Current port score is 1992, I only need to build two more upgrades, and also two totems and the jade portal. Then I'll focus on trade goods only, needing around 22 plate, 51 chi and 67 lacquer to get the full superior sets. After that it's scrolls scrolls scrolls, as well as some additional trade goods to maybe make some cash on the side.
Still no luck on the big swordfish, although I did get Fishing 96 as well as total 2400, which I'm quite proud of.
Cash-wise, I'm at 1710M now, although money has been coming in very slowly, as my old merching methods no longer work as well, and I'm scared of partyhats at the moment, with the gambling (and possibly money sink) update coming up. On the bright side, this update may cause hats to drop so much that I will be able to afford a white! (it costs 1988M at the moment of writing).
Got 98 Farming, so that might be my next 99. However, I'm progressing slowly, as since level 70, I've only been doing herbs and the occasional calquat tree. I'm using calquats again to speed things up a little bit, but still, it's no more than around 40K xp a day, so at least a month's time. In no hurry, though.
Big news: I've obtained the admiral rank in PoP!
If anyone's interested, got only a few things left to do to completely max my port:
- Build refurbished workshop
- Get two more telescope totems
- Build jade portal
- Get full tetsu (12/12 scroll pieces, 178/200)
- Get full death lotus (8/12 scroll pieces, 139/200)
- Get full sea singer (0/12 scroll pieces, 159/200)
- Find all scroll pieces (20/80)
Well, panic in the phat market yesterday. They dropped 200M but are almost back to their old price now. I didn't dare touch them, so missed out on a huge opportunity, but meh.
Have jus* read through the whole thread, just for fun. It was good to remind me of the incredible amount of support I've gotten, and the many great people I met through these forums. If any old or new supporter reads this, thanks again.