I'm sorry for the late response, but I'll try to answer everything clearly on what I plant.
First things first - Herbs & Marigolds.
I plant low herbs and seeds, I know. I plant Ranarrs and use them on Herblore.... I just buy the snape grass because they aren't that much. Marigolds because the seed is very cheap. (only 2-3gp), but the flower is about 4-5k, which is profit! Basically, do a herb run every time you get the chance.
Secondly - Willow trees!
Why willow trees?!!! Simple, once you check the tree health, come back in 30mins or so and use your magic secateurs on the tree to get 6 willow branches, last time I checked these were 700gp each.
A willow tree takes about 3hrs to grow, so pretty much check those when you can. You can get the payments (1 basket of apples) from the Culinaromancer's chest. The chest sells 50 of them for about 23gp each, so much better than the ge price!
1 basket takes 5 apples, so you should get plenty of apples.
Also if you want a little extra cash in your pocket, grab the 300 chocolate bars in the chest also. They sell far more in the ge price and it's a free 100k.
Now on to the bushes/mushroom/cactus - I plant poison ivy berries because they are cheap and give almost 1k xp each. Plus, they don't require supercompost to grow. They take 3 hours, and there are 4 patches.
Mushroom/cactus... The patch is by canfis, right by the fairy ring there, and it gives about 200 something exp once you pick the mushroom. You get 6 I think, but the bad thing is, they hardly ever sell in the ge and you'll only need 1 seed to plant, same thing goes toward the cactus. Cactus takes 8hrs to grow and gives you 3 spines, which sell pretty good on the ge.
You don't need supercompost for the mushroom or cactus, but I'd recommend it because they tend to die more often without it sometimes. Checking the cactus gives you I think 400exp, can't remember off the top of my head.
Lastly, the mighty Calquat!
I'm sure you know about the..
.... Calquat tree as many Farmers do.
It takes 24hrs to grow, but gives you a whomping 13k exp! Plus, if you still have those poison ivy berries I was telling you about you can hand them to the payer and it only requires 8. The fruit don't selll in the ge, but I still keep them for the heck of it.
Phew! I know that's a lot to plant, but overalll it's great money and farming exp.
The reason why my farming exp is so high is because of I got the cape last year in January, so a lot of time is what got me to that much exp.
Sorry for the 2 page response.
I'm sure that sums it up though which is what I wanted to tell you Neaty's secrets and hints.
Hiya =)
Looks like an awesome thread, and I see you already have some hard 99s ticked off
Good luck, i'm sure you'll get there - i'll be sure to check back on your progress