This afternoon, I advanced the Hero Pass to level 36 while chopping yew trees west of Lumbridge Market.
I received another 100 Underworld Emblems. I now possess 500 of these emblems.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
This afternoon, I won three medium prismatic lamps from the Tinkerer's Trail TH promo. I also had three large prismatic lamps in my pack, which I earned yesterday.
I rubbed medium lamp #1 to gain Dungeoneering XP.
I rubbed large lamp #1 to reach 87 Attack.
I rubbed large lamp #2 to reach 87 Defence.
I rubbed large lamp #3 to reach 87 Strength and combat level 111.
I rubbed medium lamps #2 & 3 to reach 87 Constitution.
Later, I advanced the Hero Pass to level 37 after burying enough bones within the Chaos Altar chamber to complete Daily Hero Points missions I, II, and III.
I received another 100 Underworld Emblems. I now possess 600 of these emblems.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
This morning, I advanced the Hero Pass to level 38. I was "supposed" to train Construction to accumulate today's Daily Hero Points. Obviously, this was a non-starter for me, so instead I trained several viable skills, including Thieving, Smithing, and Woodcutting.
I received nothing.
Today also saw the return of Daily Challenges. To celebrate their return, I was given a Dungeoneering wildcard, 200 oddments, 25 tight springs, and 2 challenge tokens. I used a token to skip a Dungeoneering task. Then I completed Fishing and Fletching challenges by catching 14 crayfish behind the Lumbridge church, and by carving and stringing 6 yew shieldbows. I claimed another challenge token as my reward.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
Tonight, I completed Daily Challenges in Fishing, Cooking, and Crafting.
After I had chopped a yew log, I caught 14 crayfish behind the Lumbridge church. Next, I lit the yew log and cooked 10 of these crayfish over the fire. Then I crafted 5 gold amulets at the Lumbridge furnace.
I redeemed these challenges to reach 85 Crafting.
I advanced the Hero Pass to level 40 while thieving bread and cakes from a bakery stall in Lumbridge Market. I went on to advance the Hero Pass to level 42 after I finished earning the 600 Hero Points required to complete the Weekly Hero Points mission, which awarded me another 2,000 points. I accomplished this through more thieving, and by chopping more yew logs west of Lumbridge Market.
At level 39, I received a Hero Satchel containing 2 tiny protean packs, a small Menaphite gift offering, and 75,786 shattered anima.
At level 40, I received nothing.
At level 41, I received the Corrupted Snipe cosmetic ability override.
At level 42, I received 100 Underworld Emblems. I now possess 700 of these emblems.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
This morning, I advanced the Hero Pass to level 44 after training Smithing, then chopping some yew logs in Lumbridge.
I received the Anointed Slayer Halberd cosmetic weapon override.
This afternoon, I teleported to Falador and entered the Mining Guild, where I mined 120 runite ores and 120 coal. Then I gathered 120 luminite within the Dwarven Mine. Shortly after I began mining my last inventory of 20 runite ores, I reached 87 Mining. This earned me 5% better critical swings.
While mining, I found a total of 44 geodes containing 25 spirit shards and 19 uncut gems - 2 sapphires, an emerald, 9 opals, 6 jade, and a red topaz. I successfully cut all of these gems, except for one of the opals.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
This morning, I advanced the Hero Pass to level 45 while training Woodcutting, Firemaking, and Prayer. I received nothing.
Then I mined 60 coal at the barbarian village. This completed the general mission to mine 800 ores. I was awarded 2,000 Hero Points, which advanced the Hero Pass to level 47.
At level 46, I unlocked the Hero Blue variant of 'the Spirit Caller' title. I previously unlocked the Hero Grey variant of this title at level 16.
At level 47, I received nothing.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
This afternoon, I completed Daily Challenges in Woodcutting, Fletching, and Cooking.
I chopped 20 yew logs west of Lumbridge Market, then fashioned these logs into 700 headless arrows. I went on to complete the daily Hero Points missions by cooking 40 crayfish and 60 protean sharks.
I redeemed these challenges to reach 81 Cooking.
I advanced the Hero Pass to level 48. I received nothing.
Tonight, I completed daily Hero Points mission I by completing Daily Challenges in Firemaking, Smithing, and Mining.
I burned 10 protean logs in a bonfire and smithed 150 rune arrowheads in Lumbridge. Then I mined 20 adamantite ores at the southeast Varrock mine. I found two geodes containing an uncut opal and an uncut jade. I successfully cut both gems. I claimed these Hero Points to advance the Hero Pass to level 49.
I received a Hero Satchel containing 2 tiny protean packs, a small Menaphite gift offering, and 71,691 shattered anima.
I also completed the basic mission to earn 600 Hero Points this week. I was awarded 2,000 Hero Points, which advanced the Hero Pass to level 51.
At level 50, I unlocked the Ossified Guardian Outfit cosmetic overrides.
At level 51, I received nothing.
I then advanced the Hero Pass to level 52 after catching four full inventories of crayfish behind the Lumbridge church. Again, I received nothing.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!