Grr I wanted that 700th post! Grats, lol. Thanks for the support!
Thanks, Serfal!
I'm almost done upgrading my port now. I have built 4 telescopes, and am close to building a jade portal. After that, I'll need some more trade goods for superior sets (14 plate, 52 lacquer, 32 chi), and I'm on 24/80 scrolls. Current port score is 2037/2205.
Got some slayer masks from the stupid SoF, when I used them up I will be quite close to 98 Slayer.
Well I just got 99 Farming! Warbands certainly sped the last two levels up, but I still got probably 80% of all my XP from herb farming.
I'll quit doing herb farming for a while, am so tired of it. May pick it up again in the future for money, but we'll see.
Speaking of Warbands, at this rate, I'll have 99 Mining in a few weeks, lol.
I've also been killing Abyssal Demons for a head, but no luck yet. Killed about 1,300 with my SoF mask, so I can get Slayer XP while trophy hunting. Speaking of which, I'm 980K XP off 99 Slayer, so that will be up next.
As for the big swordfish, I've caught 5K swordfish so far, but no luck, unfortunately.
Yesterday I got an abyssal head drop after about 1,600 kills, so happy!
Now I have all slayer head drops, so it's time for KBD and KQ head hunting. I first need to get 85 Zeal to convert the head to a pet, and might as well get another 100 Zeal for TzRek-Jad, as I'll have 99 Slayer in about one or two weeks, probably.
Thanks Scotty, but headbands?
Do you mean warbands?
Caught 6100 swordfish since I set myself to getting the big swordfish, no luck yet. Almost 97 Fishing, though.
Did a little bit of Flash Powder Factory. I still need the stupid mask and body, I should really get this over with soon, as I want to store the other parts in my costume room.
A PoP update is due, I suppose. I now have port score 2061/2205 with 32/80 scrolls. So that's 4 more scrolls to have all superior sets unlocked. After that it's rocktail soup, I suppose. Regarding making the sets, I have all body and legs now, and if my voyage today succeeds, I'll be able to smith a Tetsu helm and with that complete my set. I still need 34 lacquer for the Death lotus hood, and 4 scrolls for the Sea-singer's hood, for which I do have the chi globes. So after that it's scroll and XP voyages only.
The white partyhat. It just keeps eluding me, it's so depressing! Just when I got into flipping again and started making nice money, hats went up like crazy, and white broke max cash. Of course all this happened without me owning a hat. Anyway, I have around 1720M cash now. White is around 2180M.