huge outer layer of a new star. This did not happen overnight though. It took many years for all this to happen. We gods don’t sleep or eat, unless we want to, so I watched every minute of it.
After a few years, the new sun was burning bright. Now this wasn’t a fire, but it was fueled by a gas, hydrogen.
The sun then did something which amazed me. The debris around molded together, and created either planets, or cores of planets. For those cores, gas was then formed around them to create huge planets.
I finally saw why Jupo would be so happy about this. Merci too Mercury, Veni took Venus, God took Earth, Mao took Mars, Jupo took Jupiter, Satie took Saturn, Ulan took Uranus, Nepi took Neptune, and Plue took Pluto. Now they named these planets based on their names, which I thought was a good idea. I was left without a planet though, which lowered my mood dramatically.
I decided to search throughout the huge solar system, in search of anything I can call a planet, and make it my own. After passing Earth, and being halfway to Mars, I was thinking of giving up and just letting myself die, which we can do by will, and then fade forever, until I saw a flat rock which was about two-hundred miles across. I was wondering why this planet, as I thought it was, was flat and the others were spherical. I decided to investigate this weird planet.
It was empty! This was a shock to me when I went over there. I wanted a planet just like every other god and I felt that I deserved one as well. Being a nature god, over a period of years, I grew plants, trees, mountain, and everything else to make it look like Earth, in my opinion, the most beautiful planet out there.
19-Sep-2007 22:45:14