checking back in after a few months. very nice accomplishing the red masks ^^;;. oh and if any1 here wants to make dubble nats come abyssing on world 158 i assist there regularly ^^;
Hey I know you can do it
That makes me and you going for hard goals I am for 99 slayer even though yours is a wee bit harder >****; good luck man you can do it
it will be worth
check out my thread if ya like
Firstly let me say to you that you A R E crazy...
I respect that...
I like that in fact...
Wow that's insane... L0V3 it great idea, you will be amazingly rich, i'd consider some sets of 3rd age too just one of each, i mean with 200m rc exp you wont know what to do with all the money so i think that you should go for it...
SUpport, hey check my thread...
***---road to 99 strength---**
:-p peace :-p