Could you make the level up messages show a bit more, like in the 89 slay pic, so that we could see your secret training methods, too? Cheers!
Cheerio! I didn't really want to make all of the level-up images that big, due to the smaller ones fitting the forum scale better, and because for the combat level-ups I tend to visit a certain controlled area to get them, so they wouldn't really be anything interesting (getting them elsewhere runs the risk of missing out the level-up message, because getting hit and receiving a drop cancels it).
But I suppose I could work something out by the time I post the second special (as in, changing it to be different thereafter). > )
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
Gz on 99 mage and cool story with mini jad & healer about you and defence! Fight caves in Old School is much more difficult than RS3!
And now against the wind again, I see!
Cheerio! I think both games have it fairly easy on the waves before the final challenge, RS3 with everything being weak to magic and OSRS with blowpiping, but the biggest difference is the Jad fight itself; it's harder to tag the healers on OSRS, and they're more dangerous. I also wish I could keybind the protection prayers like in RS3, since it's more reliable than clicking. > )
Oh and...
Against the Wind has great artwork IMO, but it's one of the worst Blackwing-themed cards in terms of usefulness. There's a more generic spell card that does the same thing, but better and without being restricted to Blackwings only.
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."