*Speak to Lord Amlodd while enlightened by a light creature familiar (of the Amlodd)
*Complete 200 laps of the Hefin Agility Course (of the Hefin)
*Create 100 Crystal flasks (of the Ithell)
*Harvest 50 Harmony moss from Harmony Pillars (of the Meilyr)
*Purchase all 8 Elven clan capes (the Elven)
*Talk to all 8 clan leaders about their clan (of Tarddiad)
*Collect all 16 Memoriam crystals, all memoriam crystals on Freneskae, and all pages of The Voice of the Elders, and complete all quests (Lorehound)
*Equip full Mourner gear and talk to Lady Ithell (the Mourner)
*Take over 10 minutes to finish the Hefin Agility Course (the Meandering)
*Equip a splitbark wand, splitbark shield, splitbark gauntlets, splitbark legs, splitbark boots, splitbark body, tribal mask, and Clan Crwys cape and cast either cure plant on Coeden (the Coedensworn)
*Equip a Larupia hat, Larupia top, Larupia legs, Hunter's crossbow, Long kebbit bolts, and a Strung rabbit foot, and have a Teasing stick in your inventory then track around the city. (the Hunter)
*Equip a black longsword and off-hand adamant longsword as a male character with a black Evanstyle hairstyle; Perform on the Serenity posts in the following order: Lotus, Bow, Ward, Crane (Sword Artist)
*Eat 50 bananas while wearing the mime outfit and a fairy banner (the Challenged)
*Pickpocket a worker from each of the clans while wearing the Clan Iorwerth cape and having a Ninja impling jar in your inventory, within 90 seconds. (Sneaky)
*Eat these 10 sweet foods while in Prifddinas: Chocolate cake, Chocolate bar, Chocchip crunchies, Chocolate bomb, Choc-ice, Cake, Summer pie, Redberry pie, Apple pie and Fruit batta (Sweet Tooth)
*Dark lord title (Currently unknown)
*2 more unknown titles
30-Nov-2014 11:14:31
- Last edited on
30-Nov-2014 11:25:19
Amo Vos