I do, I do. Gives me something to read and do while on forums.
Glad to hear.
True Trim updates:
Buyers and Cellars - all capers, thief xp, vial of stench (a)
(added thief xp, and vial of stench (a))
Fate of the Gods - xp lamps, cosmetics, title, 6th age tele, Shadow Realm, Elder chronicles
(added cosmetics and title)
Monkey Madness - combat xp, return talisman to monkey child
(removed thief xp for returning monkey due to being repeatable, added combat xp (which is actually an after quest reward) and also making sure the monkey child is supplied with his toy again)
Hidden Activities
Medium clue scroll from monkey in Ardougne Zoo
(changed from Ape Atoll medium clue scroll)
Completed True Trim activities:
The Brink of Extinction - locate TzHaar-Ga'al-Kot and translate the final bookcase
Buyers and Cellars - all capers, thief xp, vial of stench (a)
Fate of the Gods - xp lamps, cosmetics, title, 6th age tele, Shadow Realm, Elder chronicles
Love Story - xp for Mabel's ring, reward for saving Draynor guard, Trollheim teletabs
Summer's End - Spirit realm portals, unlock rogue shop
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio - xp, Tribal statue altar, Marinated jogre bones
Zogre Flesh Eaters - gp and unlock Uglug Nar's shop for Relicym's balm
Hidden Activities
Medium clue scroll from monkey in Ardougne Zoo
Ended up finishing the last of my quest continuation list. Locating the Ga'al-Kot was amusing, although since I'd never done Fight Cauldron before, had to do that for like an hour or so to obtain the obsidian shards.. Something I only just found out was that the spirit realm portals after Summer's End were actually updated to give slightly more xp. So if you did them a while back, you can enter them again to obtain the extra xp.