Congratulations to everyone on all recent achievements, keep them coming
Welcome to all of the new members
Hope you're alright Accie
I'm sure you will make/ have made a speedy recovery
ALl the best in 2011 everyone
Hey all
Just thought I'd share my goals with everyone. I'm currently working on getting a "anti-poison totem" from dungeoneering, but I need 44k tokens. I've just past 22k tokens and I'm 61 dungeoneering, so I'm slowly getting there.
After I get the totem, I plan to finish thieving at pyramid plunder. I'm currently level 91 thieving, shouldn't take too long to get to 99 once I get the totem.
Good luck to everyone. My neck and back still hurt alot, but trying to take it easy so it heals...hard to do though.
Username: Rocketeerrr
Your current goal: 99 Strength
If you have a combo goal, which goal are you achieving first?:N/A
Are you currently on our Surfers list?: No
If not, do you currently wish to be added?: Yes
Are you a new Achievers United clan chat user?: Yes
Thread Quickfind Code: None
I joined this achievers group many months ago, as you can see on the list (by the way could you update my name it's not censored anymore
); however, I haven't really been very active in it and I should have been a lot more.
From now on, I'll be making this my main clan chat and I will enjoy sharing mine and other player's achievements. Hope I can make plenty of new friends!
Moving into a new clan chat for the first time is always a bit scary as everyone seems to know everyone else and you feel kind of left out, but that feeling goes after a few weeks as you get to know the players within.
I look forward to meeting some of you guys!
Happy achievin'.
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