prince vern we get bandos should come into the picture, but quite frankly Mbts/ct might or might not want to. Plus if Mbts/ct put in every god there would be alot of trouble. There are quite a few gods mbts/ct could put in. Armydal, Bandos, Marimbo, Tumeken, Elidnis, Icthlarin, Amascut A.K.A. "The Devourer", Scabaras, Het, Crondis, and Apmeken and there's probably alot more. IT would be VERY HARD to have all of those gods.
•ï¡÷¡ï•ï¡÷¡ï• Mëgå2525 •ï¡÷¡ï•ï¡÷¡ï•
•!¦[•!¦[• Zãmøråk'š †rüë §ôn ÂÞø¢ål¥Þ†‡¢ LègïøÑ •]¦!• ]¦!•
P.S. Yes I enjoy the history of runescape so I had to study all of these gods... very hard... when some of them are only spoken of once...
03-Dec-2007 22:10:07