I am trying Kyle but The Marine Corp just wants to keep me busy.
As for Field ops Simbaha. They are periods of time usually a minimum of two weeks where the whole Company, Battalion, or even Division go to the middle of nowhere to train as a whole in their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). This training ensures every Marine knows their MOS and is a fighting force ready to deploy to places such as Afghanistan. This Particular Field Op is 3.5 weeks long but as a company we have many small exercises to insure we are ready when the Division Field op begins. These Exercises go for months and decrease my free time a lot due to longer work hours.
I hope I answered your question but if you have anymore feel free to PM me.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment
Just a heads up I am 19,000 exp from 99 Slayer. So I am catching up on the one quest as well as the memories and 95+ Skills while I wait for April 9th.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment
Achieved 99 Slayer today thanks to the completion of Fate of the Gods. I obtained Slayer early because its an awesome quest AND I found out I will be in the field from Apr 7th to 11th.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment
Killing Frost Dragons started to get repetitive so I have been doing other RuneScape things and Civ V. I have gotten out of this 3 week field op though so hopefully I can max melee on Frost Dragons before the end of the month.
Semper Fidelis
Honor, Courage & Commitment