Thanks Neat!
started gaining some levels/xp!
Got 81 div and did some dungeoneering with friends!
I have decided to get div and rc to 85, the first of which will be div. After that, I will work on getting a few skills to 90, taking a break to get str, range, and magic as close to 99 as possible. I want to get a bunch of 99's all together on one day, and right now the 99's I want to achieve will be:
Strength, Defense, Range, Magic, Fletching, and possibly dungeoneering. I may want to get 99 just to be able to continue training the skill. Also, I have a longer-term 99 goal of summoning and smithing, and am collecting the charms needed after I FINALLY get the charming imp!
That's all for the update, hopefully hit 82/83 div tomorrow
Hard clues
- Barrows dye 51, 3a platelegs 55th
Elite clues
- Sack of Effigies 115th
3a robe from Oyster