this is an epic fail,like cweldon,me and jbillet have been saying,dont waste your time doing this,go get a girlfriend,find some friends(who are not on runescape)
play outside,maaybe play a few sports,and play this game just to relax..alright??? cuz right now,at ** ******,ud be one of the kids the girls have to go out with because of a dare or a joke.lolololol
24-May-2008 06:53:09
- Last edited on
24-May-2008 06:53:16
Bump for Cold Steele
I am also earning money to get a Party hat!
Probably the red or white one, don't know yet.
And I am 91 runecrafting almost 92.
But again! good luck!
P.S I'll join your CC soon!
Hey cold... idk if I should get 1 santa or 1 green or red or blue mask.. I want cheaper.. Which one is cheaper. Santa or green mask or blue mask or red mask? :l
Good Luck. I support U !
This might take some time but never give up. U'll get it sooner than u think.
And what about being the #1 Runecrafter ?
All that matters is pride and honour.
Just keep Going Going Going !