My thread is 7 ½ years old and I am still not maxed.
Back in those days a whole page was pretty sufficient space for most goals. It is becoming harder everyday for me to pick and choose what goals and progress I display. Things have been condensed, changed and I have even eliminated one post of supporters a few months ago to make room for my Skill tracking and now I have decided to eliminate the supporter posts all together and just leave the count. My supporters are a big deal for me so it is difficult. I expect to change it by the end of the month once I figure out what should replace it.
It has been a great many years and I hope to continue for another 7 ½ years.
EDIT: I am also trying to think of a new catchy thread title. As I no longer go solely on a single skill anymore its about time.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment
15-May-2014 23:26:03
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15-May-2014 23:27:47
Hey everyone. For the last four days I have been gone thanks to a massive fire aboard Camp Pendleton burning around 22,000 Acres. I have been Evacuated from my Barracks and still can't return for around two weeks. I am now in this temp Barracks with this temp internet. Hopefully I can play again.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment
In an unexpected turn of events I used the Aura/Dragon rider combo today to go from 95 to 99 Prayer today. I sacrificed all my frost bones and about 20M gold coins. Down to my final 15M now. Looks like its time to make some more cash.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment
I know I have been not making much progress but I have been playing some Borderlands and Titanfall.
Anyways I also calculated my costs. 27M for Construction and 50M for crafting. I will probably power them out shortly.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment
As you have seen I am making some good progress. lately. I just might max in September after all.
To keep you all informed I am going for 97 in skills to make the final push easy.
EDIT: To speed up Agility I am most likely going to buy 500 to 1,000 Silverhawk feathers. Depends on my raffle luck.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment
02-Sep-2014 13:31:08
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02-Sep-2014 16:28:39