Hopefully I can make some time for those dungs, Collin, thanks!
Thank you Scotty and 581!
I have achieved 90 Slayer and Mining since my last update. This means that Thieving and Hunter, both at 86, are my only skills below 90. Pretty proud of that!
On topic, I killed the QBD and Nex with two deathtouched darts.. I've counted them as achievements for my list, even though I kind of feel I cheated.. Well, eventually I'm gonna have to kill quite a few of both anyway, to obtain the Dragonkin journals and the Nex followers book. So I'm still including them.
I completed the Festival of the Dead for all five characters.. It wasn't that great, seemed a bit rushed. Only the Duradel one was remotely interesting. Prayer XP will be useful eventually.
My biggest achievement these past days however, is that I've obtained the 1,680 Stealing Creation points I needed for 99 Smithing. Yes, I'm finally going to get another 99! Of course I will first smith away that burial armour at the Artisan's Workshop so I can finally cross that off my list. Then, I will continue with adamant plates.
Surprised you're using Stealing Creation since at current prices it's quicker to just Smith if you make a little over 1M/hour. Considering I can make that, having only reached 100M cash twice, & you have a party hat (probably several these days), it's an interesting decision. Have fun though
I dislike your title. Saying that, I dislike all titles, & generally anything hovering around those silly hats.
If you're going to kill QBD/Nex anyway then just do it. Think of the fun people would miss out on if they were given Champion Tackleboxes without actually ever playing Fish Flingers. It's the same logic as you'll probably enjoying killing those two as well. As for cheating, in Runescape what is really defined as cheating these days? One may look around & perceive the majority of what they see as cheating. Another may look around & not notice anything, because they're a bot, why would they? You can work the rest of this circle out.
Speaking of Thieving, you shouldn't stop until you get Full Black Ibis! Hunter, meh.
Enjoy reading a response longer than that of which I'm responding to. Then enjoy the weekend.
*Not sure if long enough so continued.
Is there a way to keep track of the Dungeoneering Journals? I've only occasionally picked them up & am aware I don't have many, would be handy if I knew roughly which ones I had left to get/already have got.
** Don't worry, I'll go to sleep after this one, & it's not a Forum Game, but seems like something you'd be interested in: 48-49-289-64028108
05-Oct-2012 00:07:21
- Last edited on
05-Oct-2012 00:13:55
I'm still a greedy noob.
The Stealing Creation didn't take that long, and saved me around 25M, so I'm happy with that.
I know, I just got it because I liked the quest so much, I wanted to get rid of it before, but kept forgetting it. I hate titles too!
You're absolutely right of course, and I don't agree with the darts, or the random free XP, for that matter. I will set out to kill them for real in the future, but, the Elder Kiln, for example, is higher on my list at the moment.
Don't worry, I am going for that Black Ibis.
To check your current Dungeoneering journals, simply talk to the tutor, he's near the banker at Deamonheim.
Thanks for that QFC, I'll check the guy's thread out!
Thanks guys!
Nah you still lose quite a lot of money with addy plates, but it's not as expensive as Herblore or Prayer.
I am proud to say I've unlocked all Artisan's Workshop rewards, and on top of that I made two of every rune ceremonial swords (i through v), which cost a lot and was frustrating, but I felt it counted for my list, hehe. Going to get 99 Smithing very soon!
Thanks Runar!
Aw I don't remember seeing you. Give me a shout when you see me next time.
Nothing much to report. I'm getting close to 98 Smithing and 96 Summoning. Also checked out the graphically reworked dungeons; I'm especially impressed by the Chaos Tunnels, they did a fantastic job on those. Went to the KBD, but it was not possible to get in a kill. There is a new lore drop though, and I'll have to add that to my list.