Misleading title is misleading xD
Thought you meant 10 hp with 99 slayer as in you were going for the usual 99 slayer at level 3 combat with 10 hp
But then I read the thread and now I realize how epic your account is. 99 in every combat related skill (I'm including your prayer, herb, and summ) with 10 hp. Can you say insanely epic much? Good luck with this goal and yea hopefully you can manage to get your slayer done before combat rework. Idk if it'll still be possible to do this when combat rework is released so good luck!
Also, decided to do a little highscore check and with the way your skills are looking, are you considering going for level 99 in every skill except constitution? That would be a nice long-term goal for you to have after you're done with slayer.